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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Circumcision can prevent HIV

Good news for men who have been circumcised. Experts agree circumcision proved effective in suppressing HIV transmission. If carried out worldwide, two million new HIV infections could be prevented.

"Two recent research actually stopped early, because it shows the high effectiveness of circumcision compared with the control group who refused circumcision," explained the researcher from the University of Illinois, United States, Richard Bailey, the International AIDS Society Conference in Sydney, Australia.

This conclusion comes after three studies conducted in Africa. All the studies prove the effectiveness of circumcision to prevent HIV transmission. Circumcision can
reduce the risk of HIV transmission by up to 60%.

If circumcision is performed around the world, then it could prevent 2 million new HIV infections and three hundred thousand deaths in sub-Saharan Africa over 10 years.

Bailey at the conference are also invited leaders of developing countries to promote circumcision to male citizens. But he realized that it was not easy, because circumcision is not just a simple medical practice. Circumcision has been synonymous with culture, religion and belief.

"For it is not easy for the health minister or a politician to spread the need for circumcision in countries that do not have that tradition," said Bailey.

But if the campaign is the importance of circumcision are not starting from now, will be more dangerous for the long term, as more and more to be infected with HIV.

"The timing is right now,"

How to Give Her the Most Spectacular Foot Massage Ever

Considering that a massage from our expert, massage therapist Trista Thorp of the Golden Door Spa in California, takes over an hour, there was no way we could capture all of her techniques in the magazine. We can't do it here, either, but at least we can offer you a few more.
  1. Make her a Thai footbath. Slice up half a lime and put it in a bowl of warm water. Rest her feet in the water while you rub the bottoms of them with the other half of the lime, using it as a scrubber. The acid helps extract toxins, and the warm water will soften her feet and help her relax.
  2. Take a hand towel and soak it in the footbath. Hold the towel above her knee, and, without letting it touch her leg, let the water drip down her calf and foot. Pat dry after one of you gets bored.
  3. Gently holding her feet, rotate her ankles clockwise and then counterclockwise. Rotate each toe the same way, pulling gently on each.
  4. After applying lotion, take one foot in both hands and walk your thumbs back and forth over the soles of her feet. Push deep with your thumbs, working the pressure points.
  5. Directly beneath the ball of her foot, move your thumbs in semicircles, working back and forth horizontally.
  6. Starting with your thumbs on opposite sides of her sole, slide them toward each other and to the opposite side of her foot. Move slightly down and bring them back. Continue until you reach her heel.
  7. Interlace your fingers, resting them on the top of her foot with your thumbs on her sole. Slide your hands up and down over the whole foot, applying pressure with your thumbs.
  8. Place your fingertips in the channels between each metatarsal (those are the long bones on the top of the foot), gently sliding all four fingers up and down between them
     9.Starting at the outside of her ankle, find where the muscle meets the bone. Glide your thumb  along this line all the way up her shin, applying slight pressure. 
WebMD Feature from "Esquire" Magazine by Trista Thorp

Friday, August 27, 2010

Black Rice as Antioxidant

Black rice have a lot of health benefit .With black rice known to prevent and heal various diseases. Black rice can only found in Asia, and have not undergone milling process many times as you would on an ordinary white rice. Formerly at the time of ancient China, black rice is limited at court. Research in China, black rice had higher levels of vitamins, mikroelemen, and amino acids that are higher than all the rice that we normally encounter. The black color indicates that rice has a high pigment. This pigment contains aleurone and anthocyanin endospermia that can produce useful as an anticarcinogenic substances, increased thrombocyte levels and has a high antioxidant. These pigments are also rich flavonoid substances which can prevent hardening of arteries. Substance content of flavonoids contained in the black rice five times higher than for the flavonoid substances contained in an ordinary white rice. Black rice are high in fiber. Ayang and black rice consumption will feel full longer. Rice is believed to have various benefits, including: Increasing resistance of the body. Repair damaged liver cells dalamkasus hepatitis and cirrhosis (hardening of the liver). Preventing renal function. Preventing cancer and tumors. Natural antiaging. As an antioxidant. Cleaning the cholesterol in the blood. Prevent anemia. Preventing dengue fever that can lead to the decrease in blood thrombocyte.

Office Workers and Back Pain

Back pain is one of the complaints that attacks many people, both men and women. This complaint, especially experienced most office workers. Office workers are vulnerable to this disease.

Back pain becomes the main complaint 20s to the 40s. Back pain affects 26 bones connected by muscles, ligaments, and discs that contained in the spine. In general, back pain consists of three types, including postural syndrome, derangement syndrome, and dysfunction syndrome.

"Now, as much as 75-80 percent of patients complained back pain caused by incorrect posture. Changes in work, sedentary lifestyle, many hours sitting in an office, and lack of exercise are the main reasons for this complaint. While 80-90 percent of the related also with excessive activity on the back, "said Dr. Kaushal Malhan of Joint Replacement Surgeon, as quoted by the Times of India.

In addition, the weakening of the muscle group consisting of Transverse Abdominus (TA) and Multifidus, reducing the stability of the spine.

"TA is the deepest layer of abdominal muscles and take by force the maximum weight of the spine. When you strengthen your core group, then back pain can be reduced," says Dr. Crystal, physiotherapist.

Fortunately, this complaint has a solution. Most doctors agree that back pain can be cured with a few simple exercises and precautions, along with several other clinical guidelines; walk, hip rolls, and stretching will help a lot. Also pilates and yoga, which became a favorite artist Madonna and Melanie Griffith to strengthen abdominal muscles and spine.

"This (pilates) to help you connect with the muscles near the spine," said Madhuri Ruia, a health professional.

The benefits of good food can not be ignored. Likewise in the case of treating back pain.

"Calcium and magnesium are important minerals in strengthening bones, as in fish, sesame, pumpkin, and sesame seeds. Drink plenty of water and apply a balanced diet proven to prevent back pain," he added.

Naini Setalvad nutritionists recommend vitamin D3, vitamin C, calcium, and phosphate to strengthen the spine. "Sesame, dried figs, beets, plums and good for the spine," he said. (Yulianti Fitri - Okezone)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gains and losses on the use of salt

The experts reveal common misconceptions associated with salt. Do not eat at all harm the body. In the limit of a moderate, fixed salt your body needs.

How much salt intake if you say too much? Are you among those who liked the taste of salt? Or if you are the categories that hard refused to add salt at all by reason of a diet?

Too much intake of salt and did not mengasup, both are equally dangerous. According to consultant Vijay Surase Interventional Cardiologist, salt is considered by many as an important part of the diet. On the other hand, awareness about the dangers of excessive salt consumption has increased, as evidenced by a row of shelves in a supermarket filled with food product contains little salt or unsalted. The next question, how important is the salt for the body?

"Salt in general, consist mainly of sodium (sodium) and chlorine. Sodium chloride is very important to maintain osmotic balance and other functions. It is true that salt can be dangerous to some people and it is also true that sodium chloride can be obtained from other foods," explains Dr. Surase, as quoted from the Times of India.

However, he added, research shows that approximately 80 percent of the human population really will benefit from the consumption of natural sea salt, with the texture is less refined than table salt and does not contain additional compounds such as aluminum.

"Unless you are told specifically by your doctor to limit or stop the intake of salt, then it should be obeyed because it can lead to complaints, such as drowsiness, depression, seizures, even coma," he said.

Dr Surase added, hypertensive patients should not be afraid to consume salt. Normal amounts of salt intake is not a problem, but not to excessive levels of your diet, like eating fries, snack pack, and so forth.

Interventional Cardiologist Dr Shantanu Deshpande says that salt is very important to maintain homeostasis (a stable environmental conditions) in our body.

"Needs salt normally only 500 mg per day, but most people eat it up beyond the limit. Usually, excessive salt consumption was issued through the urine. But at nearly 50 percent of individuals, the kidneys can not handle excess sodium in the salt," he said.

Dr Deshpande says, the excess salt water than in the bloodstream will increase the volume and blood pressure, also resulted in hypertrophy (cell enlargement) of heart muscle and blood vessels that lead to increased blood pressure permanently. Those effects, he added, many occur in the elderly and people with diabetes.

In the end, said Dr Deshpande, reduce salt intake in the diet can reduce your blood pressure. Low intake of approximately 5 g of salt per day is recommended for patients with high blood pressure should avoid foods such as cheese, processed foods, and junk food.

Senior Interventional Cardiologist Dr Rajiv Bhagwat explained the importance of salt intake for blood pressure regulation.

"Reducing salt intake is one of lifestyle modification of the most important and effective to reduce blood pressure. Decrease in mean blood pressure of 2 mm decrease in the incidence of stroke by 10 percent and 7 percent reduction in deaths from coronary heart disease," he said.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, he said, the reduction of salt also reduces hypertrophy, reduce loss of protein in urine, to reduce osteoporosis and bone mineral loss with age, to protect the body from the dangers of gastric cancer, asthma, and cataracts. ( Fitri Yulianti – okezone )


A. Natural Disasters
Natural disasters are disasters caused by natural phenomena. Natural phenomenon is actually a very natural phenomenon and usually occurs in the earth. However, only when the natural phenomenon hit man (soul) and all aquaculture products (property, possessions and objects), we can only call it a disaster.
Classification based on the causes of natural disasters is divided into three types, namely:
1. Geological natural disasters
These natural disasters caused by forces originating from within the earth (endogenous force). Included in geological disasters are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis.
2. Natural disaster climatological
Climatological natural disasters are natural disasters caused by wind and rain factors. Examples of climatological disasters are flooding, storm, flood, tornado, drought, and natural forest fires (not by man).
Ground movement (landslides) as well as natural disasters, although the main trigger of climatological factors (rain), but the symptoms initially started from the geological conditions (type and characteristics of soil and rocks and so forth).
3. Extra-terrestrial natural disasters
Extra-Terrestrial Natural disasters are natural disasters that occur in space, eg blow / meteor impact. When hit from the heavenly bodies about the earth's surface will cause tremendous natural disasters for the inhabitants of the earth.
Natural phenomenon that can lead to natural disasters basically have common characteristics, namely the early symptoms, the main symptom, and the symptoms end. Thus, if we can determine accurately the first signs of a natural disaster, most likely we can reduce the effect caused.
B. Anticipation of Natural Disasters
1. Volcanic eruptions
Volcanic eruption occurs because the symptoms of volcanism. ie events associated with rising magma from deep within the earth.
Before the volcano erupted, usually there are signs as follows:
Rising temperatures around the crater •
• many water sources dry up
• often feel the earthquakes (volcanic)
• animals that exist on the mountain are many who move down the slope because it was hot
• often heard a roar from the gunun

If there are signs of a volcano will erupt, there is some anticipation (effort) to reduce the danger of the disaster, among others:
• make the water tunnels at crater (crater) that berdanau. For example: tunnels at Mount Kelud.
• disseminate information and provide early warning of the monitoring results of the observation posts of the volcano.
• evacuate residents who live on the slopes of the volcano would erupt.
2. Earthquake
An earthquake is a release of energy in the form of a wave of symptoms that spread to the surface of the earth's crust caused by disturbances in the earth, (broken, collapsed, or destroyed).
Earthquakes are natural disasters that often hit parts of Indonesia, about 400 times a year. This happens because Indonesia is passed by two plates (belt) earthquake, namely the Mediterranean plate (Alps-Himalayas) and the Pacific Plate.
Until now, humans have not been able to predict when an earthquake will occur. The size of the catastrophe that occurs is dependent on the strength (magnitude) earthquake itself and the condition of areas affected by the quake. Earthquakes measuring device called a seismograph, which is expressed in the Richter scale.
Anticipation that must be done to society is what and how to deal with earthquakes, during and after the earthquake struck. Some advice in dealing with earthquake event are as follows:
Before an earthquake
• Knowing accurately the streets in and out in an emergency wherever we are. Remember the earthquake can happen at any time.
• Put heavy items in place a stable and independent.
• Turn off the lights soon, stove oil or gas and electricity in order to avoid a fire hazard.
When an earthquake occurred
• If you were in the room: be quiet for a moment, do not panic and flee out of the building. Immediately seek shelter under a desk or near the door. Stay away from places that may cause injuries such as glass, gas pipes or hanging objects that may fall upon.
• If you are outside the house: stay or look for a site free from buildings, trees or walls. Do not enter the building despite the tremor has stopped because it is not impossible that the building collapse can still occur.
• If you are in a crowd: do not participate jostling to find a way out, even though the people who panic have the same desire. Find a place that will not fall collapse.
• If you are in high-rise buildings: quickly seek shelter under tables and stay away from windows or exterior walls of buildings. Stay on the floor where you are when the earthquake happened, and do not use existing elevators or lifts.
• If you are driving: Stop your vehicle and stay in the car and your car pinggirkanlah. Do not stop on the bridge, or under the overpass. If the earthquake has stopped, do not fly directly across the road or bridge that stretches, before certain conditions are safe.
After the disastrous earthquake
• Equipment used footwear to avoid broken glass or material damage to the feet.
• Check if you have wounds that need immediate treatment.
• Check flow / gas pipeline that is whether there is leakage. If the smell of gas immediately try to close the source and do not ever light a fire and smoke.
• Inspect the damage that might occur in your building.
• Listen to information through television, radio, telephone which is usually broadcast by the government, if this is possible.
• Prepare to face the possibility of aftershocks. And pray in order to avoid a more serious disaster.
3. Tsunamis
Tsunamis are large waves that occur after the earthquake, sea earthquake, volcanic eruption, or meteor blows in the sea.
The tsunami can be predicted by various institutions in various parts of the world's seismology and tsunami processes can be monitored via satellite. With the implementation of early warning systems (early warning system), is expected to be able to evacuate people quickly if the disaster of the tsunami.
Some steps in anticipation of the tsunami disaster:
a. If you are on the edge of the sea or near rivers, immediately ran for dear life to a higher place. If possible, ran towards a nearby hill.
b. If the situation allows, go to the evacuation site that has been determined.
c. If the situation does not allow for action No.2, seek-rise buildings of reinforced steel (ferroconcrete building), use the emergency stairs to get to the uppermost floor (at least up to the third floor).
d. If the situation allows, disposable rain jacket and make sure your hands free and not carrying anything.
4. Storm
The storm is a disturbance on a planet's atmosphere, especially affecting its surface and show the bad weather. Storms can be characterized by a strong wind (wind storm), thunder and lightning (thunder storms), torrential outpouring eg ice (ice storm) or the wind that brings a substance through the atmosphere (such as sand storms, blizzards, etc.).
Storms can cause the collapse of buildings, sinking boats and toppled trees, electricity poles, towers and so forth.
Some kind of storm you need to know, including:
a. Tornado
Tornado is a very strong storm with wind speed of 300-500 km / h so that it can destroy objects in its path, both on land and at sea. Tornado characterized as a dark funnel cloud forming a spiral movement, depending on cumulonimbus clouds.

b. Tropical storms (tropical cyclone)
Tropical cyclones are storms that cause the circular winds could damage the area around 250 miles from its center. Tropical cyclones cause damage primarily by strong winds, storm surge and heavy rains. Storm surge is the rising sea levels along the coast as fast as the wind moved it to the beach.
The term tropical cyclone depends on the location of the incident. In the Atlantic and Pacific hurricane called, in the Western Pacific called the typhoon, in Australia called Willy. Every year appeared 80-100 tropical cyclones, tropical cyclone names commonly use the names of the girls, such as: Anna, Carol, Debbie, Inez, Fiona, Wenda and so forth.
c. Thunderstorm (thunder storm)
Thunderstorm is a thunderstorm accompanied by lightning and thunder. This is a typical occurrence in the tropical transition on the season, especially during the dry season transition entering the rainy season.
Thunderstorm (thunder storm) is an atmospheric physical phenomena that often occur in Indonesia. This phenomenon can cause loss of life due to electric shock at the time of the lightning. Symptoms of thundersorm are strong winds accompanied the heavy rain is sometimes accompanied by hail, lightning and thunder.
Natural disasters can be studied and observed storm so that if the initial symptoms can be observed with both the main symptoms can be anticipated with such questions when, where, how much and how long it can be answered. It is capable of reducing the number of victims of the disaster.
5. Flood
Heavy rains that occurred continuously resulted in the river can no longer accommodate large quantities of water. The river water would then overflow and form a puddle of water called the flood.
Because the river water can overflow into water catchment areas has been reduced. Overflow of river water can occur due to blockage in river flow.
River flow blockage caused by human actions. Disposal of garbage into the river will cause the river does not flow smoothly. Number of materials in river sediments can also inhibit the flow of rivers.
The floods caused by poor system of weather. The main meteorological factors that cause flooding is heavy rainfall, rainfall distribution and duration of rain. Another important factor is the physical properties of the soil surface. Tropical cyclones can affect weather systems in Indonesia, particularly increasing the number of clouds, rainfall, wind and ocean waves.
Causes of floods that occurred due to human activities is deforestation. Causing the barren forest land can not absorb and hold water in case of continuous rain, resulting in eroded soil flowing water that could cause landslides.
Many areas of Indonesia, the soil has poor water absorption capacity, or amount of rainfall exceeds the ability of soil to absorb water. When rain falls, which sometimes happens is a sudden flood of so-called flash floods.
To anticipate flood a lot of things to do, such as:
a. clean lines of the waste water that can clog the water flow causing flooding.
b. dredge the rivers from the sediments to increase water capacity.
c. build an alternative drainage routes (new river canals, pipe systems) so that it can prevent an excessive burden on the rivers.
d. not construct buildings on the territory (area), which became the region where water absorption.
e. not cutting trees in the forest, because the barren forest would be difficult to absorb water, so if there is continuous heavy rain water can not be absorbed directly by the soil will even grind the soil, this can also cause landslides.
f. make the retaining walls and embankments along the river, sea walls along the beaches to maintain water level so as not to get into the mainland.
6. Drought
Necessary to distinguish between the drought (drought) and dry conditions (aridity). Drought is a gap between the available water with the water needed, while ariditas (dry conditions) be interpreted as a state amount of rainfall less.
Drought (drought) may arise because of natural phenomena that occur on earth. Drought occurs due to climatic changes. Substitution of the season was the impact of climate. Change of seasons are distinguished by the amount of rainfall. Useful knowledge about the season for the farmers to determine the time of planting and harvesting of agricultural produce.
In the dry season, the river will experience drought. At the time of drought, rivers and reservoirs can not function properly. As a result the rice fields that use of rainwater irrigation systems are also experiencing drought. Dry fields can not produce crops. In addition, clean water supply is also reduced. Water needed daily to be rare in a region keberadaannya.Kekeringan is a condition that generally upsets the balance of living things.
Drought conditions can be evaluated from various aspects, including:
a. Meteorological drought (Meteorological drought)
b. Agricultural drought (agricultural drought)
c. Hydrological droughts (hydrological drought)
d. Drought socio - economic (socio - economic drought)
Some ways to anticipate the drought, including:
a. made reservoirs (dams) that serves as water supply in the dry season. In addition reservoir can prevent the occurrence of floods during the rainy season,
b. create artificial rain to areas very dry,
c. reforestation or revegetation areas already deforested land in order to more easily absorb water in the rainy season and as a backup storage of water in the dry season,
to diversify in farming for the farmers, for example, replacing rice with crops during the dry season arrives because the crops can be harvested quickly and does not need much water for growth.( Suhendra ; )

Friday, August 20, 2010

General Questions About Cancer

What is the difference with cancer and tumors?
The tumor is a lump or swelling, so any abnormal lumps in our body can be called a tumor, without distinguishing whether benign or malignant. But the layman, means the growth of tumor cells that are benign. On the other hand, means abnormal growth of cancer cells that are malignant, invasive, damaging surrounding tissue, spread and grow rapidly.

What causes the tumor or cancer?
Causes the body's cells can experience a change in the direction of malignancy is still not known with certainty. But some things that are suspected to be the cause or trigger the occurrence of cancer include genetic, substances that are carcinogenic (pollutants, chemicals, preservatives, tobacco, alcohol, asbestos, hydrocarbon substances), radiation, certain drugs (hormonal preparations ), viruses, immunological mechanisms, etc..

Are instant noodles or food containing preservatives can cause cancer?
As mentioned previously, the cause of cancer is still not known with certainty. Sometimes one factor alone is not sufficient cause cell changes toward malignancy. But there is research that suggested a link between the consumption of food containing preservative in a certain period with the occurrence of cancer.

Why does cancer always fatal?
Not always. Depending on what cancer was diagnosed early and treated. But cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage and the cancer had spread throughout the body so difficult to treat and ultimately cause death.

Why cancers suffered by women?
Not really. There are some cancers that typically suffered by women such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer. But there is also a cancer that affects only men, like prostate cancer. The incidence of cancer in men and women are equal. Based on World Cancer Report of 10 million new cancer cases, as many as 4.7 million women and 5.3 million suffered by the men suffered. In addition, the six million cancer deaths in women as many as 2.7 million and 3.5 million experienced by men.

Whether cancer could be affected in children - a son?
Can. Cancer in children is 2-3% of all cancers. Figures happened: 110-130 cases per million children per year with approximately 10% mortality rate. Cancer in children can occur from birth and can be about virtually every organ system.

Does smoking really cause cancer, why not forbidden?
Increased risk of lung cancer in those who are closely related with smoking, active smokers, passive smokers or those exposed to carcinogenic substances such as asbestos and radon. Difficult to ban smoking because they relate to social, cultural, economic and political. But the government requires companies to include warnings on cigarette packs that smoking can cause cancer. Society that decides itself whether to smoke or not.

When the husband's smoking if children - wife and kids can get cancer?
As already mentioned above, many factors that can cause cancer, and each other sometimes intertwined. The children and the wife of a relatively passive smokers and smokers have a greater risk for lung cancer than non-smokers.

Why cancer treatment is very expensive?
Least expensive drug is usually dependent on whether or not a lot of patients, types and mechanisms of drug action, and hard whether or not the drug in the can.
Did the cancer spread?
Cancer is not contagious

Is it because the descendant of cancer
Also incorrect to say every cancer is derived. But indeed if any one or both parents suffering from cancer, the chances for their offspring to more cancers than those who do not have a history of cancer in the family. But again, many other factors involved in this case such as lifestyle, carcinogens, etc..
Any examination to find out the existence of cancer
Depending on the type of cancer. Cervical cancer can be detected early through regular Pap smears examination, breast cancer through breast self examination (BSE) or mammography, lung cancer with chest X-rays, some cancer with blood tests, etc..

Whether it really became more malignant cancer cells after surgery
Level of malignancy in cancer cells such as determined from the type and speed of mitosis (cell division) of cancer cells. Malignancy of a cancer can not be altered by the action of therapy (surgery). What may happen is the recurrence (recurrent) or there is metastasis (distant spread) if the operation is not done carefully and thoroughly.

Whether cancer can be cured?
The earlier cancer is known then the sooner treated, the chance of life itself will be larger. Cancer treatment success is measured in terms of survival rate (survival rate) is usually calculated first, third, fifth, 10 th. This shows estimates for patient survival period after diagnosis of cancer.

Any treatment to cure cancer?
Cancer treatment is usually a combination of surgery, radiation (radiation), and chemotherapy. Treatment options are usually based on the type and stage of cancer.

Why does chemotherapy cause hair loss?
Chemotherapy uses drugs not only destroy malignant cells but also normal cells, especially rapidly-growing cells like hair follicles and red blood cells. Therefore, patients often become his hair fall out after receiving chemotherapy treatment. But keep in mind that it does not always occur in every individual with chemotherapy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10 How To "Strengthen" Brain

Being smart was not something that happens because it is spontaneous. In addition to genetic factors there are several methods used to increase your intelligence. If you wish, you can follow the 10 steps recommended the following alternatives:

1. Sport
Believed to increase the capacity of the brain for several years, but scientists found new evidence showing a relationship practice with physical and mental health.

A study from the University of Cambridge declared jogging several times a week can stimulate the brain. By walking for several days, hundreds of thousands of new brain cells will grow which will have an effect on memory formation and memory.

Thus increasing the ability to recall memories without confusion on cognitive tasks and can more slowly mental disorders in old age.

Recently, scientists also discovered that exercise is also able to release a protein named "noggin". Proteins that will act as an agent and cons of other proteins, such as bone morphogenetic proteins. Thus stimulating increased cell division of the brainstem, the brain remains active and nimble as we get older.

Research also indicates the strengthening of the production of "noggin" could prevent brain-related diseases such as Alzheimer's age.

2. Siesta
Scientists suspect that nap has a significant impact on the memory capacity of the brain. Recent research has found that sleeping for an hour in the afternoon to increase the working capacity of the brain and dramatically improve their ability to learn new facts and tasks.

Nap after lunch also serve as a regenerative assistance, which allows the brain to keep the memory stays while the new information entered.

The researchers found that those who stay awake throughout the day tend to be more difficult to learn new tasks, so experts assume that the long-term impact of a nap is a degenerative mental disease.

3. Magnesium-Rich Foods
Magnesium-rich foods like spinach and broccoli are believed to enhance memory and brain power food. The latest research, published in the journal Neuron found, the increase in magnesium in the brain can help the learning process both young and old age people.

4. Bask
Scientists have found that sunburn can increase your intelligence and prevent dementia. Intake of vitamin D can be obtained from the sun, but vitamin D also is found in oily fish oil. Which can increase the ability to keep the brain remains active in top condition as you age.

In addition, in the Journal of Neurology found that the relationship between increased intake of vitamin D resulted in faster information processing, especially in men over the age of 60 years.

5. Mow
The researchers said the chemicals found when mowing the grass can not only reduce stress and make people happier, but also could prevent mental decline in old age.

Australian scientists claim that the smell of freshly cut grass directly work on the brain, especially in the area of emotion and memory. Even when this was released a perfume that smelled of cut grass that can be used to create feeling relaxed and stimulating individual brain around it.

6. Sex and Chocolate
Book by Simon Wootton and Terry Horne has claimed that eating dark chocolate to improve sex, and follow the Scandinavian tradition, who would choose to have cold meat for breakfast can improve brain power.

This book examines how diet, environment and stress affect mental capacity. They emphasized that the brain capacity is always considered in terms of genetic, although it is actually determined lifestyle.

In addition, the materials of dark chocolate affects the process of sexual intercourse, while the energy gained from the cold meat can stimulate the brain and prevent mental disorders as they age.

7. Studying music since the young
A study showed that young children who take music lessons show more advanced brain development and improved memory compared with those who did not take music.

Children who are trained music better on tests of memory associated with general intelligence skills such as literacy, verbal memory, mathematics and IQ. The scientists conducting this research indicates that music has the potential to improve intelligence in children from the age of four years.

8. Talking with your baby
Experts say that mothers who talk to babies can help their children's brains develop better. Researchers from Northwestern University in Illinois found that words play an important role in brain development of children even before they start talking.

The study showed that increasing the ability to categorize words according to the representation of their images at an early age can help child's brain development.

9. Playing Tetris
A study by American scientists found that the classic puzzles (Tetris game) might also have a positive impact on your brain power.

The results showed although the game is relatively simple compared with the sophisticated computer games today, regular exercise can improve thinking power. After playing for half an hour each day over a period of three months, suffered a brain 'structural changes' in areas related to movement, critical thinking, reasoning, language and processing.

10. "Thinking Cap"
Currently, scientists have developed a product called "Thinking Cap" which is expected this device can improve the brain's ability to learn.

Researchers from the University of British Colombia, Vancouver, started the project after discovering that the brain's ability to learn new tasks increased significantly when a magnetic vibration directed to the premotor cortex, a brain area just behind the forehead. This technique can be used not only to enhance the intellectual capabilities, but also to help those who have difficulty learning.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is a disease caused by exotoxin released by Streptococcus pyogenes]. The term scarlatina may be used interchangeably with scarlet fever, though it is commonly used to indicate the less acute form of scarlet fever that is often seen since the beginning of the twentieth century.
It is characterized by:
• Sore throat
• Fever
• Bright red tongue with a "strawberry" appearance
• Characteristic rash, which:
• is fine, red, and rough-textured; it blanches upon pressure.
• appears 12–48 hours after the fever.
• generally starts on the chest, armpits, and behind the ears.
• spares the face (although some circumoral pallor is characteristic).
• is worse in the skin folds. These Pastia lines (where the rash runs together in the armpits and groin) appear and can persist after the rash is gone.
• may spread to cover the uvula.
• The rash begins to fade three to four days after onset and desquamation (peeling) begins. "This phase begins with flakes peeling from the face. Peeling from the palms and around the fingers occurs about a week later." Peeling also occurs in axilla, groin, and tips of the fingers and toes. Diagnosis of scarlet fever is clinical. The blood test shows marked leukocytosis with neutrophilia and conservated or increased eosinophils, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP), and elevation of antistreptolysin O titer. Blood culture is rarely positive, but the streptococci can usually be demonstrated in throat culture. The complications of scarlet fever include septic complications due to spread of streptococcus in blood and immune-mediated complications due to an aberrant immune response. Septic complications, today rare, include ear and sinus infection, streptococcal pneumonia, empyema thoracis, meningitis and full-blown sepsis, upon which the condition may be called malignant scarlet fever.
Immune complications include acute glomerulonephritis, rheumatic fever and erythema nodosum. The secondary scarlatinous disease, or secondary malignant syndrome of scarlet fever, includes renewed fever, renewed angina, septic ear, nose, and throat complications and kidney infection or rheumatic fever and is seen around the eighteenth day of untreated scarlet fever.

The rash is the most striking sign of scarlet fever. It usually begins looking like a bad sunburn with tiny bumps, and it may itch. The rash usually appears first on the neck and face, often leaving a clear unaffected area around the mouth. It spreads to the chest and back, then to the rest of the body. In body creases, especially around the underarms and elbows, the rash forms classic red streaks (on very dark skin, the streaks may appear darker than the rest of the skin). Areas of rash usually turn white (or paler brown, with dark complected skin) when pressed on. By the sixth day of the infection the rash usually fades, but the affected skin may begin to peel.
Aside there are usually other symptoms that help to confirm a diagnosis of scarlet fever, including a reddened sore throat, a fever at or above 101 °F (38.3 °C), and swollen glands in the neck. Scarlet fever can also occur with a low fever. The tonsils and back of the throat may be covered with a whitish coating, or appear red, swollen, and dotted with whitish or yellowish specks of pus. Early in the infection, the tongue may have a whitish or yellowish coating. A person with scarlet fever also may have chills, body aches, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
When scarlet fever occurs because of a throat infection, the fever typically stops within 3 to 5 days, and the sore throat passes soon afterward. The scarlet fever rash usually fades on the sixth day after sore throat symptoms began, but skin that was covered by rash may begin to peel. This peeling may last 10 days. The infection itself is usually cured with a 10-day course of antibiotics, but it may take a few weeks for tonsils and swollen glands to return to normal.
In rare cases, scarlet fever may develop from a streptococcal skin infection like impetigo. In these cases, the person may not get a sore throat.
Other than the occurrence of the diarrhea, the treatment and course of scarlet fever are no different from those of any strep throat. In case of penicillin allergy, clindamycin or erythromycin can be used with success. Patients should no longer be infectious after taking antibiotics for 24 hours. Persons who have been exposed to scarlet fever should be watched carefully for a full week for symptoms, especially if aged 3 to young adult. It is very important to be tested (throat culture) and if positive, seek treatment.
Husband and wife Gladys Henry Dick and George Frederick Dick developed a vaccine in 1924 that was later eclipsed by penicillin in the 1940s.

Health Insurance & Reform Have States Scrambling

Health insurance and complying with the new federal health law have some states scrambling reports the New York Times. "Insurance commissioners in about half the states say they do not have clear authority to enforce consumer protection standards that take effect next month. Federal and state officials are searching for ways to plug the gap. Otherwise, they say, the ability of consumers to secure the benefits of the new law could vary widely, depending on where they live."
States have to enforce many of the consumer protections in the law. For example: "Insurers cannot charge co-payments for preventive services or impose a lifetime limit on benefits; must allow consumers to appeal a denial of benefits; and cannot rescind coverage, except in cases of fraud or intentional misrepresentation,"the Times reports, adding: "If a state fails to enforce a standard, the federal government will step in to do so --- as it did in several states after passage of a health insurance law in 1996"(Pear and Sack, 8/14).
USA Today: States could get federal help to stop some insurance rate hikes. "States plan to use $46 million in grants under the nation's new health law to help curb health insurance rate increases for consumers by seeking new regulatory powers, hiring rate experts and posting insurance company financial documents on the Web, according to grant application details. ... Industry spokesman Robert Zirkelbach, of America's Health Insurance Plans, said companies support greater transparency on why rates are rising. 'It's medical costs that are driving those premium increases,' he said. Only about half of states have some authority to approve or deny rates before they take effect" (Young, 8/16).
Reuters: Meanwhile, people with pre-existing conditions who have been uninsured for at least six months are signing up for coverage."The $5 billion high-risk pool program, which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has said could cover 200,000 people each year until 2014, is an early test case for the healthcare law. Experts have said it will take months before the pools reach capacity. ...[The pools]offer subsidized coverage until 2014, when the broader state-run insurance exchanges are due to go into effect and insurance companies can no longer deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. In states that opted to allow the federal government to run the risk pools, coverage started in August. Most of the pools are expected to be in effect by September, according to the government website," (Lentz, 8/14).
Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch: In Virginia, the pools will help some, but not all."[A]s plans have rolled out, higher-than-expected premiums, deductibles and eligibility criteria are emerging as barriers. For Virginians, premiums range from $289 per month for people up to age 34, to $616 per month for anyone over 55. There also is the $2,500 deductible and 20 percent co-insurance." Virginia is one of about 20 states that has opted to allow the federal government to run its high-risk pool" (Smith, 8/16).
The Denver Post: Coloradois lookingtoward setting upits health insurance exchanges. "The goal: a one-stop shop for health insurance where a person can find out whether they qualify for a government insurance plan such as Medicaid or a federal subsidy to meet monthly premiums, and then sign up for it immediately. A spot --- either physical or online --- where it's easy to compare plainly written plans so there are no surprises about what is covered and where the price of each plan is transparent. ... By Sept. 1, Colorado must apply for a slice of $52 million available nationally for states to design their exchanges" (Brown, 8/15).
Finally, atthe National Association of Insurance Commissioners'meeting in Seattle, they're focusing onhow to define"medical spending"as required in the health law, The Sacramento Bee reports. "Starting in January, health insurance companies will be required to spend at least 80 percent of every premium dollar they collect on medical care for their subscribers [similarly, the law is 85 percent for large plans]. ... The federal health care law designated the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to draft medical-loss ratio rules. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, however, would need to certify those rules. Concerned that the new rules governing so-called medical-loss ratios will affect their bottom lines, representatives from the insurance industry have arrived in force in Seattle to influence the discussion" (Caina Calvan, 8/14).Read more:

Monday, August 16, 2010

Parkinson's Disease Linked Through Immunse System Gene

Parkinson's Disease affects baby boomers and seniors throughout America. Today though, a scientific link of Parkinson's Disease to an immune system gene may be the key needed for research specialists to take steps towards a cure to Parkinson's Disease.
Yahoo! News provides us with more information on this important Parkinson's Disease story:
A gene linked with the immune system may play a role in developing Parkinson's disease, researchers said on Sunday, marking a possible advance in the search for effective treatments.
They said a gene in the human leukocyte antigen region or HLA -- which contains a large number of genes related to immune system function -- was strongly linked with Parkinson's disease.
"That means the immune system probably plays a role in your body developing Parkinson's disease," said Dr. Cyrus Zabetian of the University of Washington and Veteran's Administration Puget Sound Health Care System, whose study appears in the journal Nature Genetics.
Zabetian said there had been hints that the immune system may be linked to Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disease that affects 1 to 2 percent of people over age 65.
"This is the best evidence we've seen so far," Zabetian said in a telephone interview.
The finding came from a large, long-term study of more than 2,000 Parkinson's disease patients and 2,000 healthy volunteers from clinics in Oregon, Washington, New York and Georgia.
Parkinson's sufferers have tremors, sluggish movement, muscle stiffness and difficulty with balance.
Researchers looked at clinical, genetic and environmental factors that might contribute to the development and progression of Parkinson's disease and its complications.
"We found strong evidence that a gene within the HLA region is associated with Parkinson's disease," Zabetian said.
HLA genes play an important role in helping the body discern between foreign invaders and the body's own tissues.
"We don't know specifically which gene because there is a cluster of genes in that region, but it is the first really strong link that the immune system plays a role," he said.
That may mean infections, inflammation or an auto-immune response play some role in the development of Parkinson's disease, Zabetian said.
"What this allows us to do is to hone in on the immune system," he said.
Although current medical treatments may improve symptoms, none can slow or halt the progression of the disease.
The study was funded in part by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, one of the National Institutes of Health.

Causes of Hypertension

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure (HBP) is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure is elevated in the arteries or blood vessels of human body. Hypertension result from a narrowing of the arterioles, which increases peripheral resistance, necessitating increased force to circulate blood trough the body.

There are two types of high bloodPrimary hy pressure;
1. Pimary hypertension.

In 90 to 95 percent of hypertension cases in adults, the cause is unknown. This type of high blood pressure, called essential hypertension or primary hypertension, tends to develop gradually over many years.Someone can have high blood pressure for years without knowing it.

Essential hypertension develops only in groups or societies that have a fairly high intake of salt, exceeding 5.8 grams daily. If we take too much caffeine it can cause nervousness and jitters and palpitations, It may also increase your blood pressure. Stress mental can be an important cause of hypertension or high blood pressure.
2. Secondary hypertension.

About 5 to 10 percent of hypertension cases are caused by an underlying condition, This type of high blood pressure called as secondary hypertension. Many of medical condition and medications can lead to secondary hypertension, including:
a. Kidney disease (abnormalities),
b. Tumors of the adrenal gland,
c. Endocrine disease (hormone disorders; a hormone is a regulatory chemical that occurs naturally in your body),
d. A narrowing of the aorta (the largest artery leading from the heart) or the arteries leading to the kidneys,
e. Certain medications, such as contraceptive pill, cold remedies, decongestants, over-the-counter pain relievers and some prescription drugsIllegal drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines,
f. Pregnancy, which can cause pre-eclampsia - this can be serious and harm your baby.

Commonly, people with hypertension feel no different from those who have normal blood pressure level, They do not have symptoms when they have high blood pressure. That's why hypertension is often referred to as "the silent killer."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What Is Cancer of Large Intestine

As a last line of food digestion, bowel cancer has the potential of the food we eat. There are five stages to the nature and magnitude of each of the possibility of survival for patients with increasingly small.
• Fatigue, shortness of breath when working, and my head was dizzy.
• Bleeding in the rectum, a temporary sense of satiety, or stomach cramps and pressure in the rectum.
• The presence of blood in the stool, such as occurs in patients with gastric bleeding, colon polyps, or hemorrhoids.
• Pale, sick in general, malnutrition, weak, thin, place the fluid in the abdominal cavity, liver enlargement, and widening the channel spleen.
• Exposure to certain chemical substances such as heavy metals, toxins, and ototoksin and electromagnetic waves.
• poor diet, among others, too much meat and fat that is not balanced with fresh fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber.
• Iron overload among others contained in the bile pigment, beef and lamb as well as blood transfusions.
• Saturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids (acids linol).
• Alcoholic beverages, especially beer. Change the alcohol into asetilaldehida intestine that increase the risk of colon cancer.
• Obesity.
• Working while sitting all day, such as executives, administrative officials, or public transport drivers.
Medical examination
• Fiberoptik colonoscopy:
Inserting a kind of pipe made of fiber optics into the intestine through the anus (rectum). Camera embedded on the device can be used to check whether there are polyps in the colon or not.
• CT Scan.
• Blood tests:
Determining tumor markers CEA (carcino-embryonis antigen) in blood.
• Chemotherapy
• Radiation
• Operation:
Cutting diseased colon, and reconnect the two ends of healthy bowel.
• laparoscopic technique:
Through a small hole made in some point in the abdomen. Operations are conducted with small instruments that are operated through the holes and monitored through the monitor screen.
• Consumption of a lot of fibrous food. To facilitate bowel movement and reduce the degree of acidity, concentration of fatty acids, bile acids, and iron in the large intestine.
• omega-3 fatty acids, which many found in certain fish.
• concretation calcium, vitamins A, C, D, and E and betakarotin.
• Milk containing Lactobacillus acidophilus.
• Exercising and moving so much more easily and regularly for defecation.
• Life relax and reduce stress.
Early Detection
Like the early detection of cervical cancer using papsmear or for breast cancer using mammography, colon cancer early detection can be done.
Early detection of colon cancer is recommended to those who have turned 50 years old. But for those who have had a family history of ovarian cancer, colon and lung cancer, early detection is recommended before the age of 50 years.
Colon cancer is considered as a disease that travels slowly. Therefore, people are encouraged to do early detection through blood tests that exist in the stool and colonoscopy.
"We recommend that early detection made since the age of 40 years for those who do have a history of these three types of cancer in her family,"
Especially for those who have experienced symptoms such as bleeding during bowel movement and closure of roads or intestinal blockage, "early detection is highly recommended. Some procedures for early detection of colon cancer among others:
• digital rectal examination by a physician when a person reaches the age of 50 years. Examination as well as to detect abnormalities in the prostate.
• After that, the laboratory examination of blood tests cryptic (occult blood) on a regular basis, whether there is blood in the stool or not. Then visual inspection with the endoscope in the colon or is called a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy or bowel examinations binoculars are recommended to be done for those who have reached the age of 50 years.
• colonoscopy examination is relatively safe, not dangerous, but this examination is not fun. Colonoscopy performed for colorectal cancer find and obtain tissue for examination at the pathology laboratory. In this examination of the necessary equipment fiberoptik endoscopes used for colonoscopy examination. The tool can be seen throughout the large intestine, photographed, as well as tumor biopsy when found.
• Another way to support the diagnosis of colon cancer is by barium enema. On barium enema examination, liquid barium is inserted into the colon through the rectum and silhouette (shadow) was photographed by means of x-rays. In this examination only can be seen that there is disorder, possibly a tumor, and if there is to be followed by colonoscopy examination.
• This test can also detect cancers and polyps of the magnitude exceeding one centimeter. The weakness, in this investigation can not be done the biopsy.
• With colonoscopy can be seen abnormality based on macroscopic description. If there is no assertion or ulcer, colonoscopy observation aimed at disorders of color, shape surface, and the picture of blood vessels. With early detection of colon cancer are expected to be immediately addressed or treated. Some therapies, like chemotherapy and radiation can do to combat colon cancer.

Cholera disease

Cholera is a disease of acute intestinal tract infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria enter the body through contaminated food or beverages. The bacteria release enterotoxin (poison) in the intestinal tract so that there was diarrhea (diarrhea) accompanied by an acute and severe vomiting, as a result a person in just a few days lost a lot of body fluids and signed on the condition of dehydration.
If dehydration is not treated immediately, it will continue towards hypovolaemic and metabolic acidosis in a relatively short time and can cause death if treatment is not adequate. Normal drinking water supply will not be much help, Patient (patient) require intravenous fluids cholera sugar (Dextrose) and salt (normal saline) or in the form of intravenous fluid mix of both (Dextrose Saline).
Cholera spread of disease transmission
Cholera can be spread as an endemic disease, epidemic, or pandemic. Although much research has been done bersekala great, but the condition of this disease remains a challenge for modern medicine. Vibrio cholerae bacteria multiply and spread through feaces of human, if the sewage containing the bacteria contaminating the river water and then the other person who comes in contact with water are at risk of cholera as well.
For example washing hands are not clean and then eating, washing vegetables or food with water containing cholera bacteria, eating fish that live in water contaminated with cholera bacteria, even water (rivers) of drinking water used by others who live nearby.
Cholera Disease Symptoms and Signs
In people who feacesnya cholera bacteria was found during the 1-2 weeks might not feel the complaint means, but when the attack is a sudden infectious diarrhea and vomiting occur with quite a serious condition as acute attacks that cause diarrheal type .
However, in patients with cholera there are some things that is displayed signs and symptoms, among others are:
- Diarrhoea is watery and abundant without a preceded by a feeling of heartburn or tenesmus.
- Feaces or faeces (stool) which was originally in color and smelled of turned into a cloudy white liquid (such as rice water) without or fishy odor, but like a sweet smell.
- Feaces (liquid) that resembles rice water is when deposited will issue a white clumps.
- Diarrhea occurred many times and in sufficient quantity lots.
- The occurrence of vomiting after preceded by diarrhea that occurs, the patient does not feel sick before.
- Seizures may also be felt by the abdominal muscles accompanied by severe pain.
- Number of fluid that comes out will cause dehydration with signs such as rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, physically weak, sunken eyes, hypotension, etc. which if not immediately obtain a replacement handler lost body fluids can lead to death.
Handling and Treatment of Cholera Disease
Patients who experience disease cholera should get handling immediately, by providing replacement of body fluids lost as a first step. Giving fluids by infusion / Drip is the most appropriate for people with a lot of fluids lost through diarrhea or vomiting. Next is the treatment of infections, with antibiotic / antimicrobial such as Tetracycline, doxycycline or group Vibramicyn. This antibiotic treatment within 48 hours to stop the diarrhea that occurred.
In certain conditions, especially in the region afflicted by cholera outbreaks of food / liquids carried out by entering the hose from the nose to the stomach (sonde). As many as 50% of cases of severe cholera can not be resolved (deceased), while the number of 1% of cholera patients who received less adequate treatment died. (Massachusetts Medical Society, 2007: Getting Serious about Cholera).
Prevention of cholera disease
Cutting mode of transmission and prevention of cholera is to the principle of environmental sanitation, especially clean water and sewage (feaces) in place that meets environmental standards. Another is to drink water that has been cooked first, wash your hands thoroughly before eating soap / antiseptic, washing vegetables, water view, especially vegetables that are eaten raw (fresh vegetables), avoid eating fish and shellfish are cooked.
When the family members are affected by cholera, should be isolated and immediately get treatment. Objects contaminated with vomitus or feces should be in the sterilization of patients, insect flies (vectors) other transmitting immediately eradicated. Cholera vaccination can protect people in direct contact with patients.( )

Thursday, August 12, 2010

5 Little Einstein's Favorite Food

Every parent wants his fruit into a bright child. A series of efforts now you can do to print a figure like Einstein smart kids.

Here are five foods that will help improve brain child,


A source of protein and essential fatty acids good, salmon provide the brain and central nervous system is your body's defenses strong foundation. All you have to do is squeeze the lemon over the salmon fillets or salmon grill to give impulse to the brain. Or try buying canned salmon to get the same benefits, but with less cost.


Next time your child wants to eat sweet foods, try this recipe: sweet potato sliced into pieces, sprinkle with cinnamon, then baked. Sweet loaded with antioxidants and vitamins A, which is ready to satisfy the desire to consume sweet foods, also stimulate the production of new neurons in the brain.


Start the day with omelets and your baby will have no trouble remembering the six Presidents of Indonesia or the multiplication count. Egg yolks are an excellent source of choline, which supports the improvement of memory and is an important nutrient for brain growth in children.

Blueberries and strawberries

Type of berry fruit easily found the children in the form of a smoothie, yogurt, or eaten directly. Fruits of this ultra rich in antioxidants and can improve coordination, cognition, and memory so that your children can pass the math in his class with a good focus.


Do you like the red, green, black, or white, nuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acids that help keep blood vessels of the brain remained at the top level and encourage nerve cells to function at high levels. .( Fitri Yulianti - Okezone )

Symptoms of Throat Cancer

Throat cancer usually develops on the mucosal surface of the larynx, pharynx or mouth. The most common symptom of throat cancer is the lump or the nodule in the neck. The symptoms for the thyroid cancer vary depending on the type of the thyroid cancer. The thyroid cancers are rare. The different symptoms observed in the throat cancer are…
The throat cancer usually begins with the nose and later spread to all the part of the body. This starts with a lump or nodule in the base of the neck and spread to the lymph node in the neck. If the lump persisted for more than a week then it must be consulted with a specialist. Though all the lumps are not cancer, the lump in the nose is the first stage for a throat cancer. The lump is the main symptom in the case of the thyroid gland cancer. Though the lumps are not painless, they tend to enlarge and result in the throat cancer.
The next noticeable symptom of throat cancer is the change in the voice. The hoarseness or the change in the voice lasting for more than a week must be consulted with the appropriate physician. The change in the voice must be consulted with an otolaryngologist. An otolaryngologist is a specialist in the field of head and neck who can examine for the possibility of the vocal cord or other type of cancer. The examination can be done without much pain. Not all the voice change cause from the cancer. Although the voice change that persists for more than a week must be consulted with an otolaryngologist.
The next type of symptom causes from the tumors that occurs in the nose, throat and in lungs. The tumors may result in bleeding in regions like nose, throat or in mouth. If the bleeding occurs in mouth saliva and if it occurs frequently, then the physician must be consulted to examine the possible reason for the bleeding.
The next type of the symptom is the swallowing problems that arise due to this type of cancer that occur in throat or the esophagus. This makes the swallowing of any solid food difficult and harmful. Even liquid food may be found difficult to swallow in this condition. This condition will cause the food to stick at one point in the mouth and eventually make it either to go in or come out. If the trouble at swallowing the food persists for more than a week, then a physician must be consulted to diagnose the problem. In general a barium swallow x-ray or an esophagoscopy will be done to examine the causes.
The next type is too with the swallowing problem. When there is a constant pain in the ear while swallowing the food, this maybe the sign for the tumor in the throat. Usually this symptom occurs along with any of the other symptoms of the throat cancer. If it occurs with any lump or pain in the throat, then the seriousness of the problem is high. This type of symptom can be examined by an otolaryngologist. ( Aakash Shah ) Read more:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Healthy Foods for Babies

Choosing healthy foods for babies are hard-easy. Moreover, if the mother is either made or choose a suitable food. Instead, the baby is actually allergic to food that is given so that causes diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, or the skin becomes red. So, how to choose the best food for the baby?

Food provided for infants should vary with the composition of 4 healthy foods 5 perfect. Foods must contain carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. "Giving food to the baby not just provide calories or nutrients, but also a process for practice, like practicing swallowing and familiar taste '

Needs will vary the content of the food has emerged after a six-month-old baby. "Breastfeeding, only about 60-70% to meet the needs of infants,". In other words, in addition to breast milk, babies need other supplementary food. If not immediately given, then worry about a critical period for introducing solid foods, which require chewing skills (about 6-7 months), will be missed. When this happens, the baby will have difficulty to swallow food or will refuse to eat when given solid food. At the age of 9-12 months, babies are more mature chewing skills.

In addition, ways of feeding the baby, must be gradual. Starting from the liquid, soft (milk porridge), and then softening (strain the team), rather coarse, and solids (eat adults). So was the amount of food provided, should be started from very small amounts, then added in stages over several days.

Therefore, providing the first solid food in infants should be done by considering the following matters:

* Quality of food. High-quality food that will ensure good quality nutrients.
* Texture and consistency (viscosity). Initially given a baby food creamed and liquid, eg milk or pureed fruit pulp (banana or papaya). Gradually, the baby food can be given more coarse and dense. Babies who have six months old can be given rice teams with complete nutrition. At the age of eight months to one year, babies begin to be fed only chopped.
* What kind of food. Infants should be introduced one by one type of food until he knew her well. Wait at least four days before you introduce other foods. Besides the baby would be familiar with and able to accept new foods, you can determine whether there is an allergic reaction in babies.
* The number or a portion of food. At first, the baby would receive 1-2 teaspoons of food. If he has been getting bigger, you can give your meal more.
* The order of feeding. Breast-feeding sequence companion is usually fruit, starchy, and vegetables. Meat, fish and eggs should be given after the baby is six months old. When babies show symptoms of allergy, the egg should be given after the age of one year.
* Schedule the right. Mealtimes should be in accordance with the state of hunger or hunger-related stomach condition. Thus, the infant GI tract is more ready to accept, digest and absorb foods at certain times.

Better food for babies is so continually fresh homemade with no preservatives and no artificial or chemical taste enhancer. It also minimizes the risk of allergic infants exposed food.http: / /

Breasts shrink because Coffee

Coffee consumption was a negative impact on women's body shapes. A study proves that coffee consumption can make a woman's breast size decreases.

The study was conducted by researchers at Sweden's Lund University and led by an expert named Helena Jernstrom tumors. This research initially aims to investigate the effect of coffee for the women.

The result was encouraging, because it turns out the consumption of three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. But in that study, not only positive thing is that in the can. In that study coffee also affect a woman's chest size.

From these studies, it was revealed that coffee can also make a woman's chest size is smaller. Women with normal weight but have big breasts usually have a number of Mammary Gland (milk-producing substances).Amount of mammary gland, which usually increase the risk of breast cancer.

Regular coffee consumption can reduce the amount of the mammary gland. But it also automatically create a smaller breast size.

5 Babies Diseases First Year

Apparently there are some diseases that are often in infants aged 0-1 years, the age where her body endurance is not perfect.

Tips to protect your tiny baby against infections in the first year.

1. Coughs Colds

The cause could be due to infection or allergy. The frequency of cough colds generally declines with age and the better the body's defense system, associated with good nutritional quality. Colds itself is a symptom of the airway (respiratory), especially the upper airway.
• cold cough due to infection
The biggest cause of the virus but can also be due to germs, or microbes. Normally characterized by fever, fussy, and rheumatic pain, rheumatic pain body (unfortunately the baby can not disclose this). In the span of 2-3 days will be recovered if the baby were given nutrition and adequate rest. By increasing the endurance of the body of the small, cold cough can be cured by itself.
• runny nose due to allergy cough
If your baby suffered a prolonged cough runny nose - more than three days has not healed as well - there is the possibility of coughing due to allergies pileknya. Cause, the excessive reaction in the airways (nose / throat) to an originator. Factors can trigger allergies from dust, smoke, animal dander, food / beverage. Typical of allergies colds characterized by coughing repeatedly arise in a short span of time. Healing time can be more than two weeks. To cure, as far as possible to avoid the child from the originators.
• Distinguish the color of snot and phlegm
If the color is clear, indicating the disease began memapar. If that means changing cloudy yellowish had occurred between the antibody and disease resistance. Cough colds will show if the snot and sputum recovery began to change green. That means bacteria, microbes, or the virus have died.

2. Diarrhea

Lo normal limits of the small bowel is very little variation. There are children who CHAPTER several times a day sometimes even babies CHAPTER once every hour. The most important thing to note is the consistency and feces.

There diarrhea caused by viruses (Rotavirus), bacteria E.coli, or because of allergy to cow's milk. Diarrhoea due to infection are part of the body's natural reaction to the entry of germs, then helped him out of the digestive tract (colon). Diarrhoea due to infection is cured longer but if not cured could also be due to the possibility of a disorder or inability to tolerate certain milk products. If he had diarrhea after eating should consult a physician to determine if absorption (absorption) of food was disrupted.

Overcome Diarrhea

If diarrhea does not immediately get the handling right, the consequences will lose body fluids so that they can become dehydrated. Try to drink as much liquid as possible and give ORS (a mixture of salt and sugar) from the pharmacy. Do not ever try to mix the salt and sugar with water alone at home because the comparison must be accurate and imbalances mixing can be dangerous.

The duration of treatment depends on the cause of diarrhea. If the cause is not too serious, just wait till gradually improved and avoid foods that might aggravate the situation.

3. Constipation

Infant is said to suffer from constipation or constipation (difficult bowel movement) when feces hard, very difficult issued and causing pain. Constipation is not related to how many times a day BAB baby. If the baby CHAPTER once every two days but still soft feces, this is not constipation.

CHAPTER normal or not depends on the age for infants under four months more often BAB, but with increasing age, the pattern will be more and more like adults. One cause of constipation in infants is generally due to changes in consumption pattern in which babies start eating food at first.

Lack of liquids and natural fibers can cause difficulties CHAPTER. Changes in consumption of breast milk to formula milk can also cause constipation. If your baby sembeli, find out the underlying causes.

Give fiber intake

If there has been hardened feces in the baby, immediately seek him in carbohydrate intake, such as fruit juice or diluted juice and extra vegetables in his food, like rice mixed with spinach team. Get used to kids like vegetables and fruits rich in natural fiber since the baby so that future problems do not become chronic constipation.

4. Puke

This generally occurs in children and cause all kinds. The most important thing to know is how severe the impact on the child vomit. Vomiting in babies can be caused by feeding the wrong way. Let's say the baby's stomach is full but still continued to be fed food.

Vomiting with headache in children who suffer from heat or generally unhealthy state, possibly caused by an infection like a cold or sore throat.

Vomiting with abdominal pain because of gastroenteritis that causes painful spasms that may arise missing. Repeated vomiting may cause pain because it causes stress on the upper abdominal muscles. Anxiety or propagation of certain diseases is also sometimes trigger vomiting in children who are sensitive.

Gastroenteritis is itself a gastric illness, and infections affecting the upper stomach and intestines resulting in vomiting. Or infection of the lower intestine that can cause diarrhea and painful cramps or a combination. Severe vomiting occurred suddenly and in one hour until the child vomited several times, usually the child's body temperature is too hot.

At the same time usually other family members especially children can also be affected. The causes for viral infection, sometimes it was because of food poisoning bacteria. Generally vomiting in gastroenteritis will improve in 24-48 hours but could only stomach cramps occur within a few days.

Handling by keeping children in order to remain comfortable and drink as much as possible in order to avoid the risk of dehydration because dehydration itself is the greatest danger caused by vomiting.

5. Ear Infections

In addition to colds, ear infections (acute otitis media) is a childhood disease that most often diagnosed in the United States. Three of four children experience at least once an ear infection when they reach the age of 3 years.
The ear consists of three parts, namely the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.

To function properly, the middle ear must be at the same pressure with the surrounding environment. This is where the eustachian tube plays a small part that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat behind the nose.

By letting air reach the middle ear, eustachian tube equalizes the air pressure in the middle ear with the outside air pressure. When yawning or swallowing, the eustachian tube to adjust the air pressure in the middle ear and also serves as a channel of mucus from the middle ear into the throat.

Sometimes, the eustachian tube is susceptible to interference, because for example when someone has a cold or allergy, eustachian tube are also affected by a clogged mucus. Bacteria or viruses enter the middle ear through the eustachian tube was also stuck here. Germs that are trapped in this fluid and then multiply and cause an ear infection.

Untreated infections can spread from the middle ear to the part near the head including the brain. Although hearing loss caused by otitis media is usually temporary, but otitis media left untreated it can cause permanent hearing loss.

Give Antibiotics

OMA (Acute Otitis Media) generally is a disease that will heal by itself. Approximately 80 percent of OMA recover within three days without antibiotics. The use of antibiotics does not reduce complications that can occur, including hearing loss.

Observations can be done in most cases. If symptoms do not improve within 48-72 hours or there is worsening of symptoms, antibiotics are given. (Mom & Kiddie / / ftr)