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Monday, November 22, 2010

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is cancer that begins in the lymphatic system (lymphatic). The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. The immune system fight off infections and other diseases.
What causes lymphoma?

Doctors can not always explain why one person develops lymphoma, while others avoid the disease. However, we know that people with certain risk factors are more likely to hit lymphoma.
Research shows that people who have weakened immune systems (eg autoimmune disorders), or suffer certain infections (eg, Human immunodeficiency virus, HIV) are at higher risk of disease non-Hodgkin's lymphoma this. Although non-Hodgkin's lymphoma can occur in young people, but the possibility of developing this disease increases with age. Most people with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma aged over 60 years.
    * Swollen lymph glands in the neck, armpit or groin pain but no
    * Losing weight without reason
    * Fever
    * Sweat streaming at night
    * Cough, difficult breathing, or chest pain
    * Weak and weary that do not heal
    * Pain, swelling or feeling uncomfort in the stomach
Generally, these symptoms are not due to cancer. Other health problems can cause symptoms like this. People who experience these symptoms should see a doctor to be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

If you experience swelling of the lymph nodes or other symptoms that indicate non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the doctor must find out whether the symptoms are from cancer or other diseases.
How to assess Lymphoma?
The doctor must know the extent (stage) of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma to plan the best treatment. This stage is based on the location where lymphoma cells are found (in the lymph nodes or other organs or tissues) and reach the affected area. Stages of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are as follows:
    * Stage I: The lymphoma cells are in one group of lymph nodes (eg in the neck or underarm). Or, if the abnormal cells were not in the lymph nodes, but only one part of the body's tissues or organs only (eg in the lungs, but not in liver or bone marrow).
    * Stage II: The lymphoma cells are at least two groups of lymph nodes, diaphragm on the same side (either above or below). Or, the lymphoma cells are located in organs and the lymph nodes around it (on the same side as the diaphragm) There may be lymphoma cells in lymph node groups the other on the same side of the diaphragm.
    * Stage III: Lymphomas are a group of lymph nodes above and below the diaphragm. It can also be found in the organ or tissue around this lymph node group.
    * Stage IV: Lymphoma is in the whole of the organ or tissue (other than the lymph nodes). Or, is in the heart, blood, or bone marrow.
What treatments are offered?
Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. This therapy is called systemic therapy because the drugs travel through the bloodstream. Drugs can reach cancer cells in almost all parts of the body.
You may receive chemotherapy by mouth, through a vein, or in the space between the spinal cord. Treatment usually as an outpatient, either at the hospital / clinic or at home. Some patients have to stay in hospital for treatment for close observation.
If the patient is suffering from lymphoma in the stomach caused Helicobactor infection, doctors may treat this lymphoma with antibiotics. When the infection is cured, the cancer can be treated.
Biological Therapy
People with certain types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma particular may have biological therapy to strengthen the immune system to fight cancer effectively.
Monoclonal antibodies used for lymphoma. These antibodies are proteins that bind to cancer cells to help the immune system kill lymphoma cells. Patients receive this treatment through a vein (venous), at the doctor's clinic or hospital.

Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy) uses high-energy rays to kill cells non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This treatment can reduce the tumor and helps control pain.
Source : ; ; others

Symptoms and Causes of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease commonly found in society. The disease can be about men and women.
Symptom that is felt when exposed to GO include
- Exit turbid or bloody fluid from the penis or vagina,
- Pain or burning sensation when urinating, urinary frequency become more frequent
- Pain during intercourse.
The first symptoms of Gonorrhea usually occur after 2-10 days after exposure to the bacteria GO. But in some cases, the infection had occurred many months new symptoms develop.
In men, the first symptom may be discomfort in the urethra, the channel that drains urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. After that arise out of pain and pus. If the infection worsens, the pain will grow increasingly intense and pus.
In women, symptoms are usually mild and often a woman does not realize that he had been infected with GO. Infection is usually on the cervix, urethra as well. If symptomatic, GO can cause pain when urinating, urinating more frequently and can not be detained, also came out pus from the vagina and urethra.
The cause is the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae GO. The bacteria are spread through semen or vaginal fluids during intercourse with an infected person.
Frequent change of sexual partners, increases the risk of GO. Contact with patients does not cause disease transmission.
GO treated with antibiotics. It is advisable to take antibiotics with duration and dosage as recommended by your doctor, to avoid the occurrence of GO bacterial immunity to antibiotics. It is important to remember, because there is a growing perception among the public that is enough to consume antibiotics one or two items alone, even before high-risk sexual intercourse.
Prevention of infection GO is  not have multiple sexual partners, avoiding sexual relations with high-risk partners such as sex workers, use condoms and avoid oral sex. Please note that the GO is highly contagious and often one does not show symptoms, but can be a source of transmission.
If you have been exposed to GO, avoid sexual intercourse before GO successfully treated with antibiotics. If exposed to GO, it does not mean you have been immune to the disease. You can hit GO again next time when dealing with an infected person.
If you hit GO, then your sexual partner (wife or your husband) should be sent to the doctor to rule out the existence of hidden GO infection. Taken from :

Friday, November 19, 2010

For those of you that's hard to Sleep ( Insomnia )

Are you the kind of people who was difficult to sleep? Insomnia is often experienced in all people, both young and old, especially in the productive age, where they usually work all night and long may change his sleep patterns. Of which had been sleeping at night into the middle of the night or even can not sleep at all, as experienced by relatives.

Actually, insomnia can be overcome by changing sleep patterns, not easy, and should take perseverance to change the sleep patterns become like the original. Familiarized with the activity can begin reproduced in the morning, afternoon, until late afternoon, then do not fall asleep in the morning, afternoon or evening, so hopefully the body will feel tired and can fall asleep soundly. Try these repeated and done with fairly routine, we would expect that the sleep pattern will return as usual.

If it is unable to cope with insomnia, then see your doctor, discuss your difficulties, and may ask for help with taking sleeping pills which helped for a while, but to try techniques to change your sleep patterns. Remember that depend continuously on sleeping pills is not good so it would be nice if you try to consume the drug while train yourself to be able to have regular hours of good sleep. Taken from :

Fun Tips for Preventing Men Prostate Cancer

Men beware the prostate cancer, because prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. This even is the second most deadly cancer. But there are some great ways that men can do to prevent prostate cancer.
How to prevent a disease
Usually confine themselves to be able to do something fun, such as reducing the consumption of red meat, fried foods or other things that became a favorite with many people.
There are several ways of prevention of prostate cancer is still engrossing, among others:
1. Eating tomato sauce marinara
The main ingredient of marinara sauce is a tomato that is a source of lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer in men.
Tomato is just one of several anti-prostate cancer foods that are known. But a combination of creative food with marinara sauce ingredients is a fun way to be able to prevent prostate cancer.
2. Masturbation
Many studies  show that masturbation may protect against prostate cancer. This is especially for men over the age of 40.
But the key to prostate cancer prevent was not masturbation itself, but in the process of ejaculation. Ejaculation allows the discharge of sperm that may be carcinogenic.
So with good ejaculation from intercourse with a partner or masturbation, the body can perform the cleaning process and spending toxic substances through the media sperm.
3. An energetic dance
It's no secret if exercise is one of the most powerful ways to prevent disease. Exercise can improve circulation, immune system and increases energy. But not all people have enough motivation to exercise.
So one way to replace the sports movement is dance. Dance movement to incorporate a fun sport and movement.
4. Eat a bowl of cereal with soy milk in front of the television
Use the time to eat breakfast as a healthy and fun. Breakfast with a healthy breakfast, high-fiber cereal and replace cow milk with soy milk. Soybeans contain active ingredients that can fight prostate cancer.
Taken from :

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Practical Tips for overcome Influenza

Two things are most important in the effort to recover from the influenza include: rest and drink much water. Give adequate rest time for the body to rebuild its durability, as well as to repair cells damaged by the flu virus attacks. Meanwhile, drink much water is recommended for various matters relating to health, because by drinking lots of water, the body will not be short of fluid, and with a lot of micturition due to the number of wasted water, toxic substances from the body as well go wasted. To speed up the healing process, multivitamins containing vitamin B complex and vitamin C are also both consumed during the healing period, because these vitamins also serve as a catalyst for the formation of new cells.
Influenza is usually accompanied by pain or itching in the throat and runny nose and even a slimy. Pain and itching in the throat can be treated with a special antiseptic throat sweets are sold in general at the drug store, pharmacy and mini market. Candy antiseptic, in addition to anestes  throat local nerve so as not to feel itchy, antiseptic treatment of wounds also serves on the throat that causes itching and pain. Meanwhile, to cope with a stuffy nose could use a nasal spray, for children and toddlers are no products nasal drops can be obtained at drug stores and pharmacies, or can also be assisted by inhaling steam hot water that has been given a liniment containing menthol.
Ordinary influenza caused by a virus actually will recover after about one to two weeks, but if pain is prolonged, or flu accompanied by high fever, coughing, and headache, it should not be taken lightly, because most likely this is not the flu common, and sufferers must immediately be brought to a nearby hospital for further examination. Source :