The first thing you have to do when diagnosed with cancer or any illness is to start building your immune system. Little did I know that most of the items in my home were toxic to me and my family. Processed foods, foods with additives, foods laced with pesticides and herbicides were all part of my daily diet.
So the first thing you need to do is go through your kitchen and purge it of all the things that are loaded with chemicals, preservatives, and sugar. Sugar is the number one item that needs to be replaced in your kitchen. Sugar is like lighter fluid to cancer and illness and is in practically everything we consume today.
Stevia is a good replacement for sugar and can be found in most health food stores. However, my favorite is Sweet Perfection made from chicory root. It is 100% sugar-free, contains fiber and tastes just like sugar. It also ranks zero on the glycemic index and is suitable for diabetics.
In addition to purging sugar, I highly endorse the use of organic vegetables over conventional ones. Vegetables today are sprayed with chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. With sprays come more sprays because the vegetables become more resistant to the pesticides and herbicides, requiring stronger chemicals.
They have actually modified our seed to be Roundup ready. In the past crops would die from the herbicide Roundup. Now they can spray strong herbicides, and the crops withstand the harsh chemicals. If you cannot buy all of your vegetables organic, I would recommend buying at least the rooted vegetables like potatoes and onions, since they absorb the majority of chemicals.
Another important purge and replacement is the conventional chicken to free-range chicken. Most chickens today are pumped full of antibiotics and hormones, which have been known to cause cancer. In addition to the hormones and antibiotics chickens receive, they are also fed large amounts of corn because it is a cheap feed. God never intended chickens to eat only corn. Chickens are omnivores; they eat meat, bugs, worms, plants, seeds, and grains whenever they are able to roam free and find these things.
Free-range chickens also provide good nutritionally dense eggs. It would be wise not to choose vegetarian eggs. We get a lot of our protein from the worms, bugs and meat the chickens eat. Some labels are very misleading. You can buy chicken labeled organic in the grocery store, and if you do your research you will find that the chicken is being fed G.M.O (genetically modified organism) feed.
Additionally, if an egg is a vegetarian egg, that means the chicken kept in a place where it cannot gain access to the outdoors to consume what a chicken would normally eat. Please don't be fooled with labels that say cage-free. It simply means the chickens are kept in over-populated rooms, sitting in their own fecal matter with no sunlight, which is considered factory farming.
In my opinion, there is no other choice but free-range chickens, where the chickens are permitted to roam cage free and eat off the land. The same applies to the beef we eat. It is best to eat grass-fed beef from cows that graze.
Another very important replacement in your kitchen is the replacement of vegetable oil with coconut oil. The molecular structure of coconut oil does not change when heated, unlike most oils. It is good for many things, like helping your immune system, your heart, your skin, and it speeds up your metabolism allowing you to lose weight and giving you more energy.
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Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Beware Baby Dies While being held
The death of a two-day-old infant when his mother picked up, making health experts warn the mothers. Mothers were asked to be careful when carrying your baby.
Quoted from the Daily Mail, a baby boy in Adelaide, Australia was found not breathing. Though the baby who was just two days was carried by his mother with a baby carrier or sling.
Although according to the pathologist's death was not caused because the baby sling, the mother still required to be careful. Two pathologists revealed no risk factors than the use of baby carriers.
In their letter to the Medical Journal of Australia, two pathologist Professor Roger Byard and John Gilbert reveals the importance of parents and infant caregivers are aware about these risk factors. They hope the parents and infant caregivers understand the safety issues when using a baby carrier, especially in newborns.
Warnings expressed by Byard and Gilbert was not the first time that happened. Last year, millions of baby carriers withdrawn from circulation by a company in America. They worry that such arms can cause the baby died because he could not breathe. Previous two types of baby carriers are made Infatino namely The SlingRider and Wendy Bellisimo baby causing three deaths.
Because it is the consumers in the United States lembagan ask the parents for not wearing a sling on the baby four months old yet.
They also require that all products sold baby carriers with the use of a clear security instructions. That's because sometimes the newborns who are still weak neck muscles and head heavier, can not free themselves from the excess material that is in a sling, causing them difficulty in breathing.
Until recently there were 14 infant deaths were reported due to sling. 12 of 14 deaths occurred in infants under the age of four months. There were also 22 accidents that occurred since the case a baby carrier in the United States.
An adviser to the safety of children in New Zealand Sue Campbell said, he and some other experts do not ask parents to stop wearing a sling. "But we advise people to be more careful in the choice of arms and aware about the existence of this risk," he said.
"Select a carrier that could see the baby's mother, his face covered, the baby's chin does not stick in his chest," he explained. Source: Daily Mail
Quoted from the Daily Mail, a baby boy in Adelaide, Australia was found not breathing. Though the baby who was just two days was carried by his mother with a baby carrier or sling.
Although according to the pathologist's death was not caused because the baby sling, the mother still required to be careful. Two pathologists revealed no risk factors than the use of baby carriers.
In their letter to the Medical Journal of Australia, two pathologist Professor Roger Byard and John Gilbert reveals the importance of parents and infant caregivers are aware about these risk factors. They hope the parents and infant caregivers understand the safety issues when using a baby carrier, especially in newborns.
Warnings expressed by Byard and Gilbert was not the first time that happened. Last year, millions of baby carriers withdrawn from circulation by a company in America. They worry that such arms can cause the baby died because he could not breathe. Previous two types of baby carriers are made Infatino namely The SlingRider and Wendy Bellisimo baby causing three deaths.
Because it is the consumers in the United States lembagan ask the parents for not wearing a sling on the baby four months old yet.
They also require that all products sold baby carriers with the use of a clear security instructions. That's because sometimes the newborns who are still weak neck muscles and head heavier, can not free themselves from the excess material that is in a sling, causing them difficulty in breathing.
Until recently there were 14 infant deaths were reported due to sling. 12 of 14 deaths occurred in infants under the age of four months. There were also 22 accidents that occurred since the case a baby carrier in the United States.
An adviser to the safety of children in New Zealand Sue Campbell said, he and some other experts do not ask parents to stop wearing a sling. "But we advise people to be more careful in the choice of arms and aware about the existence of this risk," he said.
"Select a carrier that could see the baby's mother, his face covered, the baby's chin does not stick in his chest," he explained. Source: Daily Mail
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Driving Safely in the trajectory Off-road
If you like nature, travel or "traveling" while on vacation or a weekend may become routine. Especially for those who like the expedition to the new place. Bad roads or off-road had to be conquered. For those who already have high-flying hours, of course, could pass it without hesitation.
But what about those who have never explored dirt tracks? Possibility would be haunted by the fear or worry. Here are some tips and tricks as a guide when you want your car to try greatness pride in the field of non-asphalt.
Understand the correct target area and adjust the car's ability to be used. You certainly will not be forced to bring the sedan when the track is filled with a mound of dirt or a little steep. If forced, instead of interesting experiences gained, even distress. Your car could have been "trapped" or damaged due to hit obstacles.
Make sure the car you use 'combat ready'. Know the height of the pit closest to the ground (ground clearance), the angle of incidence and angle off the car. With this in mind could be passing car pools, slopes or derivatives as well.
"Do not ever make a new line looks better though. Stay on the way that often skipped because of course the track is safe,". Also keep traction so that vehicle stability can be controlled.
"Do not be fooled by the bend in front of you. It could be that what is seen in front of the eye, will be different to those on the edge. Better to set the speed when entering the corner and make sure at the end of the bend is safe to continue the pace of the vehicle."
This becomes very important because many drivers are tempted to jamming of gas at the sight of a big bend on the corner when there is a fairly challenging Handycap as narrowing or mound of earth that miss the tire tracks to the ground.
Adjust speed with the track conditions and vehicle stability. Do not force too fast when large shocks occur. In addition to make it uncomfortable, stability is less because the cars tend to be wild. Sources:
But what about those who have never explored dirt tracks? Possibility would be haunted by the fear or worry. Here are some tips and tricks as a guide when you want your car to try greatness pride in the field of non-asphalt.
Understand the correct target area and adjust the car's ability to be used. You certainly will not be forced to bring the sedan when the track is filled with a mound of dirt or a little steep. If forced, instead of interesting experiences gained, even distress. Your car could have been "trapped" or damaged due to hit obstacles.
Make sure the car you use 'combat ready'. Know the height of the pit closest to the ground (ground clearance), the angle of incidence and angle off the car. With this in mind could be passing car pools, slopes or derivatives as well.
"Do not ever make a new line looks better though. Stay on the way that often skipped because of course the track is safe,". Also keep traction so that vehicle stability can be controlled.
"Do not be fooled by the bend in front of you. It could be that what is seen in front of the eye, will be different to those on the edge. Better to set the speed when entering the corner and make sure at the end of the bend is safe to continue the pace of the vehicle."
This becomes very important because many drivers are tempted to jamming of gas at the sight of a big bend on the corner when there is a fairly challenging Handycap as narrowing or mound of earth that miss the tire tracks to the ground.
Adjust speed with the track conditions and vehicle stability. Do not force too fast when large shocks occur. In addition to make it uncomfortable, stability is less because the cars tend to be wild. Sources:
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Are You Sleep Enough?
Sleeping , although impressed trivial, is a very important activity to restore the physical and psychological condition. Therefore, sleep should be sufficient, both in quality and quantity.
In terms of quantity, which is considered sufficiently long sleep differently for each age group. For a baby needs 12 to 15 hours, school children do not need 21 to 14 hours, school-age children need 10 hours 11 hours, while adults need 7 to 9 hours.
In addition, some circumstances may also affect the amount of sleep needs. Pregnant women need a longer time to sleep. For the elderly often experience changes in sleep patterns, ie less soundly and wake up easily. This causes daytime sleepiness arises. In addition, if sleep is interrupted, the old requirement also increases.
According to studies, people who lack sleep for several nights, not able to do complex mental tasks than those who get enough sleep, which is about seven hours.
In terms of quantity, which is considered sufficiently long sleep differently for each age group. For a baby needs 12 to 15 hours, school children do not need 21 to 14 hours, school-age children need 10 hours 11 hours, while adults need 7 to 9 hours.
In addition, some circumstances may also affect the amount of sleep needs. Pregnant women need a longer time to sleep. For the elderly often experience changes in sleep patterns, ie less soundly and wake up easily. This causes daytime sleepiness arises. In addition, if sleep is interrupted, the old requirement also increases.
According to studies, people who lack sleep for several nights, not able to do complex mental tasks than those who get enough sleep, which is about seven hours.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Overview of Autism
Autism is a lifelong neural development disorder that can affect how a person reacts to situations they are placed within. The brain and the cells within the body do not understand how to process the information, and will often organize it in an unconventional manner. Social interaction and communication can be restricted, and repetitive behavior will tend to occur. Often people who suffer from autism will struggle to make sense of the world they live in and can become withdrawn.
No one has been able to identify exactly why some people have autism and others do not, although many health professionals believe that it is genetic. However, the genetics related to autism are very complicated; therefore, it is difficult to diagnose if this is 100% accurate. There is a huge spectrum of different types of autism, and symptoms that can be found vary from person to person.
Autism is often described as a large tree with several different smaller branches growing from it, allowing you to understand the different symptoms related to the condition. Parents typically begin to see the changes in their child before their third birthday, and although it may only be small things at first these may grow into more symptoms. Early diagnosis has been proved to help the developmental stages of the child. This enables the child to deal with their social skills far better, than children who are diagnosed later in life.
Often a child with autism will refuse to speak and appear very withdrawn; however, they will use sign language or drawings to communicate. The child may become fixated on one item or their favorite thing and become distressed if they are taken away from their comfort zone. They are often interested in one thing and will know a great deal about it. Information is something that an autistic child can gather, and will randomly tell you fascinating facts.
Although autistic children are often slower at school, they will typically be very good in one subject. This is usually art, music or math and they will focus all of their energy on this subject, and will concentrate on this and nothing else. Coordination is not very good with autistic children; however, they can copy what other people are doing, and perform the same task.
The best way of dealing with autism is to work through the other related problems that the child may have, some of these will be able to be treated. You will want to ensure that the person's quality of life is improved and that every one of their needs is met. Every day can be a challenge when living with an autistic child or adult, however, there will be days when they are a pleasure to be around. There is no uniform treatment program as every case is completely different.
Unfortunately there is no known cure for autism, however, some people have recovered and show no further autistic signs. Many people can live a reasonably normal life with autism; however, many children will grow up needing lifelong care. There is now far more information about autism and people understand it far better. Many campaigners want it to be accepted as a condition and not treated as a disorder.
Get more information about non-invasive, alternative autism treatments at the Life Vessel of the Rockies.
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No one has been able to identify exactly why some people have autism and others do not, although many health professionals believe that it is genetic. However, the genetics related to autism are very complicated; therefore, it is difficult to diagnose if this is 100% accurate. There is a huge spectrum of different types of autism, and symptoms that can be found vary from person to person.
Autism is often described as a large tree with several different smaller branches growing from it, allowing you to understand the different symptoms related to the condition. Parents typically begin to see the changes in their child before their third birthday, and although it may only be small things at first these may grow into more symptoms. Early diagnosis has been proved to help the developmental stages of the child. This enables the child to deal with their social skills far better, than children who are diagnosed later in life.
Often a child with autism will refuse to speak and appear very withdrawn; however, they will use sign language or drawings to communicate. The child may become fixated on one item or their favorite thing and become distressed if they are taken away from their comfort zone. They are often interested in one thing and will know a great deal about it. Information is something that an autistic child can gather, and will randomly tell you fascinating facts.
Although autistic children are often slower at school, they will typically be very good in one subject. This is usually art, music or math and they will focus all of their energy on this subject, and will concentrate on this and nothing else. Coordination is not very good with autistic children; however, they can copy what other people are doing, and perform the same task.
The best way of dealing with autism is to work through the other related problems that the child may have, some of these will be able to be treated. You will want to ensure that the person's quality of life is improved and that every one of their needs is met. Every day can be a challenge when living with an autistic child or adult, however, there will be days when they are a pleasure to be around. There is no uniform treatment program as every case is completely different.
Unfortunately there is no known cure for autism, however, some people have recovered and show no further autistic signs. Many people can live a reasonably normal life with autism; however, many children will grow up needing lifelong care. There is now far more information about autism and people understand it far better. Many campaigners want it to be accepted as a condition and not treated as a disorder.
Get more information about non-invasive, alternative autism treatments at the Life Vessel of the Rockies.
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Friday, September 23, 2011
Tips to Prevent Oral smelling
1. Diligently maintain oral hygiene by brushing your teeth, gums, and tongue every morning and evening. Included after each meal and fasting. If it fails to maintain oral hygiene, then the leftovers will be fishing for bacteria that can cause bad breath and tooth decay
2. Do not forget to clean the back of the tongue with a toothbrush made from a soft nylon, because the area is a gathering place for bacteria.
3. Avoid toothpastes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate, because the compound can cause a number of health problems such as irritation.
4. Use dental floss (dental floss) to clean up leftover food from between your teeth perfectly. Therefore, regular toothbrush can not reach the narrow gap between the teeth
5. If necessary, rinse with mouthwash solution (mouthwash) to prevent bad breath. Avoid mouthwash solution containing alcohol.
6. Avoid foods that have a distinctive smell like garlic, red onion, banana, or durian. Types of food are still leaves on the breath and the smell of saltpeter and even up to 72 hours after consumption. Generally once digested, the protein content in food will be distributed via the bloodstream and then carried to the lungs and out with the breath to come out of the body systems.
7. Expand the consumption of water at the time of dawn and breaking fast to keep the mouth moist as dry mouth can cause bad breath. Saliva (saliva) plays a role in preventing the growth of bacteria that contribute to bad breath by cleaning the mouth and remove food debris that cause bad breath.
8. Frequently the air blowing out of the nose, especially when suffering from colds or allergies to prevent bad breath. Sources:
2. Do not forget to clean the back of the tongue with a toothbrush made from a soft nylon, because the area is a gathering place for bacteria.
3. Avoid toothpastes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate, because the compound can cause a number of health problems such as irritation.
4. Use dental floss (dental floss) to clean up leftover food from between your teeth perfectly. Therefore, regular toothbrush can not reach the narrow gap between the teeth
5. If necessary, rinse with mouthwash solution (mouthwash) to prevent bad breath. Avoid mouthwash solution containing alcohol.
6. Avoid foods that have a distinctive smell like garlic, red onion, banana, or durian. Types of food are still leaves on the breath and the smell of saltpeter and even up to 72 hours after consumption. Generally once digested, the protein content in food will be distributed via the bloodstream and then carried to the lungs and out with the breath to come out of the body systems.
7. Expand the consumption of water at the time of dawn and breaking fast to keep the mouth moist as dry mouth can cause bad breath. Saliva (saliva) plays a role in preventing the growth of bacteria that contribute to bad breath by cleaning the mouth and remove food debris that cause bad breath.
8. Frequently the air blowing out of the nose, especially when suffering from colds or allergies to prevent bad breath. Sources:
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks And Children
Most children face many forms of stress and it is often overlooked by parents and teachers. The stress may be due to things that occurred during the holidays and is now impacting the child negatively.
1. The separation of a loved one either from death, divorce or just moving a distance can create anxiety in a child. The anxiety created by the death of a fellow student who suffered a violent end that is becoming more common in our society and can lead to serious panic attacks. A recent occurrence of a teenager killing another who did not want to be friends with him and then jumping on to a highway left many of his fellow students with nightmares. When a child asks "Are you going to leave too"? it is time to talk about this issue.
2. A child may suffer physical abuse for no reason other than other students do not like his or her appearance or mode of dress. Parents need to be aware that these things can cause stress, anxiety and even panic attacks in children and be prepared to offer assistance or get assistance when necessary. Schools are now treating these incidents seriously and a student can be suspended or expelled for this bullying behaviour, so listen and take action when required.
3. Sexual abuse at a young age can lead to anxiety and panic attacks, especially if done by someone in a position of trust such as a family friend, a teacher, parent or relative. The child may wait for years before telling anyone of the cause of the anxiety. Parents could help when they become aware by offering to go to therapy with the child or at least be available to listen and be an advisor if necessary. Pre-training of your child so that the awareness is there can encourage early disclosure by the child.
4. Suicide is often a part of a child`s thinking. If the child is willing to tell you that he or she is thinking of killing himself or herself, you are lucky. A child who is suffering from anxiety and is brave enough to let someone know about the dark thoughts really is asking for help. Stress may be coming from peer pressure or from teachers who are critical instead of being helpful. Do all that you can to get to the bottom on the anxiety and prevent it from growing panic attacks and suicide?
5. No one cares is a common statement from young people who may be going through difficult times and friends can often tease rather than help. Anxiety can lead to loneliness and the child then becomes more alone. He or she may spend more time in the room watching TV or playing games by him or herself. As the panic attacks increase the child may not want to leave the room at all. Understanding the cause will lead to the solution.
Stress comes in many forms; teach children how to do self talk to deal with the issue, to listen to calming music, reading positive books and having fun are all ways of helping to relieve the stress and anxiety.
Florence Redman has coordinating conferences for educational, cultural and social organizations, including fundraising, selection of speakers, report writing and all other logistics. Currently, Florence provides information to assist peoples, especially women to manage anxiety and panic attacks using meditation and to guide people to find what is best for them. I encourage you to go to and sign into my slide box to receive 7 Tips: To Reduce Anxiety and Panic Attacks.
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1. The separation of a loved one either from death, divorce or just moving a distance can create anxiety in a child. The anxiety created by the death of a fellow student who suffered a violent end that is becoming more common in our society and can lead to serious panic attacks. A recent occurrence of a teenager killing another who did not want to be friends with him and then jumping on to a highway left many of his fellow students with nightmares. When a child asks "Are you going to leave too"? it is time to talk about this issue.
2. A child may suffer physical abuse for no reason other than other students do not like his or her appearance or mode of dress. Parents need to be aware that these things can cause stress, anxiety and even panic attacks in children and be prepared to offer assistance or get assistance when necessary. Schools are now treating these incidents seriously and a student can be suspended or expelled for this bullying behaviour, so listen and take action when required.
3. Sexual abuse at a young age can lead to anxiety and panic attacks, especially if done by someone in a position of trust such as a family friend, a teacher, parent or relative. The child may wait for years before telling anyone of the cause of the anxiety. Parents could help when they become aware by offering to go to therapy with the child or at least be available to listen and be an advisor if necessary. Pre-training of your child so that the awareness is there can encourage early disclosure by the child.
4. Suicide is often a part of a child`s thinking. If the child is willing to tell you that he or she is thinking of killing himself or herself, you are lucky. A child who is suffering from anxiety and is brave enough to let someone know about the dark thoughts really is asking for help. Stress may be coming from peer pressure or from teachers who are critical instead of being helpful. Do all that you can to get to the bottom on the anxiety and prevent it from growing panic attacks and suicide?
5. No one cares is a common statement from young people who may be going through difficult times and friends can often tease rather than help. Anxiety can lead to loneliness and the child then becomes more alone. He or she may spend more time in the room watching TV or playing games by him or herself. As the panic attacks increase the child may not want to leave the room at all. Understanding the cause will lead to the solution.
Stress comes in many forms; teach children how to do self talk to deal with the issue, to listen to calming music, reading positive books and having fun are all ways of helping to relieve the stress and anxiety.
Florence Redman has coordinating conferences for educational, cultural and social organizations, including fundraising, selection of speakers, report writing and all other logistics. Currently, Florence provides information to assist peoples, especially women to manage anxiety and panic attacks using meditation and to guide people to find what is best for them. I encourage you to go to and sign into my slide box to receive 7 Tips: To Reduce Anxiety and Panic Attacks.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
2 Cups Coffee Every Day Avoid Stroke
Are you fans of coffee ? If so, it never hurts to maintain these habits for health reasons.
Studies held at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, found that drinking two cups of coffee per day, significantly reduced the risk of stroke. Previously, they studied several types of drinks, some stimulate the development of a stroke while others actually help save lives. And, coffee has been included in the class confirmed that prevent strokes.
To get the conclusion that study, researchers collected data from eight studies between 1960 to 2011. The result, those who consumed two cups of coffee per day 14 percent less risk of blockage of blood vessels in the brain. Meanwhile, those who drink up to 4 cups of coffee per day, it can reduce the danger of stroke by 17 percent. Similarly, as disitat Dailymail, Tuesday (20/09/2011).
However researchers, consume coffee more than necessary will not improve the body's protection against the dangers stroke. The reason, they are addicted to caffeine by drinking more than six cups of coffee can reduce the risk of stroke only 7 percent.
Researchers said that there are antioxidants in coffee protect blood vessels in the brain from damage caused by lipoproteins or better known as bad cholesterol, causing a stroke. Sources:
Studies held at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, found that drinking two cups of coffee per day, significantly reduced the risk of stroke. Previously, they studied several types of drinks, some stimulate the development of a stroke while others actually help save lives. And, coffee has been included in the class confirmed that prevent strokes.
To get the conclusion that study, researchers collected data from eight studies between 1960 to 2011. The result, those who consumed two cups of coffee per day 14 percent less risk of blockage of blood vessels in the brain. Meanwhile, those who drink up to 4 cups of coffee per day, it can reduce the danger of stroke by 17 percent. Similarly, as disitat Dailymail, Tuesday (20/09/2011).
However researchers, consume coffee more than necessary will not improve the body's protection against the dangers stroke. The reason, they are addicted to caffeine by drinking more than six cups of coffee can reduce the risk of stroke only 7 percent.
Researchers said that there are antioxidants in coffee protect blood vessels in the brain from damage caused by lipoproteins or better known as bad cholesterol, causing a stroke. Sources:
Monday, September 19, 2011
Should Sperm Issued Routine?
There is no provision on how many times a week must be spent sperm (ejaculate). There is also no provision whether the sperm to be removed or not. Furthermore, there is no evidence that sperm are not released will provide certain benefits. But in terms of ability to impregnate, then within 3-5 days after the final out, the sperm are in good condition. Sources: Prof. Dr. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, FAACS;
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Multiple Orgasm Tips
Women can reach orgasm several times in a one-time sexual relationship. It can be experienced when she was still receive effective stimuli such as the first orgasm.
But not all women can still receive an effective stimulus after the first orgasm. The reason, because her partner was no longer able to continue their sexual relationship having lost his erection after orgasm and ejaculation.
If you want to feel orgasm several times, then the husband should be able to control in order not to rapid orgasm and ejaculation. Thus, sexual relations can still be done even though you had the first orgasm. Sources:
But not all women can still receive an effective stimulus after the first orgasm. The reason, because her partner was no longer able to continue their sexual relationship having lost his erection after orgasm and ejaculation.
If you want to feel orgasm several times, then the husband should be able to control in order not to rapid orgasm and ejaculation. Thus, sexual relations can still be done even though you had the first orgasm. Sources:
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