That's not true. The truth, when the revocation was done, could occur at local inflammatory reaction due to trauma pulling revocation. The reaction of inflammation may form a lump, redness, and pain arise even though the lump could be settled without pain.
Sometimes a lump can be large. If until then the infection may form a lump called an abscess, where in the lump filled with pus and this may require treatment with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and anti pain. Or, even minor surgery can be done in the form of expenditure pus .
Supposedly, if the revocation is done in a clean (sterile) will be safe and not give inflammatory reactions and infections. So assuming that armpit hair pull can cause cancer is not true. Source:

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Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Food Saving Tips
Perhaps you do not know how to save food, you're used to store food in the refrigerator. Risks are commonly encountered, rotting food and cooked immediately because not too long kept in the refrigerator. So that no foul, consider the following storage tips:
1. Eggs
If you buy eggs in a clean state, you can simply store in the fridge. But if the eggs in a dirty, wash, dry, then store in refrigerator. Eggs survive four weeks from date of purchase.
2. Meat and chicken
Keep meat and poultry in a sealed container in the refrigerator, to be used up to 3-4 days. If will be processed in a long time, freeze the meat in the freezer. How:
* Rinse meat or chicken, cut into pieces, put in place once closed with the amount for cooking.
* Keep meat or chicken in a refrigerator (chiller) before inserting it into the freezer. The goal, for cold air to spread evenly into the meat, and avoid decay in the center of the meat.
* To facilitate the disbursement of the meat, remove the meat or chicken from the freezer to the chiller overnight before cooking. The goal for meat or chicken is no longer frozen but still be fresh when cooked.
3. Cheese
Wrap the cheese to be stored in plastic or aluminum foil is airtight. In this way, the cheese can be used 2-4 months from date of purchase. Keep away from strong-smelling food or smell that is easily absorbed because it will affect the taste of cheese.
4. Milk and yoghurt
Store yogurt in the chiller at a temperature of 4-6 degrees Celsius, so that beneficial bacteria survive digestion. Milk or yogurt that has been opened should be consumed 2-3 days from the date of opening, although the written expiration date is still long.
5. Vegetable
To keep vegetables fresh in the fridge, vegetables should be washed clean first. Then wrap vegetables with kitchen paper, put into plastic bags, then store in the freezer. In this way, vegetables such as broccoli freshness can last up to one week.
As for cabbage, you should not be in store in the fridge along with other food ingredients, because the gas can damage the vegetables from the cabbage.
Brussels sprouts also need special treatment. Because the bean sprouts nonperishable, boiled bean sprouts before inserting it into the refrigerator, then drain. After that, wrap it with kitchen paper, put into plastic, and store in refrigerator.
For the mushrooms, avoid washing mushrooms before being stored in the refrigerator, because the fungus does not hold water. Apply the same way for the carrots, red chili and green chili. Then wrap tightly with kitchen paper, plastic wrap, then store in the freezer.
6. Fruits
Keep fruit in plastic containers that have ventilation. Avoid storing apples in the refrigerator. Because apples produce ethylene that can make other vegetables and fruit quickly decay.
Tomato fruit is too ripe can be rejuvenated if I keep it true. The trick, soak tomatoes in cold water is added a little salt. Soak tomatoes in the refrigerator overnight.
7. Fish and seafood
Before the store in the refrigerator, clean the fish by removing the entrails and gills. Enter the fish or seafood in a container, season with lemon and salt water, let stand 5-10 minutes, drain water and blood-soiled, then rinse in clean tap water. Wrap in plastic bag, then store in freezer. For shrimp and fish, preferably cut into his head before storing in the refrigerator. Taken from : Warta Klub Nova/Erwin Kuditawati ;
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Kidney Failure can be overcome with Kidney Transplantation
When renal function was only 5-15%, the rest are not beneficial substances feared to be toxic to the body. End-stage renal failure patients can survive with a transplant. The success of the first kidney transplantation performed by Joseph Murray in Boston on December 23, 1954 brouhgt won Nobel for it. In Indonesia a new kidney transplant performed in 1977 at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and PGI Cikini Jakarta Hospital at the initiative of (late) Prof. Dr. RP Sidabutar.
The main obstacle in Indonesia is limited kidney donors who are willing to donate his kidney. In Indonesia only source of donor kidneys come from living persons, whereas in Western countries the majority of the donor's body. To replace the damaged kidney function, patients should perform renal replacement therapy through a kidney transplant or dialysis.
There are other methods to treat kidney disease, which can be used safely in combination with traditional medicine that address the root causes of kidney damage. For example, there are different kinds of plants that nature provides that acts as a kidney cleanser and restoratives network, effectively encouraging the kidneys to cleanse and heal yourself. Examples of cleaners are: corn silk, goldenrod, hydrangea and nettle leaf. Kidneys are cleaned consistently do not have much opportunity to build a sediment, which turned into stone, or bacteria, which can lead to infection.
There are many success stories resulting from a change to a more natural raw foods can help restore the health of kidneys. Think about it - the function of kidneys is to clean toxins and waste. If you already have emphasized the kidneys, why would you deliberately put more 'toxic' such as food acids, sugars, preservatives, artificial coloring and flavorings into your body?
By eating fresh and natural foods, you give your kidneys a rest, and reducing their workload tremendously. Foods such as bean sprouts, fish, whole grains, asparagus, watermelon, green vegetables and whole grains work to build strength all your kidney. You may find that watching your protein intake also helps to give the breath of kidney, although the consumption of proteins is primarily based on what stage of kidney disease you are in.
Maybe there is no right answer that works for everyone or for the size of a 'fit all' medicine, but, if you suffer from kidney problems you should know all your options available, whether they are through traditional medicine or natural medicine. Be open-minded, doing his own research, and working with your doctor or naturopath to find solutions that work for you to restore the health of your kidneys, because there are many people heal themselves now and reverse the kidney disease they experienced. Taken from :
Friday, December 17, 2010
Prevent Car Fire
Car fires often occur around us. The occurrence of fires in cars could be due to trivial technical problems due to negligence or the components of the car. The treatment is not good and just in the car also can be a trigger fires. Typically caused by fire on the car from leaking gasoline lines, short-circuit occurs (short circuit / short circuit) on the electrification car, cigarette in the car's interior fire, collision, and others.
Almost BURNING ...
Events car fire almost hit my uncle. It happened when my uncle finished off a pair of injectors in the injector rail. Usually always double-check to prevent any leakage, but must wait for all spark plugs are being removed for cleaning. Suddenly he had to move the car park soon. Spark plugs have been installed, immediately started the engine and backed the car. He forgot to double-check the installation of the injectors had since moved the parking demand.
About 1 minute later, he heard 'BLUBH "from inside the cabin. My uncle immediately open the hood, and flames visible towering over the front of the machine and immediately turn off the engine.
While some people take water and flushed the engine, but the fire still burning gasoline.Still no pressure from the Fuel Line, immediately open the petrol cap, and closed it back to lower pressure in the Fuel Line. Sure enough, directly decreases and extinguished the fire aided water spray. Gratitude is less than 60 seconds the fire goes out, after being reviewed again, no one was burned by the fire earlier. A large flame is still pure of gasoline that leaked out of the injector that did not fit the installation. What a valuable lesson for me, for more thorough, careful and thorough every time fixing things.
What if a fire broke out on the road and know it's too late .., may be destroyed in the fire engine room, it is necessary to provide fire extinguishers LIGHTER.
Here are tips to avoid light fires the car:
1. Be careful always in the works
2. Double-check the installation / installation on the car engine and electrification.
3. Always unplug the battery when doing engine repairs and electrification
4. Avoid the installation of accessories that use excessive electrical energy and is always equipped with a safety fuse.
5. Recheck the cable connections, use quality cable and adjust the size of the cable with the power to be used.
6. Be careful on the installation of additional equipment (fuel saver, magnet, etc.) on fuel lines, especially accompanied by cutting the fuel hose. Also check the hose clamps and fuel conditions.
7. Check back audio installation that uses a large power, ranging from cable to cable size and fuse size used.
8. Provide fire extinguisher (Fire Extinguisher Equipment Light / Fire Extinguisher) in an easily accessible place.
9. Opening the gas cap for a moment, can help reduce pressure on the fuel line (fuel lines).
10. Generally, the lifetime is 2-5 years of automotive fire extinguisher (see on the packaging)
11. When buying a fire extinguisher, ask the seller, date of production.
12. Typically for automotive fire extinguisher can not be at TEST, so disposable packaging sold out and discarded.
13. Always pray before doing anything.
14. Storage / Placement extinguisher should not be exposed to direct sunlight
15. In general, packaging extinguisher should not be stored more than 55 ° Celsius, to think about storage locations for each car a different construction. Taken from :
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tips Brushing Teeth on Child
For those of you who have children must have experienced difficulty in brushing teeth. Do steps brushing best like this:
1. Brush your teeth the same direction, from top to bottom to the upper teeth, and vice versa from the ground up for the lower teeth. This principle ties "from red to white" or tooth from the gum to the end of that dirt swept away not to return again. Unidirectional movement also maintain healthy gums.
2. Make a motion remove dirt from between the teeth.
3. Rub gently all tooth surfaces start from the inside, middle, and outer.
4. Also remove the ceiling, the walls of the mouth, and tongue surface.
5. Try the water used to brush his teeth clean and clear. For children just learning to provide boiled water gargle.
6. Do not rinse too much fluoride in order to maintain the remaining tooth strength.Taken from :
6 Habits Can Skin Damage
What habits can damage the skin so you can keep it always beautiful?
Sleeping in a state of make-up air
If your skin is prone to acne, this is the worst thing you do to the skin. Leaving makeup on overnight attached to close the pores to breathe and make up trapped there. Nighttime is when your skin to repair itself.
If your skin is prone to acne, this is the worst thing you do to the skin. Leaving makeup on overnight attached to close the pores to breathe and make up trapped there. Nighttime is when your skin to repair itself.
Excessive exfoliation
Exfoliating treatments (exfoliating) is useful to remove dead skin cells on the skin. But, too often will harm the skin.
Function exfoliating removes dead skin cells on your face, but if done too much can make skin more susceptible to sunlight and cosmetics.
Care should exfoliate acted several times a week in summer, and just once a week in winter so that skin is not too dry.
Sleep deprivation
Getting enough sleep is an essential condition of beauty skin. You can apply all the makeup in the world, but if not enough sleep, the skin will not look pretty.
Squeeze pimples
Defects like acne on the face and can dim the sense of confidence. But the squeeze is not the solution.
Squeeze pimples can leave scars, skin infections, and occasionally broken blood vessels, "
Excessive moisturizer
Applying a moisturizer to excess can cause small white spots due to dead skin trapped in the skin.
Repeal false eyelashes
You could do eyelash extensions, but now your real eyelashes have grown. Can false eyelashes off just like that? Yes, but you have to do with professional people who are quick and painless. So, you are not one interesting because the original eyelashes are very attached to the fake. Taken from:
Exfoliating treatments (exfoliating) is useful to remove dead skin cells on the skin. But, too often will harm the skin.
Function exfoliating removes dead skin cells on your face, but if done too much can make skin more susceptible to sunlight and cosmetics.
Care should exfoliate acted several times a week in summer, and just once a week in winter so that skin is not too dry.
Sleep deprivation
Getting enough sleep is an essential condition of beauty skin. You can apply all the makeup in the world, but if not enough sleep, the skin will not look pretty.
Squeeze pimples
Defects like acne on the face and can dim the sense of confidence. But the squeeze is not the solution.
Squeeze pimples can leave scars, skin infections, and occasionally broken blood vessels, "
Excessive moisturizer
Applying a moisturizer to excess can cause small white spots due to dead skin trapped in the skin.
Repeal false eyelashes
You could do eyelash extensions, but now your real eyelashes have grown. Can false eyelashes off just like that? Yes, but you have to do with professional people who are quick and painless. So, you are not one interesting because the original eyelashes are very attached to the fake. Taken from:
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