When renal function was only 5-15%, the rest are not beneficial substances feared to be toxic to the body. End-stage renal failure patients can survive with a transplant. The success of the first kidney transplantation performed by Joseph Murray in Boston on December 23, 1954 brouhgt won Nobel for it. In Indonesia a new kidney transplant performed in 1977 at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and PGI Cikini Jakarta Hospital at the initiative of (late) Prof. Dr. RP Sidabutar.
The main obstacle in Indonesia is limited kidney donors who are willing to donate his kidney. In Indonesia only source of donor kidneys come from living persons, whereas in Western countries the majority of the donor's body. To replace the damaged kidney function, patients should perform renal replacement therapy through a kidney transplant or dialysis.
There are other methods to treat kidney disease, which can be used safely in combination with traditional medicine that address the root causes of kidney damage. For example, there are different kinds of plants that nature provides that acts as a kidney cleanser and restoratives network, effectively encouraging the kidneys to cleanse and heal yourself. Examples of cleaners are: corn silk, goldenrod, hydrangea and nettle leaf. Kidneys are cleaned consistently do not have much opportunity to build a sediment, which turned into stone, or bacteria, which can lead to infection.
There are many success stories resulting from a change to a more natural raw foods can help restore the health of kidneys. Think about it - the function of kidneys is to clean toxins and waste. If you already have emphasized the kidneys, why would you deliberately put more 'toxic' such as food acids, sugars, preservatives, artificial coloring and flavorings into your body?
By eating fresh and natural foods, you give your kidneys a rest, and reducing their workload tremendously. Foods such as bean sprouts, fish, whole grains, asparagus, watermelon, green vegetables and whole grains work to build strength all your kidney. You may find that watching your protein intake also helps to give the breath of kidney, although the consumption of proteins is primarily based on what stage of kidney disease you are in.
Maybe there is no right answer that works for everyone or for the size of a 'fit all' medicine, but, if you suffer from kidney problems you should know all your options available, whether they are through traditional medicine or natural medicine. Be open-minded, doing his own research, and working with your doctor or naturopath to find solutions that work for you to restore the health of your kidneys, because there are many people heal themselves now and reverse the kidney disease they experienced. Taken from : http://id.shvoong.com
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