Diarrhea is the main symptom of an allergic reaction to cow's milk, this can happen in minutes with very little administration or place in a longer time (a matter of hours or several days) after administration of cow's milk with a number of quite a lot.
However, diarrhea can occur by other causes and symptoms and with others. Especially in infants, diarrhea should be handled to avoid risk of dehydration.
Stop feeding cause diarrhea (such as cow's milk) and other foods that have a tendency to be allergic to create increasingly severe diarrhea in the baby's mother.
Diarrhea symptoms
The first indication that mothers need to know is the duration: acute diarrhea usually lasts one or two days and will disappear on its own. Meanwhile, prolonged diarrhea lasts longer, more than two days.
Patients with diarrhea usually also experience:
- Muscle pain in the abdomen, the area between the chest and hips
- Swelling in the abdomen, pain around the anus
- Encouragement large bowel
- Inability to control bowel and air from the anus
- Hot-Cold Fever
Diarrhea can also be preceded by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever or bloody stools, as a typical symptoms of cow's milk allergy.
In children, diarrhea can quickly cause dehydration. Specific signs of dehydration include:
- Dry mouth and tongue
- Not out of tears when crying
- No wet diapers for three hours or more-concave stomach, eyes, or cheeks, high fever
- Lethargic and irritable (sensitive)
- Skin that does not flatten when pinched and re-released
If the baby's mother did not improve after 24 hours or experiencing some of the symptoms above, together with diarrhea, contact your doctor immediately. Especially when the baby under six months old.
Diagnostics in the case of Diarrhea Due to Cow's Milk Allergy
Doctors will be interviewed her about her baby's diet and medications that are being used, if any, and perform a physical examination of signs of illness.
To determine the exact cause of allergies (whether cow's milk allergy / allergic to various kinds of food or of certain substances from food intolerance), the doctor will instruct the mother to change her baby's diet, get rid of cow's milk, lactose and food in general can spark allergies, to determine whether the diarrhea stops with this elimination diet.
To eliminate other causes, the doctor can also perform stool culture tests, to check for bacteria, parasites, or other signs of disease and infection. Also the possibility of blood tests and other tests, which can help rule out certain other diseases.
Therapy on Diarrhoea due to Cow's Milk Allergy
In cow's milk allergy, dietary modification to be an important treatment to stop the inflammation of the colon and allow the absorption of fluids.
During recovery, it is very important to replace fluids lost with dirt, to prevent dehydration.
Your doctor may also prescribe some medications that help reduce the causes of diarrhea other covering:
* Absorbent, which absorbs the liquid compound in the small intestine and large intestine and improve stool consistency
* Anti-motility drugs, to loosen the muscles in the small intestine and / or large intestine, intestinal contents will flow so slowly that allows a more optimal water absorption in the colon and reduce the water content of feces. Cramps, muscle cramps caused by the small intestine, also can be reduced by relaxing the muscles.
Until diarrhea subsides, dietary modification should be done by avoiding greasy foods, high in fiber,-very sweet, which can worsen diarrhea.
In particular, you should avoid:
* Cow's milk and dairy products, such as ice cream or cheese (milk based products are also cow laxative for people who do not have allergies)
* High-fat or greasy foods, like fried foods
* Foods that have lots of fiber, such as citrus fruit
* Foods that are very sweet like cake
Food is usually well tolerated during diarrhea include rice, cereal, bananas, potatoes, and lactose-free products. When the baby began to improve, she can add soft foods to your child's diet, including bananas, rice, boiled potatoes, and carrots that have been cooked.
In the case of cow's milk allergy, after the diarrhea stops and the doctors have identified as the cause of allergies to cow's milk, pediatricians recommend the possibility of mother to return to a normal and healthy diet. Taken from www.aksisadaralergi.org
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