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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cystic Acne

Do you often suffer from acne? Do not worry, some tips below will help you to be free from acne. Acne is a skin disease commonly found in all circles, especially teenagers. Of all types of acne, Acne stone has the greatest potential to damage the skin. Physically this stone acne seen as severe, inflamed red bumps on the skin surface. This type of acne needs serious treatment, because it usually does not work with sulfur acne medication, Retin-A and benzoyl peroxide though.
1. Genetics: oil glands (sebum) that over-active who flooded the pores with oil.
2. Accumulation of dead skin cells and dust, so that the skin cells become abnormal which could not
regenerate as fast as healthy skin.
3. Infection with bacteria on the skin surface due to the condition of excessive fat.
4. Hormones: body condition during pregnancy, menstruation, hormonal drug consumption,
contraceptive use and stress can trigger acne
This can be done is:
1.Compress acne with tea warm water temperatures warm to help open the pores of the skin
so it can help skin breathe more relieved and tea help to dissolve the fat so that
to remove the layer of fat on the skin surface which is a breeding place
bacteria that cause acne.
2.Smear anti-irritant cream to reduce inflammation in acne
3.Do 1 and 2 of this process 3-4 times a day, do not give any acne medications before eye
acne appears on the surface because there is no point besides, it would exacerbate
inflammation of the skin.
4.If  eye pimple has appeared on the surface, clean the face especially the areas of acne.
Make way for the fat out of the skin, by piercing the eyes of acne with
already sterile needle. then help the fat out how to squeeze the area around the place
that the plug earlier. Do not squeeze too much and force all the fat out because
will give stress on the skin and can leave scars on the skin surface.
This process will take place the number of times until all the fat appears on the surface by itself.
If you are not sure can do yourself, do facials at the salon or a dermatologist acne when the eyes out.They will do it more professional and hygienic and thus avoid the occurrence of inflammatory .
5.After expenditure process acne  clearance area and spread with an antiseptic to prevent infection
6.Repeat process 1-3 times until acne heal.
What needs to be done
* Avoid eating greasy foods
* Avoid excessive stress
* Maintain cleanliness of the skin, wash with warm water
* Do not squeeze pimples or punch out the eyes of acne by force because
will exacerbate inflammation
* For faster results Tegreen consumption NUskin 97 of the 1 capsule equivalent
with 7 cups of green tea free of caffeine.
* Use water-based cosmetics, so it does not clog the pores of the skin
* Use a sun block when going out during the day in the sun will
exacerbate inflammation.
Taken from :

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