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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Smokers at High Risk Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes type 2, the form of diabetes that is often associated with being overweight, poor diet and lifestyle or a lifestyle that never changed, becoming increasingly common in many countries.It could be prevented!
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths globally, and has killed no fewer than 4 million people per year or about 9% mortality worldwide.
In addition to causing most cases of lung cancer and other types of cancer, smoking also can lead to heart attack, stroke, chronic lung disease and other diseases.
The consequence of this finding is also important because diabetes and cigarette smoking are major risk factors for heart disease and vascular, the fact that more smoking led to a higher risk of diabetes showed that smoking caused disease.
Smoking can lead to insulin resistance. That means that smoking can interfere with how the body uses insulin. Insulin resistance usually precedes diabetes type 2.
In the editorial accompanying the study, Eric Ding and Dr. Frank Hu of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston says public health advice to prevent diabetes type 2 should include anti-smoking messages.
Major population prevention of  diabetes type 2 can be achieved through avoidance of smoking and changes in lifestyle factors through a combination of healthy weight control, regular physical activity, moderate alcohol intake and proper diet. Beware your cigarette addicts!
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