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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Due to Too Much Coffee

For healthy people, coffee can provide many benefits as long as taken in a reasonable amount. Instead of coffee can also be a problem if consumed in excess, because the caffeine content in it has a number of side effects.
Until the levels of 600 mg or about 5-6 cups of coffee, caffeine is not going to give side effects in healthy people. However, it should also be taken into account, the source of caffeine is not just alone but includes tea coffee, ice cream, energy drinks and even migraine headaches.
Here are some side effects if you drink too much coffee.
1. Nervous
One of the side effects of caffeine for mental health is triggering anxiety. Not all people experience these side effects, but researchers at the University of Michigan proved severity can cause a person easily offended even until his hand was shaking.
2. Cardiovascular Disorders
Heart palpitations would feel if too much coffee, because in certain levels of caffeine can affect the central nervous system in the brain. Caffeine also can increase blood pressure so it is not recommended for patients with hypertension and heart disease.
3. Headache
Some types of migraine headaches using a mixture of small amounts of caffeine because these compounds do have anti-pain properties. But the opposite effect could occur if consumed too much, such as drinking more than 2-3 cups of espresso coffee or 5-6 cups regular coffee each day.
4. Indigestion
Stomach pains and nausea often complained when drinking too much coffee. Not because the coffee is stale, but caffeine itself does increase the production of acid in the stomach so it is not advisable to drink coffee before eating.
5. Urinary Disorders
We're cold in the room air-cooled, warmed themselves by drinking coffee is not a good idea. The cold alone is causing more frequent urination, plus the side effects of caffeine as a diuretic .
6. Insomnia
The most common side effects of drinking too much coffee is not able to sleep. For adolescents or middle-aged, this effect may only be triggered fatigue but can have serious consequences for the health of the elderly. Source: LIVESTRONG;

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