Habitual snoring is influenced by various factors, but do you know if the condition of the teeth and oral cavity can also cause snoring during sleep habits? And did you know that this habit can be predicted since childhood.
This habit should you watch out, because apart from friends disturb your sleep, snoring, also can kill you while sleeping due to a disorder called sleep apnea.
Snoring occurs due to obstruction of the airway when you are half asleep. Usually, when sleeping in the supine position. Snoring is a nuisance, but sleep apnea is a more serious problem. Sleep apnea occurs when the airway is obstructed for 10 seconds or more as much as 15 times or more per hour.
When you stop breathing, the amount of oxygen inhaled is reduced, so that the blood pressure increases, your risk for Type II diabetes, heart attack and stroke.
In children, sleep apnea can cause hyperactive and aggressive child, has a habit of bedwetting, and its growth stunted. In more extreme cases, children can suffer mental retardation or heart failure.
Bite abnormalities, referred to as malocclusion, where the upper jaw is more advanced than the lower jaw, enlarged tonsils, narrow jaw, and palate height / in a number of oral conditions that can cause sleep apnea.
Proper treatment to prevent habitual snoring and sleep apnea should begin at an early age, using functional orthodontic appliance. This functional appliance will reposition the lower jaw and the tongue pulled forward. The use of functional appliance is accompanied by a correction bite condition using a bracket or other orthodontic appliance type. Can also be done in case of enlarged tonsils operation.
Thus, habitual snoring could be addressed from an early age. The condition of the teeth are really not only boost their confidence but also supports your body's overall health. Source: Dhini Erha
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