Strength libido food as an energy source has been known for centuries. The flamboyant, Casanova who first knew oysters could make a lover-lover awakened sexual desire.
In Greek and Roman culture and often partied fruits and exotic dishes before sexual pleasure. In fact it is often said that tasty food is a quick way to win over your lover. Do not we always dreamed of a romantic dinner when going out first? Food and nutrients contained in it does play an important role in love and sexual relationships. The quality of our diet is closely related with the quality of our sexual relationship. A healthy and nutritious food will raise libido, revive sexual relationships and improve overall health, especially if the food is presented in a sensuous.
Healthy food for sex
Fruits and vegetables plays an important role in sex life is beautiful. Complex carbohydrates such as wheat and oats as well as simple protein without the fat contained in nuts is a meal that is also important in the life of sex. Healthy food, especially vegetables and fresh fruits that are nutritionally beneficial to peak condition and body energy. All this is very important to make love.
Although some foods seem irresistible and tempting, do not let one meal. Most of them can even make sexual stamina and function weakens. Fried, cream sauce is a food that makes it difficult to achieve a sexy body said.
Moreover, excessive sugar, salt, saturated fats and refined processed foods (canned foods) are linked to frigidity, difficulty reaching orgasm and lack of interest in sex. If you reduce these foods, the sexual vitality will be preserved. Do not forget that it is a good idea to limit consumption of alcohol and coffee, and to skip tobacco altogether in your life. The good news is that some of the beneficial enjoyment. Quality chocolate that contains phenylalanine, an amino acid that enhances the body's endorphins, our natural antidepressants can be enjoyed with a few pieces. Chocolate can raise libido in your partner.
Fruits and vegetables of choice
Fruits and vegetables are essential. Apples, apricots, bananas, cherries, coconut, dates, grapes, mangoes, papayas, peaches, pears, plums, pomegranates, raspberries and strawberries are fruits including fruit plants in erotic literature throughout the world.
Feasting on delicious vegetable is also an excellent choice. Asparagus, carrots, celery, corn, cucumbers, carrots, eggplant and some vegetable-shaped phallus (penis) others have long been valued for their aphrodisiac effects. Avocado is a fruit that no doubt is a good libido enhancer. No wonder fruit that shape human uterus was similar splittings by the Spaniards formerly distributed worldwide reputation as a powerful stimulant.
Tomato juice is a potential source of antioxidant power. Lycopene, the substance contained in it once highly sought after as a libido enhancer. Another well-known vegetables include: beans, garlic, parsley, paprika, soy, spinach, radish and watercress. Serve these foods often for optimal sexual health.
Seafood and meat
Shellfish, including mussels, oysters, shrimp, lobster, cold water fish such as cod is the fuel of the body, brain and useful for sex drive. Oysters, for example, are rich in zinc and iodine. Zinc, an important sexual nutritious food, is essential for the production of testosterone in men and women.
Meats such as chicken and turkey is a healthy intake of good. However, excessive amounts can interfere with sexuality. If possible, choose organic meats to avoid hormones, antibiotics and other additives that are commonly found in food. Nuts, seeds and nuts are also an excellent source of protein.
Vitamin as a supplement
Vitamins include A, group B, C and E are the vitamins that are necessary for sexual function. Vitamin E, for example, supplying inventory sex organs with sufficient oxygen. B vitamins, including niacin and B-5, can help men and women to reach orgasm and improve sexual stamina. Selenium, manganese and of course, zinc is also important in regulating hormones and sex drive.
Erotic element
Although so many healthy dishes, fruits and vegetables do not forget the erotic element in preparing and menyuguhkannya. The food served with love and in the right atmosphere to trigger arousal. Remember enjoy your meal with the perfect partner, provide a supportive atmosphere, if necessary attach romantic songs or memories you both. Undoubtedly this will give you and your partner sexual desire is lit, let alone been to prepare the body and mind with healthy foods that are sexually.
Good luck! Source: dr.Andri, SpKJ;

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Friday, June 10, 2011
Symptoms and Causes of Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer Causes
Rarely can explain why a person gets pancreatic cancer and others do not, it is clear that the disease is not contagious. No one can "catch" cancer from another person.
Although scientists do not know exactly what causes pancreatic cancer, they learn that there are matches that increase the chance a person gets this disease. Risks of smoking is a major factor. Research shows that smokers-smokers to develop pancreatic cancer two to three times more often than non-smokers. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and numerous other diseases.
Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms
Pankeas cancer has been called a disease "the silent" because early pancreatic cancer usually does not cause symptoms. If the tumors block the common bile duct (common bile duct) and bile can not enter the digestive system, white-white skin and eyes may become yellow, and urine may become darker. This condition is called jaundice.
When cancer grows and spreads, pain often develops in the upper abdomen and sometimes spreads to the back (back). Pain may worsen after a person is eating or lying down. Pancreatic cancer can also cause nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and weakness.
A rare type of pancreatic cancer, called the cancer cells are very small island (islet cell cancer), began in the pancreas cells that produce insulin and other hormones. Islet cells called the islets of Langerhans as well. Islet cell cancer can cause the pancreas to produce too much insulin or hormones. When this happens, patients may feel weak or dizzy / dizziness and possibly chills (shivering), muscle cramps, or diarrhea.
These symptoms may be caused by cancer or by other problems are less serious. If an individual is experiencing these symptoms should consult with a physician immediately. Source:
Rarely can explain why a person gets pancreatic cancer and others do not, it is clear that the disease is not contagious. No one can "catch" cancer from another person.
Although scientists do not know exactly what causes pancreatic cancer, they learn that there are matches that increase the chance a person gets this disease. Risks of smoking is a major factor. Research shows that smokers-smokers to develop pancreatic cancer two to three times more often than non-smokers. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and numerous other diseases.
Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms
Pankeas cancer has been called a disease "the silent" because early pancreatic cancer usually does not cause symptoms. If the tumors block the common bile duct (common bile duct) and bile can not enter the digestive system, white-white skin and eyes may become yellow, and urine may become darker. This condition is called jaundice.
When cancer grows and spreads, pain often develops in the upper abdomen and sometimes spreads to the back (back). Pain may worsen after a person is eating or lying down. Pancreatic cancer can also cause nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and weakness.
A rare type of pancreatic cancer, called the cancer cells are very small island (islet cell cancer), began in the pancreas cells that produce insulin and other hormones. Islet cells called the islets of Langerhans as well. Islet cell cancer can cause the pancreas to produce too much insulin or hormones. When this happens, patients may feel weak or dizzy / dizziness and possibly chills (shivering), muscle cramps, or diarrhea.
These symptoms may be caused by cancer or by other problems are less serious. If an individual is experiencing these symptoms should consult with a physician immediately. Source:
Dangers of Excessive Consumption of Coffee
This article may give warning to those who avidly sipping coffee. Drinking coffee is to provide health benefits within certain limits. But if you drank it in excessive amounts can actually bring misfortune.
New research by scientists at La Trobe University in Melbourne Australia indicates, coffee drinking five or more drinks every day can lead to hallucinations. In an experiment, a number of volunteers who drank caffeine high levels of auditory hallucinations. They claim as if it heard the ricochet of music, but the song was not played.
The scientists suggest that caffeine is a type of psychoactive substances are used widely. According to them, this research indicates the importance of warning that there is a health risk if consumed in excessive coffee.
"The combination of caffeine with stress can affect the tendency of a person experiencing psychosis-like symptoms," said Professor Simon Crowe, from La Trobe University.
In his research, Prof Crowe involving 92 volunteers experiencing stress conditioned either mild or severe. Volunteers are also given different types of coffee with caffeine levels vary. As many as 15 percent of the volunteers reported experiencing hallucinations or delusional experiences such as hearing voices, seeing shadows of ghosts, or felt the telepathy.
"If you stress and high levels of caffeine in one drink, you may be experiencing something that is not real, see things that are not there," said Crowe. Source:
New research by scientists at La Trobe University in Melbourne Australia indicates, coffee drinking five or more drinks every day can lead to hallucinations. In an experiment, a number of volunteers who drank caffeine high levels of auditory hallucinations. They claim as if it heard the ricochet of music, but the song was not played.
The scientists suggest that caffeine is a type of psychoactive substances are used widely. According to them, this research indicates the importance of warning that there is a health risk if consumed in excessive coffee.
"The combination of caffeine with stress can affect the tendency of a person experiencing psychosis-like symptoms," said Professor Simon Crowe, from La Trobe University.
In his research, Prof Crowe involving 92 volunteers experiencing stress conditioned either mild or severe. Volunteers are also given different types of coffee with caffeine levels vary. As many as 15 percent of the volunteers reported experiencing hallucinations or delusional experiences such as hearing voices, seeing shadows of ghosts, or felt the telepathy.
"If you stress and high levels of caffeine in one drink, you may be experiencing something that is not real, see things that are not there," said Crowe. Source:
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Easy Way for Children Accustomed to Brush Teeth
Find it difficult to educate your children brush their teeth? Do not despair first. With a bit of approaches and strategies, your baby may think.
Teach toothbrush habits in children is not an easy job. Although the event is simple, do not mean persuasion as easy as imagined. If not exactly in a giving strategy, the process is merely futile. And if you do not start early, your baby's teeth even threatened fragile and prone to various disorders other dental diseases.
Childhood is a time effective to introduce the habit of brushing your teeth. The reason is that in this phase, the growth period is running with productive. As a result, the growth of teeth can be monitored well. However, if you struggle with the problems in educating your child, here are some strategies that can be tried.
Advice to parents three things to be done for tooth brushing habits can be run effectively. First, parents should get used to brush your teeth in children from the beginning, even when your baby have teeth yet complete though. It is very important to train them as future dental adaptation is complete and the level of contiguity with the higher food and germs that cling more and more.
Second, you should not get used to invite children to brush their teeth when they are in a state of sleepiness at night. "Bring your baby to go to the bathroom and brushed my teeth while they are still in a state of cheerful and excited."
Third, give a good example. When I was a kid they used to imitate the pattern. Therefore, be example good for your child.
"Give an example brushing your teeth with the right moves on the baby so that they too will follow it very well. Finally, do a regular habit of brushing teeth twice a day, ie after breakfast and before heading to bed. "Source:
Teach toothbrush habits in children is not an easy job. Although the event is simple, do not mean persuasion as easy as imagined. If not exactly in a giving strategy, the process is merely futile. And if you do not start early, your baby's teeth even threatened fragile and prone to various disorders other dental diseases.
Childhood is a time effective to introduce the habit of brushing your teeth. The reason is that in this phase, the growth period is running with productive. As a result, the growth of teeth can be monitored well. However, if you struggle with the problems in educating your child, here are some strategies that can be tried.
Advice to parents three things to be done for tooth brushing habits can be run effectively. First, parents should get used to brush your teeth in children from the beginning, even when your baby have teeth yet complete though. It is very important to train them as future dental adaptation is complete and the level of contiguity with the higher food and germs that cling more and more.
Second, you should not get used to invite children to brush their teeth when they are in a state of sleepiness at night. "Bring your baby to go to the bathroom and brushed my teeth while they are still in a state of cheerful and excited."
Third, give a good example. When I was a kid they used to imitate the pattern. Therefore, be example good for your child.
"Give an example brushing your teeth with the right moves on the baby so that they too will follow it very well. Finally, do a regular habit of brushing teeth twice a day, ie after breakfast and before heading to bed. "Source:
Spread of E-Coli Bacteria
Outbreaks of infection of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and brought widespread concern throughout the world. Three roads are believed to be a means of spreading.
Most strains of E. coli are harmless and can actually be found in the human gut or warm-blooded animals. However, certain strains of E. coli can cause dangerous and deadly diseases such as those in Europe today.
According to the data, starting June 2, 2011, in Germany there are 1733 cases and 17 deaths. E-coli outbreak has spread to many countries in Europe, like Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and England. The latest news says, the United States also contained E-coli outbreak victims.
Spread of E-coli bacteria can be through three ways, namely between people, food and drinks, as well as animals.
First, between person to person, and from foods and drinks that are not cooked perfectly, and can also pass an infected animal then transfer them to food and human consumption, such as flies.
All the food is not cooked properly or washed with contaminated water e-coli, it may be because it is contaminated with feces that indeed many E-coli is also a source of spread.
The emergence of E-coli bacteria was allegedly due to a variety of vegetables imported from Germany, such as cucumber and bean sprouts. E-coli bacteria resistant to antibiotics and can cause death by triggering a severe bleeding.
Symptoms of infection due to contracted E-Coli bacteria are usually in the form of diarrhea, nausea, fever, and vomiting. Meanwhile, the most serious symptoms of infection in the form of acute renal failure accompanied by destruction of red blood cells, nerve disorders, stroke, and coma so that the death rate could be at 3-5 percent.
The incubation period of about 6-24 hours the bacteria until symptoms become increasingly severe in the infected body. If not promptly treated, severe symptoms can lead to death due to severe dehydration. If new symptoms appeared 48 hours later, that means not a result of E-coli bacteria.
The only way to eradicate the spread of the bacteria E-coli is a clean and healthy living behavior; process food and beverages to perfect and wash hands before eating. Source:
Monday, June 6, 2011
Glaucoma And Diabetes
If you have diabetes, regular visits to an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) for your eye examinations are essential to prevent eye problems. Blood sugar (glucose) is high increases the risk of diabetic eye problems. In fact, diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults aged 20 to 74 years.
If you have eye problems and diabetes, do not buy a new pair of glasses that when you notice you have blurred vision. That may be just temporary eye problem that develops rapidly with diabetes and is caused by blood sugar levels are high.
High blood sugar in diabetes causes the lens of the eye to swell, which alter your ability to see. To correct this kind of eye problem, you need to get your blood sugar back into the target limits (90-130 milligrams per deciliter or mg / dL before meals, and less than 180 mg / dL one to two hours after meals). Maybe it takes time for three months after your blood sugar well controlled for your vision back completely to normal.
Blurred vision can also be a symptom of more serious eye problem with diabetes.
When the fluid inside the eye does not flow properly from the buildup of pressure within the eye, it results in the other eye problem with diabetes is called glaucoma. Pressure damage to the nerves and vessels in the eye, causing changes in vision.
In the most common form of glaucoma, there may be no symptoms of this eye problem at all until the disease is continuing and there is a significant loss of vision. On a less common form of this eye problem, symptoms can include headaches, aches or sore eyes, blurred vision, watery eyes, halos around lights, and loss of vision.
Treatment of this eye problem in diabetes can include special eye drops, laser procedures, treatment, or surgery. You can prevent eye problems are serious problems with getting diabetes screening (screening) annual glaucoma from your eye doctor. Source:.
If you have eye problems and diabetes, do not buy a new pair of glasses that when you notice you have blurred vision. That may be just temporary eye problem that develops rapidly with diabetes and is caused by blood sugar levels are high.
High blood sugar in diabetes causes the lens of the eye to swell, which alter your ability to see. To correct this kind of eye problem, you need to get your blood sugar back into the target limits (90-130 milligrams per deciliter or mg / dL before meals, and less than 180 mg / dL one to two hours after meals). Maybe it takes time for three months after your blood sugar well controlled for your vision back completely to normal.
Blurred vision can also be a symptom of more serious eye problem with diabetes.
When the fluid inside the eye does not flow properly from the buildup of pressure within the eye, it results in the other eye problem with diabetes is called glaucoma. Pressure damage to the nerves and vessels in the eye, causing changes in vision.
In the most common form of glaucoma, there may be no symptoms of this eye problem at all until the disease is continuing and there is a significant loss of vision. On a less common form of this eye problem, symptoms can include headaches, aches or sore eyes, blurred vision, watery eyes, halos around lights, and loss of vision.
Treatment of this eye problem in diabetes can include special eye drops, laser procedures, treatment, or surgery. You can prevent eye problems are serious problems with getting diabetes screening (screening) annual glaucoma from your eye doctor. Source:.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Skin care with fruits, vegetables, food on the Refrigerator
Skin care is not the monopoly of women, but also men. They compete to go to a salon or body-care center that offers a variety of ways to make the skin smooth, refined, if necessary, become increasingly attractive
But, you know, when the key to having smooth skin and fresh it was available in your kitchen. You can create a scouring, cleansing, and mask for the face and skin by using plants and fruits. Everything can be found in your refrigerator, as described Luciana Stanciu, an expert body beauty nurse from Noelle Spa, Connecticut, which is contained in the book Secrets of The Home Spa & Malik-Crissie Painel.
Luciana know how to use food and plants for scrubbing, cleaning, mask, and tonic-tonic other faces. He suggested to try to utilize whatever is stored in the refrigerator in the kitchen.
The materials include:
- Avocado Point to provide nutrition to the skin, good for mature skin. How: meat avocado puree until smooth, then rub evenly on the skin. Allow to dry before you rinse with a shower.
- Banana Point with avocado, giving nutrition and soften the skin. How: banana puree until smooth then evenly on the skin surface. Allow to dry, before then you rinse with a shower.
- Carrots Point in addition to giving nutrients to the skin, also raised the dead skin cells. How: mashed or grated carrot a fruit and rub evenly on the skin surface. Let stand for several minutes, before it is rinsed with a shower.
- Efficacious Cucumber to cool and add water content of the skin, and whiten and tighten tissue. How: peeled and mashed or grated cucumber before you use it as a face mask. Let stand for several minutes, then wipe with a way of washing with water gushing faucet (sink).
- Egg yolk Efficacious provide nutrition to the skin, tighten skin. The trick: mix one egg yolk with one teaspoon of honey and rub on face. Allow to dry then wash your face with clean water.
- Honey Efficacious provide nutrition to the skin. How: mix with fruit or vegetables that have been finely ground or blended, to create a nourishing mask. Let stand several minutes, after dry rinse with clean water.
- Milk Efficacious remove dead skin cells and provide nutrients to the skin. How: Make a paste to remove dead skin cells using chamomile flower tea and powdered milk. Spread and smooth the skin, let it dry, then rinse with clean water.
- Orange Efficacious tighten tissue, remove dead skin cells, whiten, as well as toning. The trick: add a teaspoon of lemon juice in a variety of face masks that you use frequently. You also can make it as a toner by rubbing slices of orange on the skin. Wait a few minutes to dry, then rinse with clean water.
- Papaya Efficacious remove dead skin cells. The trick: rub slices of ripe papaya on the skin. Wait until dry, then rinse with clean water. Note: for those who have sensitive skin to be careful.
- Useful as a restorer Potato skin cells damaged by fire. Especially very nice to get rid of bags under the eyes. How: Cover both eyes with sliced potatoes and let stand for 15 minutes. When finished, wash with warm water.
- Strawberries Efficacious tighten body tissues and provide nutrients to the skin because of its vitamin C content. How: beat some strawberry fruit and use as a mask.
- Tomato Efficacious tighten tissue. The trick: rub the tomato slices evenly on the skin surface. Wait several minutes before rinsed with clean water.
- Watermelon Efficacious increase skin's water content, cool down, and tighten the tissues. The trick: rub slices of watermelon on the skin. Set aside some time to dry. Rinse with clean water.
- Yogurt Efficacious tissue toning and soothing the skin. The trick: mix two tablespoons of yogurt with a teaspoon of honey to soothe the skin. Rinse with clean water.
Note: Before practicing these tips you should consult with an expert or dermatologist, in order to prevent irritation of the skin, especially for those who have sensitive skin. Good luck! Source:
New E Coli Bacteria More Dangerous
Europe is currently facing outbreaks of E coli bacteria which make the pain more than 1,600 people in Germany and killed 18 people. World Health Organization states, the pathogen causing this outbreak is a new strain that has never been known by scientists.
According to the Beijing Genomics Institute, China in cooperation with German scientists, strains of E coli is a type of highly deadly and contagious. "This is a unique strain that has not been isolated from a patient before," said Hilde Kruse, food safety experts from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Preliminary research on the genetic analysis showed that strains of this bacterium is a mutant form of the two bacteria E coli, enteroaggregative E coli (EAEC) and enterohemorrhagic E coli (EHEC). When the two bacteria join, it would be dangerous to humans.
"One of the bacteria will take toxic substances from other bacteria and produce toxins that are more dangerous because it causes severe diarrhea, even damage the tissue, including kidney," said Dr Paul Wigley, a biologist from the University of Liverpool, as reported by the BBC.
The case of E coli outbreak has led to kidney failure a rare and life-threatening. Actually, the normal E coli infection was also life-threatening, but generally only in the group of infants and children and people who low body resistance.
In the case of Europe's most victims are women and teenagers. The German government found 470 cases of kidney complications. This outbreak is feared more casualties because until now can not ascertain the source of transmission of plague.
The incubation period of the disease was three to eight days. E coli bacteria can be found in feces and can spread if a person has a lack of clean living habits, such as not washing hands with soap.
Suspected outbreaks are caused by initial raw vegetables contaminated with E coli. Several studies conducted in Europe also showed a strong relationship between the symptoms of the disease and the consumption of raw vegetables.
WHO said, the cases because of E coli have been reported in nine European countries, including Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and England. The majority of cases of people in Germany or people who just traveled to northern Germany.
E coli outbreak that occurred in Europe this is the third largest event and most cause fatalities. Earlier two people reportedly died in an outbreak in Japan in 1996 and made 9,000 people sick. Meanwhile, in 2000 in Canada reported 7 people died of E coli outbreak. Source:, AFP
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