Strength libido food as an energy source has been known for centuries. The flamboyant, Casanova who first knew oysters could make a lover-lover awakened sexual desire.
In Greek and Roman culture and often partied fruits and exotic dishes before sexual pleasure. In fact it is often said that tasty food is a quick way to win over your lover. Do not we always dreamed of a romantic dinner when going out first? Food and nutrients contained in it does play an important role in love and sexual relationships. The quality of our diet is closely related with the quality of our sexual relationship. A healthy and nutritious food will raise libido, revive sexual relationships and improve overall health, especially if the food is presented in a sensuous.
Healthy food for sex
Fruits and vegetables plays an important role in sex life is beautiful. Complex carbohydrates such as wheat and oats as well as simple protein without the fat contained in nuts is a meal that is also important in the life of sex. Healthy food, especially vegetables and fresh fruits that are nutritionally beneficial to peak condition and body energy. All this is very important to make love.
Although some foods seem irresistible and tempting, do not let one meal. Most of them can even make sexual stamina and function weakens. Fried, cream sauce is a food that makes it difficult to achieve a sexy body said.
Moreover, excessive sugar, salt, saturated fats and refined processed foods (canned foods) are linked to frigidity, difficulty reaching orgasm and lack of interest in sex. If you reduce these foods, the sexual vitality will be preserved. Do not forget that it is a good idea to limit consumption of alcohol and coffee, and to skip tobacco altogether in your life. The good news is that some of the beneficial enjoyment. Quality chocolate that contains phenylalanine, an amino acid that enhances the body's endorphins, our natural antidepressants can be enjoyed with a few pieces. Chocolate can raise libido in your partner.
Fruits and vegetables of choice
Fruits and vegetables are essential. Apples, apricots, bananas, cherries, coconut, dates, grapes, mangoes, papayas, peaches, pears, plums, pomegranates, raspberries and strawberries are fruits including fruit plants in erotic literature throughout the world.
Feasting on delicious vegetable is also an excellent choice. Asparagus, carrots, celery, corn, cucumbers, carrots, eggplant and some vegetable-shaped phallus (penis) others have long been valued for their aphrodisiac effects. Avocado is a fruit that no doubt is a good libido enhancer. No wonder fruit that shape human uterus was similar splittings by the Spaniards formerly distributed worldwide reputation as a powerful stimulant.
Tomato juice is a potential source of antioxidant power. Lycopene, the substance contained in it once highly sought after as a libido enhancer. Another well-known vegetables include: beans, garlic, parsley, paprika, soy, spinach, radish and watercress. Serve these foods often for optimal sexual health.
Seafood and meat
Shellfish, including mussels, oysters, shrimp, lobster, cold water fish such as cod is the fuel of the body, brain and useful for sex drive. Oysters, for example, are rich in zinc and iodine. Zinc, an important sexual nutritious food, is essential for the production of testosterone in men and women.
Meats such as chicken and turkey is a healthy intake of good. However, excessive amounts can interfere with sexuality. If possible, choose organic meats to avoid hormones, antibiotics and other additives that are commonly found in food. Nuts, seeds and nuts are also an excellent source of protein.
Vitamin as a supplement
Vitamins include A, group B, C and E are the vitamins that are necessary for sexual function. Vitamin E, for example, supplying inventory sex organs with sufficient oxygen. B vitamins, including niacin and B-5, can help men and women to reach orgasm and improve sexual stamina. Selenium, manganese and of course, zinc is also important in regulating hormones and sex drive.
Erotic element
Although so many healthy dishes, fruits and vegetables do not forget the erotic element in preparing and menyuguhkannya. The food served with love and in the right atmosphere to trigger arousal. Remember enjoy your meal with the perfect partner, provide a supportive atmosphere, if necessary attach romantic songs or memories you both. Undoubtedly this will give you and your partner sexual desire is lit, let alone been to prepare the body and mind with healthy foods that are sexually.
Good luck! Source: dr.Andri, SpKJ;
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