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Monday, October 3, 2011

Alternative Medicines For Breast Cancer

Is the patient's right to choose a way cancer. All treatment should be decided by a sense of responsibility. Do not, because "They say," the fear of obtaining less information . Don’t think only for yourself, try to remove that fear by thinking even further, including if can be healthy, then with the permission of God I can care for and educate children to adulthood, could do more for others, be it a family environment or to people outside the extended family again themselves.Thats makes the rest of our lives more meaningful.
Any selected alternative treatment should not leave the standard laboratory tests commonly performed for the treatment of cancer (breast cancer), namely: Bonescanning, ultrasound, photo thorax, CA15.3 (this is required by a conventional medical doctor) to evaluate treatment. For those who choose alternative treatments should also do it, not just declared success with the words: lump had shrunk or the body is feeling better. What parameters are preferably and shrink it?
Any treatment can be effective, there are several factors that influence:
From within ourselves. Whatever the circumstances, when ill, less fortunate or less favorable conditions, do not grieve excessively. Shocked and sad for a while it does not matter but do not drag on. It will greatly deplete the positive energy that exist within ourselves. Better that energy is stored to ward off disease from spreading / more severe. Life is full of change, sooner or later, depending on the condition of our own making too sad or happy depending on how we manage those feelings. Even if we do not feel happy or not familiar with the conditions of the illness, at least be able to accept the conditions that currently occur in a calm and balanced.
Do not forget to always pray. Because the power of prayer is remarkable. Always attach ourselves to God's help and affection. It would be reassuring, if we always refer to and rely entirely on relief God. Life seemed full of hope and full of color, so it is always a sense of optimism surrounding the heart.
Herbal remedies can also heal, because it is the secret of life. God can help from any side, just because it has not been clinically tested, and based on the experience of medicine gatherers, then the recovery percentage is very small. Compared to his promotion, the results are meager. There has never been clear data and can be held responsible, what percentage of patients who can be cured by way of my listening experience .When her sister had cancer, she did not want to go to conventional doctors. I wish to see a doctor who held a treatment alternative in a town in Central Java. When the condition is severe and will take home, even in the doctor's waiting room walls are plastered with photos sister photos of other patients with the heading "Patients who have been able to recover". A month later her sister died. My own experience is also there when I try one treatment with energy transfer methods, healers were invited reporters into her office and without my permission, make me as an example of a cancer patient successfully treated by means of energy transfer. Though I have not felt any improvement.
Treatment by means of meditation, energy transfer, can also be successfully cure for people - certain people, but it's very difficult in most people. And takes time. Because not everyone can concentrate fully process the energy of life in him to become a healer for yourself without the help of other drugs. The advantages of this treatment is, if the person is capable of, so that the disease can be treated through the sub atomic level in the body through the waves of life energy in the body that can be processed to be a positive energy that heals. As we know that the human body consists of many organs, organs made from a collection of cells, whereas cells are formed from the molecules. Molecule formed from atoms, atoms are formed from sub-atomic.
Conventional medicine, because it has been tested clinically, and based on research for many years before allowed for human consumption, then the effectiveness of automatic bigger recovery . So cure only until the disease is not like the way of meditation that can achieve sub-atomic level. But this can be handled if the patient is always healthy spiritually through prayer and positive thoughts. His body was made up of physical and spiritual. Physical health can be from medications, while the spiritual health can be achieved with our relationship with the Creator.
So any treatment that re-elected to the patients themselves. But it should be selected based on common sense rather than on emotion. fear and denial that this time he was cancer.Struggling, God is always with those who seek Him street. Do not forget to pray for the doctors and paramedics who treated us to do what they decide is the permission and blessing of Him so that treatment can bring healing to us, and they are always healthy, so in treating the patient is always in a state of happiness and enthusiasm. Source:

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