In the mind of every panic attack sufferer is the thought how can I prevent panic attacks?
I know this because I spent most of the last 5 years overwhelmed with panic and anxiety but today things are allot better for me. If you would like to prevent panic attacks your welcome to check out some of the ideas below that I have found can really help with panic over the last few years.
1) Breathing into panic
For allot of people who are suffering with panic attacks, there is a tendency to recoil from the panic when it rises up within them. This causes an internal conflict in the body which can actually lead to more stress and anxiety. The key thing to do here is to breathe into the panicky feelings when they start to rise up in your body. This will help you stay cantered and grounded and will actual diffuse some of the panicky feelings as they rise to the surface. This will help to prevent a full scale panic attack taking hold, and will help you to gain more confidence that you can cope in the face of panic.
2) Eye movements
When we are in REM sleep our eyes move back and forth as we process emotions in our minds and body. You can use the same idea to process panicky feelings when they come up and to help prevent panic attacks. Next time you are have panicky feelings; simply breathe into them while moving your eyes from side to side. This can work wonders for some people.
3) Watching the diet
For some people panic attacks can be made worse by having the wrong diet or eating the wrong foods. If you are suffering with panic attacks at the moment, try cutting out alcohol, sugar and caffeine. When your body is less stimulated like this you will find the panic feelings having less impact on you.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Cucumber Benefits
Drug Sprue
Cucumber proved useful to mitigate sprue or sprue. By eating every day in enough number, then is the fruit that gives a sense of cold in the oral cavity is able to reduce the heat and canker sores. Of course, salad or eat them without seasoning chili paste, so that the mouth is not even so burned.
Heyne K Voderman in his book, Tijdschr v THIS Geneeskundigen 1895, witnessing the sprue sufferers who tried to go to Europe with the result in vain. In fact, they become anemic. They finally complete recovery after nine fruit each day to eat cucumbers for a few months while doing a strict diet of milk, eggs, and wine. Unfortunately, compounds that contained a very juicy fruit is unknown due to extreme lack of research undertaken.
And facial skin care
Treatment with fruit is considered relatively safe for healthy skin and hair. Beauty treatments like this better than using cosmetic products usually contain chemicals. Another advantage, this treatment can be done by yourself at home at your leisure moments.
Cucumber is very suitable for all skin types. Water content capable of refreshing the skin. How to wear it is very easy. Place the cucumber slices on your face for a moment, then gently rub it on the entire face and neck.
For facial cleansers and toners, masks use a mixture of chopped cucumber and yogurt. This mixture is believed to be suitable for all skin types. Remember, choose fruits that are suited to skin type in order to get a fresh face brightened, as desired.
Streamlining the urine and lowering high blood
Cucumber juice is one of the best to smooth diuresis urine and also reduce high blood. Besides this kind of good to eat raw vegetables as well as healthful.
Eyes are often tired and sleepy
Paste the cucumber slices for the eyes every three minutes during 20 minutes on the eye lids to overcome the often tired and sleepy.
Acne Drug
Take sebiji cucumber, sliced to taste as needed. Glue on the face, especially areas with acne.
Drug Fever
Take two or three cucumber seeds. Grate and squeeze juice. Paste the grated fruit to the abdomen. Repeat until the fever subsided.
Cucumber is rich in silicon and fluorine and low calorie content. Potassium helps the kidneys to remove excess stimulates metabolism and fat deposits. Good for dry skin, sunburned skin, eczema, liver disorders, as well as for healthy hair and nails. Use as a paste to treat insect bites, itching due to plants, and sunburned skin.
(Source: suryadhie)
Cucumber proved useful to mitigate sprue or sprue. By eating every day in enough number, then is the fruit that gives a sense of cold in the oral cavity is able to reduce the heat and canker sores. Of course, salad or eat them without seasoning chili paste, so that the mouth is not even so burned.
Heyne K Voderman in his book, Tijdschr v THIS Geneeskundigen 1895, witnessing the sprue sufferers who tried to go to Europe with the result in vain. In fact, they become anemic. They finally complete recovery after nine fruit each day to eat cucumbers for a few months while doing a strict diet of milk, eggs, and wine. Unfortunately, compounds that contained a very juicy fruit is unknown due to extreme lack of research undertaken.
And facial skin care
Treatment with fruit is considered relatively safe for healthy skin and hair. Beauty treatments like this better than using cosmetic products usually contain chemicals. Another advantage, this treatment can be done by yourself at home at your leisure moments.
Cucumber is very suitable for all skin types. Water content capable of refreshing the skin. How to wear it is very easy. Place the cucumber slices on your face for a moment, then gently rub it on the entire face and neck.
For facial cleansers and toners, masks use a mixture of chopped cucumber and yogurt. This mixture is believed to be suitable for all skin types. Remember, choose fruits that are suited to skin type in order to get a fresh face brightened, as desired.
Streamlining the urine and lowering high blood
Cucumber juice is one of the best to smooth diuresis urine and also reduce high blood. Besides this kind of good to eat raw vegetables as well as healthful.
Eyes are often tired and sleepy
Paste the cucumber slices for the eyes every three minutes during 20 minutes on the eye lids to overcome the often tired and sleepy.
Acne Drug
Take sebiji cucumber, sliced to taste as needed. Glue on the face, especially areas with acne.
Drug Fever
Take two or three cucumber seeds. Grate and squeeze juice. Paste the grated fruit to the abdomen. Repeat until the fever subsided.
Cucumber is rich in silicon and fluorine and low calorie content. Potassium helps the kidneys to remove excess stimulates metabolism and fat deposits. Good for dry skin, sunburned skin, eczema, liver disorders, as well as for healthy hair and nails. Use as a paste to treat insect bites, itching due to plants, and sunburned skin.
(Source: suryadhie)
Tips for health
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Fruit and Vegetable Prevent Cough & Colds
It is better you do with the prevention of colds cough increases the resistance of the body, one of them through food. Some foods seem to be a fortress of defense against the flu virus.
Influenza viruses usually stimulate excess mucus, making it feel uncomfortable because the road was obstructed breathing. In order for a cough is not getting worse, avoid foods that can produce mucus.
For example milk and derived products such as ice cream, yogurt, and cheese. Other foods which can also increase mucus production are eggs, fried foods, red meat, as well as containing excessive sugar or salt.
Conversely, there are certain foods that is useful to overcome cough, sore throat, or runny nose. What kind of food is generally rich in vitamins that act as immune system booster.
Many Options
Here are some types of food, mostly fruit, vegetables, and spices, which can be used as a cough or flu.
Apricots. Beta-carotene contained in apricot. Beta-carotene is a vitamin that acts as a potent antioxidant that can protect from infection. Also strengthen the body's immune system.
Broccoli. Nutrients contained in broccoli that enhance the body immunity. Entering the broccoli in the daily diet will be very beneficial for health. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C which protect from the flu and viral infections.
Broccoli contains beta-carotene is an important role in disease prevention. This dark green vegetables to be a good source of iron. Iron is needed to support the production of white blood cells and antibodies.
Cabbage. Cabbage, either green or red, very rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E. Components of these nutrients help strengthen the immune system.
Carrots. Beta-carotene contained in carrots. In the body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A that has the potential as antioxidants.
Cinnamon. Cinnamon contains eugenol, phytonutrients components useful as an antiseptic and pain reliever. Also useful are decongestants relieve clogged nasal effect on colds. Cinnamon can be added to food or by mixing with warm water trunk. The mixture was powerful enough to overcome the flu.
Garlic. Sulfur contained in garlic to keep the blood to remain healthy, and able to fight bacteria and get rid of the virus. Garlic acts as a protector on the respiratory system also helps reduce the formation of mucus.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Riding Safety for students
A large number of teenage students who are victims of motor vehicle accidents must be addressed jointly between educational institutions and the general public through the understanding of driving on road safety or the safety riding.Because 50 percent of more than 14,000 victims of accidents that occurred within one year are teenagers or students aged 15-24 know
Knowledge of driving on that road safety is very necessary included in the health and physical education curriculum or provided through extracurricular education.
The importance of education and knowledge are considering the growth of motorcycle sales annually reaches 4,5-5 million units, not including used cars. Most of the consumers that new motorcycle is the first rider, who is also dominated by the learner. Worse, of the 14,000 victims of accidents (in 2006) half of the students.
Riding safety program is important given as early as possible so they (students) not just to know, but also skilled at using motorcycles. "So the number of accidents on the highway can be lowered," said Purnomo.
Driving safety education is badly needed by students, which indirectly represents the backbone of the nation. In addition, evidence shows that the activity of riding motorcycles in the streets of Indonesia's high risk of accidents.
Therefore, some of the material presented in this long riding safety training in Indonesia. The materials presented in addition to good driving practices and secure is the information about risk management in highway driving, the standard equipment must be used, as well as basic techniques of riding a motorcycle.
Added if education about the safety of driving on that road unsustainable socialized will impact the greater the chance students become victims of the accident on the highway. For example, based on the data, the highest cause of accidents in Bandung is a motorcycle. Record, 1948 motorcycle accident cases, where 575 cases occurred at age 16-25 years, 728 cases of reproductive age (26-35 years) and the remaining 513 cases occurred at age 36-45 years. Bravo Safety Riding Program!
Velg PCD Change, Do not Abandon Safety
In automotive there dictionary called lathe PCD. What is it? No other change of distance between the wheel bolts on the wheel hub, or better known as Pitch Circle Diameter (PCD). That was done because the wheels do not fit with the hole you want to install.
Actually legitimate change the standard PCD, as long as the quality of workmanship and level of kepresisiannya awake. And in this way is not new in Indonesia and has been done among the modifiers.
In addition to a lathe, change grub PCD using an adapter or a lathe drum along with his Knuckle. The most often done with a lathe drum. Recommended rather than using a lathe drum adapator.
Because, with a lathe drum, changes made on his disc brake drum, so that the power was still awake. But things are considered before a standard drum lathe.
* Change is logical. That is, do not exceed the maximum diameter of the drum pringan. Example can be changed to 4x100 PCD PCD 5x114, 3 or 5x112 and 5x120 could not because of insufficient diameter drum.
* Use the center ring. The goal, preventing the vibration that may be caused because the spec racing wheel has five bolt center bolt holes greater than 4. Therefore, use the center ring to center of hole can be fitted with a wheel hub center hole.
* Velg cans. Avoid disposable rim of this type because of the uneven surface of the hub. Thus received beben wheel hub so it is not uniform. This will damage the bolts results change. Should add spacer.
If you do not want a lathe drum, there is another solution, namely to use an adapter. The advantages, easy to be overhauled so that the PCD could disatndarkan back. Only weakness, the charges are more expensive and more risky than a lathe drum.
The cause, the power adapter is located in the car standard bolts, then the adapter bolts again planted in accordance with the new PCD holes. As a result, standard bolts work gets heavier. Nested, if you use the adapter, car dibesut not very fast.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Epilepsy Risk In Children Autism
By Farah Vera
One of the things that are often associated with autism is epilepsy. People with autism have a greater risk for experiencing epilepsy compared with children without autism.
Involvement of brain disorders in autism has been confirmed by examination of brain anatomy and structure, examination of the chemical in the brain and other imaging examinations (imaging). But none have considered the exact cause of autism.
"As many as 40 percent of children with autism also had epilepsy, while the risk of autism in children is not only about 1-2 percent. Conversely children who have certain epilepsy is often accompanied by symptoms of autism," said Dr. D Pusponegoro Hardiono, SpA (K) in the event Autism Care Expo 2010, in Building Sucofindo, Jakarta, on Saturday (17/4/2010).
Dr Hardiono add a seizure is temporary and uncontrollable changes of consciousness, behavior, motor activity, sensation or function is autonomous. This is caused by the electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain overload. If seizures occur more than 15 minutes long regarded as seizures, whereas if it lasts more than 30 minutes referred to as epileptikus status.
Children with special cases, such as tuberous sclerosis, congenital rubella, Down's syndrome, Landau Kleffner syndrome, electrical status epilepticus and During slow-sleep autism and epilepsy can experience together.
A child who mengalai seizures without fever for the first time referred to as a first unprovoked seizure. As many as 20 percent of children who experience these seizures will have seizures again. If you had twice experienced seizures without cause so-called epilepsy. Epileptic seizures can be seen as a general whole body or only one side of the (partial) body only.
When a child having a seizure without cause two or more times, then usually the doctor will perform electroencephalography (EEG). Based on this examination can be detected brain electrical activity of nerve cells. Because the EEG examination performed when the children are not exposed to attack, then as many as 10-20 percent of children showed a normal EEG results.
"EEG examination is not performed routinely in children with autism. EEG is only useful if the child has epilepsy or a decline (regression). And also there is no evidence that the EEG abnormalities without seizures may worsen the symptoms of autism," he added.
A long-term study conducted on 108 children with autism, ages 17-40 years was found in about 38 percent had epilepsy. Epilepsy is more frequently encountered in autism caused by unclear medical causes, as well as first seizures most often occur during the age of 3-7 years.
"The attack is most often experienced by children with autism is the absence, which filmed the attack suddenly and happen dozens of times a day. This condition is easily treated," said a doctor from the division of the nervous child the child's health sciences department faculty of medicine.
Dr Hardiono said many autistic children who show hyperactive behavior and other behavior disorders, not all drugs can be used for children with autism and must consider the possible side effects of treatment given. Because some drugs commonly cause increased hyperactive child and other behavioral problems.
"But one important thing to remember is do not ever stop the medication abruptly or epilepsy itself, because it can cause a more severe seizures and difficult to overcome," he added.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Safety in the Workplace
Safety in the workplace is a primary consideration in being able to avoid personal injury accidents. Safety awareness begins with the individual but the workplace also has responsibility to insure the individual has a good safe place to work. People should arrive at work in a rested state, ready to go to work and be able to give full attention to their job, especially if it involves working with tools or machinery. The safe way to do a job is the right way to do each job, shortcuts at the expense of safety are never a good idea. Knowledge of procedures and practices, especially in the factory environment, are the best way to insure safety. Training and authorization to use the right equipment are essential.
In the work environment, the company should be responsible for keeping all areas clean, safe and in proper order. Aisles and passageways should be kept clear, and so should exits and areas in front of exits. There should be no dark corners in rooms, and rooms should be properly lighted. If you see a hazardous situation, report it immediately to your supervisor. Any broken implements, especially glass, should be cleaned up with a broom and dustpan or special equipment like a shop vac designated for that purpose. Trash containers should be regularly tended to and heavy gloves worn when dealing with placing trash in containers. Floors need to be spotless and free of oil slicks or debris.
If these conditions are not met, personal injury accidents can occur. Sometimes they occur anyway in the best of conditions but it is a good idea to minimize the risk by taking extra care while at work. If you suffer an accident at the workplace, and experience injuries that have caused pain and suffering as well as financial loss, you may be able to file for a personal injury compensation claim.
About the Author (Stephanie Wood)
A solicitor who specializes in personal injury claims in the workplace is the logical person to help you determine if you have grounds for a personal injury compensation claim. Filing one is never a matter for frivolity, a serious injury following an accident at work should never happen.
Choosing the Best Safety Workwear for Your Employees
One of the reasons why it is extremely essential to choose the best safety work wear for your employees, it is because you cannot afford to have an accident on the premises. If your business is related to an industry, which needs your physical body protected against heavy machines, chemicals, and other business related articles and material, it is necessary that the best industrial workwear and safety workwear is chosen by the company for its workers. An employer who is not interested in taking the strictest preventive measures against any sort of accidents occurring on the industrial floor is an employer of which to be wary. However, such cases, in today's market are extremely rare. Many employers are extremely careful about the preventative measures used in their factories and workplaces, to protect their valuable human resource from hurt and damage of any sort. So only top quality industrial workwear and safety gear should be employed by the employers to ensure the safety and the well-being of their employees at all times.
Here are some tips, which you might want to utilise especially when you are looking the best safety workwear and industrial workwear for your team. These safety workwear garments are definitely not restricted to protect the workers from the environmental hazards surrounding them. They are also necessary to protect the other workers around them. The best safety workwear can range from something as ordinary as hairnets for your hair, if you are working in a food factory to asbestos suits, which are flame retardant, for all those people who work very near open flames and heat.
People working for companies are usually instructed in the best way in which they can utilise their safety workwear to its optimum use. Many companies are federally bound to protect their employees, with the best safety workwear and industrial workwear, which goes through rigourous inspection every year. So, if you find yourself working for an individual contractor, who is not very careful about safety rules and regulations and mandates, you might want to tell him about this industrial safety wear, which is going to protect you, as well as his company from any injury suit in the future.
Safety wear is definitely not restricted to offices and factories; you can use safety wear at your home too. In fact, if you are a weekend carpenter and enjoy experimenting with a chainsaw, chainsaw clothing is going to protect you from any sort of injury. Safety wear also includes chemical resistant goggles and boots, especially when you are working near hazardous chemicals or are welding metals. Prevention is better than cure, and that is the reason why it is much more sensible to make sure that none of your employees are subjected to hazardous materials in the vicinity or in the premises of your industry. So, choose the best safety wear, and rest reassured that you and your employees are protected from any future "accidents." Look for a company, which gives you the best safety wear ready-made to your requirements and specifications.
About the Author (Tom Anderson)
Are you looking for the best safety wear or industrial workwear for your employees? There are plenty of places where you can get world-class safety workwear either in your city or on the Internet.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Diabetes Reversing Breakthrough
WHAT IS DIABETES? WHY DO WE NEED TO SLASH DOWN OUR SUGAR INTAKE? ------------------------------------------------ Sugar is sweet to healthy people, but when being a diabetic, sugar has a bitter taste which is the usual reaction of a person experiencing a syndrome disorder in their metabolism called diabetes mellitus or diabetes for short. Diabetes attribute for an enormous public health and social burden. We might not enjoy our favorite sweet product if this major ingredient of sugar is not found in our favorite junk food of choice. Insulin is a substance that is necessary to breakdown our sugar intake into small particle to be able to maximize by our body to produce fuel and energy for our day to day activities. As the diabetes begins to climb around the world, the government and other health care providers are initiating efforts to invest in health education, diagnosis and treatments for this chronic, unbearable - but controllable - disorder.
TYPES OF DIABETES --------------------------------------------------- Type 2 diabetes is characterized differently and is usually due to insulin resistance or reduced insulin sensitivity, combined with relatively reduced insulin secretion which in some cases becomes unconditional. Proper diet, exercise regularly and having frequent blood tests to check your blood sugar level will be necessary. As a result, diabetes will require maintenance and permanent medication. Type 1 diabetes is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas leading to insulin deficiency. As pregnant women enter their second and third trimesters, the more hormones are secreted since they are pregnant in which the body demands more insulin makes it more difficult for the insulin to help their cells absorb the glucose. However, treatment for type 1 diabetes can become burdensome for some.
DIABETES TREATMENT --------------------------------------------------- There is no particular cure or medicine which has been invented to resolve diabetes, but there are lots of treatments to control and handle its harmful effects to the body with the major goal of treating and minimizing any elevation of blood sugar without causing abnormally low levels of blood sugar. If diabetes control management is taken, serious damage and complications will be avoided. Help your health care team make a diabetes care plan that will work for you. With proper treatment, people who have type 1 diabetes can expect to live longer and healthier lives.
ALTERNATIVE DIABETES CURES THROUGH THE HERBAL WAY --------------------------------------------------- Now once we encountered insulin scarcity, diabetes may take place. Failing to include physical activities into our schedule, is why most people have severe health problems or will soon have health related problems in the future. Now, once these foods enter the digestion process, they will be converted into glucose in our bloodstream which is a form of sugar that our body uses as a fuel. When our body malfunctions or suddenly experience any abnormality, it may only conclude that there is something wrong within. Insulin maintenance and other medication may only indicate huge medical expenses. If our bodies do not produce insulin, this results in a lower amount of sugar in our blood and in our urine, so once we have a severe low amount of glucose in our blood, other internal organs like eyes, kidneys, heart and nerves might not have enough supply of sugar. In order for the glucose to get through inside our cell, it needs the help of insulin (which is produced by the pancreas).
About the Author
Andrew Williams-Son of a Southern Preacher
How to Keep Your Family's Dental Costs Down
Are you considering how to keep your family's dental costs down? Many families are getting by without dental insurance or operating on a small budget. Dental care can be exceedingly expensive, particularly if you're providing care for several kids.
The no 1 way to help in keeping your family's dental costs down is prevention. Preventative care helps you stop costly dental treatments like tooth extractions, root canals, and fillings.
Tips for defensive Dental Care:
Use a fluoride toothpaste.
Brush your teeth immediately after drinking or eating anything apart from water. The longer food stays in touch with the tooth enamel, the likelier you are to develop a cavity.
Use a fluoride rinse one or more times a day. You must try to swish vigorously with a fluoride rinse one or more times a day to help remove lodged food and strengthen tooth enamel.
Floss daily, not just on the days you are due to see the dentist.
Do not use your teeth to open packages, bite thru hard, non-food objects, or chew non-food items like plastic rings, twist ties, or toothpicks.
If you grind or grit your teeth, talk to your dentist about preventive measures to restrict damage to your teeth and jaw.
Get Regular Check-Ups
Another great way to lower your family's dental costs is to get regular checkups. Oftentimes, a dental check-up can spot a difficulty before it becomes more major. An easy filling or sealing is cheaper than an extraction, root canal, or surgical implant.
Start a Dental Fund
If you can't afford dental insurance, or if it's not open to you, attempt to set aside a touch of money each month for dental expenses. If you can build a small dental care fund, you will be less sure to postpone dental care. This also makes it easier to pay your dental bills without taking out a loan for orthodontics or dear dental treatments.
Control Your Children's Dental Care
While most kids have received acceptable instructions for taking correct care of their teeth, only a few follow through with a good deal of consistency. Most kids need supervision to guarantee they are brushing and flossing correctly and on a regular basis.
You can teach them to sing a song in their heads, like Twinkle, Twinkle small Star, to make sure they are brushing long enough.
Supervising your children while they brush their teeth also gives you the opportunity to correct unacceptable brushing techniques and remind them to rinse well and floss.
Keeping your family's dental care costs down is easier when you make a concentrated effort to plan for the future, prevent Problems, and manage your family's dental care habits.
About the Author
Offering pediatric dental services and orthodontics to families throughout the Portland metro area. Dr. Mark Mutschler and his staff will provide information on the practice, orthodontics and Gresham pediatric dental care needs.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A Bright Smile Can Boost Your Confidence
Are you looking for a renewal and burst of life to be put back into your smile? Looking to dazzle and wow your peers with how your teeth look? Well now you can undergo teeth whitening treatment with either in-chair or take home treatment - teeth whitening has never been easier.
Everybody wants to smile proudly in whatever circumstances they may find themselves in, but for many they hide behind their smile and do not show it off, this is often because of a serious discolouration of the teeth. Discolouration of the teeth can happen because of many reasons such as drinking too many sweet drinks, drinking coffee, eating sugary foods, smoking or just a general lack of good oral hygiene.
Now you can regain a perfectly white, sparkly smile through teeth whitening. Both in-chair and take home whitening treatments are very effective and will leave you with results you are ultimately very happy with.
In-chair whitening consists of a gel substance being placed onto your teeth, and light will then activate the gel, helping to make your teeth whiter. This process is repeated 3 times every 2 minutes, so you can see and feel the results in an hour.
Take home tooth whitening consists of a mould being made of your teeth (a bit like a mouthguard) to which you can place a solution into and then place over your teeth. You will wear these moulds every night for however long it takes for the solution to start working on your teeth, this is a gradual process and will not work as fast as in-chair teeth whitening, but the advantage is that you can do it in the comfort of your own home.
About the Author
Dr Nancy Hartrick is a cosmetic dentist in Royal Oak, MI providing teeth whitening services. For more information please visit
What Kind of Hair Loss Do I Have?
Hair loss and male pattern baldness can be a rather intimate issue for men of all ages. The fact that there are several different types of hair loss complicates the issue when treatments are being considered. This is especially true with over the counter treatments for baldness, including Minoxidil and Finasteride.
The Norwood Classification System -
In 1975, Dr. O'tar Norwood established the Norwood classification system for identifying the different types and phases of balding in men. The Norwood system is the most widely used classification for hair loss in men, and is used by most hair restoration surgeons in determining the proper action to address balding. It defines two major patterns of baldness and several less common types. In the regular Norwood pattern, two areas of hair loss -- a bitemporal recession and thinning crown -- gradually enlarge and coalesce until the entire front, top and crown (vertex) of the scalp are bald. There are seven classes of hair loss in the Norwood classification system.
Class I -
The first Norwood class for male hair loss represents an adolescent or juvenile hairline and is not actually considered "balding." The adolescent hairline generally rests on the upper brow crease.
Class II -
The second class indicates a progression to the adult or mature hairline that sits a finger's breath (1.5cm) above the upper brow crease, with some temporal recession. This also does not represent balding.
Class III -
Norwood class III is the earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession, commonly referred to as a receding hairline.
Class III -
The third class, also known as the "Vertex" class, represents early hair loss in the crown of the head (vertex).
Class IV -
The fourth class in the Norwood system is characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex. However, there is still a solid band of hair across top separating front and vertex.
Class V -
In the fifth class, the bald areas in the front and crown continue to enlarge and the bridge of hair separating the two areas begins to break down.
Class VI -
Class VI occurs when the connecting bridge of hair disappears, leaving a single large bald area on the front and top of the scalp. The hair on the sides of the scalp remains relatively high.
Class VII -
Patients in the final Norwood class have extensive hair loss with only a wreath of hair remaining in the back and sides of the scalp.
Norwood Class A -
Separate from the 7 classes mentioned above, the Norwood Class A patterns are characterized by a front to back progression of hair loss. Norwood Class A's lack the connecting bridge across the top of the scalp and generally have more limited hair loss in the crown, even in advanced stages.
Norwood Class A patterns are far less common in most men than the regular pattern (less than 10% of adult men). These patterns are still deemed significant because of the fact that, since the hair loss is most dramatic in the front, the patients look very bald even when the hair loss is minimal.
Because the frontal bald area is not generally responsive to medication, men with Class A hair loss often seek surgical hair restoration early. Additionally, the dense donor area contrasts and accentuates the baldness on top. Fortunately, Class A patients are excellent candidates for hair transplantation.
Male Pattern Baldness: Diffuse Patterned and Unpatterned Alopecia -
Two other types of genetic hair loss in men not often considered by doctors, "Diffuse Patterned Alopecia" and "Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia," pose a significant challenge both in diagnosis and in patient management. Understanding these conditions is crucial to the evaluation of hair loss in both men and women, particularly those that are young when the diagnoses may be easily missed, as they may indicate that a patient is not a candidate for surgery.
Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA) is an androgenetic alopecia -- commonly known as male pattern baldness -- manifested as diffuse thinning in the front, top and crown, with a stable permanent zone. In DPA, the entire top of the scalp gradually miniaturizes (thins) without passing through the typical Norwood stages. Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA) is also androgenetic, but lacks a stable permanent zone and affects men much less often than DPA. DUPA tends to advance faster than DPA and end up in a horseshoe pattern resembling the Norwood class VII. However, unlike the Norwood VII, the DUPA horseshoe can look almost transparent due to the low density of the back and sides. Differentiating between DPA and DUPA is very important because DPA patients often make good transplant candidates, whereas DUPA patients almost never do, as they eventually have extensive hair loss without a stable zone for harvesting.
About the Author
Dr. Bernstein is Clinical Professor of Dermatology and is recognized worldwide for pioneering Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation. Dr. Bernstein's hair restoration center in Manhattan performs hair transplants and other hair restoration procedures. To read more publications on balding and hair loss, visit
Sunday, April 4, 2010
"Softdrink" Cause Cancer?
Warning to the buff you drink a soda. A recent study says, those who drank two or more cans of soft drinks containing sugar at risk of pancreatic cancer. Although cases of this rare cancer, pancreatic cancer, including deadly.
Although both contain sugar, the cancer risk was not found in fruit juice beverage enthusiasts. Chief researcher Mark Pereira of the University of Minnesota, United States, argued, sugar could be the culprit of disease, but the buff softdrink may have unhealthy lifestyles.
"The high sugar content in soft drinks may increase insulin levels in the body that we believe is causing the growth of cancer cells," said Pereira. Insulin, which helps the body regulate glucose, is produced in the pancreas.
A total of 60,000 men and women in Singapore to be the respondent in the study which was conducted over 14 years. During that period, 140 respondents suffered from pancreatic cancer. Those who drank two cans of softdrink every week or more had 87 percent higher risk of pancreatic cancer.
Although conducted in a small country, Pereira said the results of this study can be applied in other countries. "Singapore is a wealthy country with good health systems. Indulgence of the population are eating and shopping so that research results can also be used by residents in Western countries," he said.
Susan Mayne of the Yale Cancer Center of Yale University, USA, provides a different view on the results of this research. "The conclusion was made on a small sample of cases and it is unclear whether there is a causal relationship," he said.
Mayne said that cancer is caused by a multifactor, not to mention one factor. "The high softdrink consumption in Singapore is also followed by other bad habits, like smoking and eating meat," he said. Some literature states, pancreatic cancer associated with consumption of red meat.
Consumption of "softdrink" trigger diabetes
Diabetes mellitus or diabetes has become a global health problem. When left untreated, complications of diabetes will lead to various other diseases, like heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, to impotence.
Dr. Bibbins-Domingo Christian, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, United States, recently published the results of studies of the incidence of heart disease with softdrink consumption.
He said the increasing consumption of soft drinks generally contain high sugar impact on the 130,000 new cases of diabetes, 14,000 new cases of heart disease, and 50,000 patients with heart problems in the last decade.
"From this research can be concluded, all policies that could reduce softdrink consumption may have positive impacts on public health," said Dr. Bibbins-Domingo Christian.
By using computer simulation, heart disease is associated with a variety of factors, such as obesity and consumption of food containing salt. "So far we underestimates the incidence of softdrink with heart disease because it is more popular drinks on teenagers. The focus of this disease more adults aged over 35 years," said Domingo.
He added that the association between the incidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes is very real. Nevertheless, factors increasing obesity may also be influential.
"Various studies show the impact of the consumption of sweet drinks. For decades an increase in consumption of sweet drinks," he said.
The experts warn, to prevent diabetes, we must reduce the intake of beverages with added sugar. If diagnosed with diabetes the blood sugar, weight, blood pressure and blood lipid levels should be controlled. If not controlled with exercise, should be done with drugs.
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