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Saturday, April 17, 2010
Epilepsy Risk In Children Autism
By Farah Vera
One of the things that are often associated with autism is epilepsy. People with autism have a greater risk for experiencing epilepsy compared with children without autism.
Involvement of brain disorders in autism has been confirmed by examination of brain anatomy and structure, examination of the chemical in the brain and other imaging examinations (imaging). But none have considered the exact cause of autism.
"As many as 40 percent of children with autism also had epilepsy, while the risk of autism in children is not only about 1-2 percent. Conversely children who have certain epilepsy is often accompanied by symptoms of autism," said Dr. D Pusponegoro Hardiono, SpA (K) in the event Autism Care Expo 2010, in Building Sucofindo, Jakarta, on Saturday (17/4/2010).
Dr Hardiono add a seizure is temporary and uncontrollable changes of consciousness, behavior, motor activity, sensation or function is autonomous. This is caused by the electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain overload. If seizures occur more than 15 minutes long regarded as seizures, whereas if it lasts more than 30 minutes referred to as epileptikus status.
Children with special cases, such as tuberous sclerosis, congenital rubella, Down's syndrome, Landau Kleffner syndrome, electrical status epilepticus and During slow-sleep autism and epilepsy can experience together.
A child who mengalai seizures without fever for the first time referred to as a first unprovoked seizure. As many as 20 percent of children who experience these seizures will have seizures again. If you had twice experienced seizures without cause so-called epilepsy. Epileptic seizures can be seen as a general whole body or only one side of the (partial) body only.
When a child having a seizure without cause two or more times, then usually the doctor will perform electroencephalography (EEG). Based on this examination can be detected brain electrical activity of nerve cells. Because the EEG examination performed when the children are not exposed to attack, then as many as 10-20 percent of children showed a normal EEG results.
"EEG examination is not performed routinely in children with autism. EEG is only useful if the child has epilepsy or a decline (regression). And also there is no evidence that the EEG abnormalities without seizures may worsen the symptoms of autism," he added.
A long-term study conducted on 108 children with autism, ages 17-40 years was found in about 38 percent had epilepsy. Epilepsy is more frequently encountered in autism caused by unclear medical causes, as well as first seizures most often occur during the age of 3-7 years.
"The attack is most often experienced by children with autism is the absence, which filmed the attack suddenly and happen dozens of times a day. This condition is easily treated," said a doctor from the division of the nervous child the child's health sciences department faculty of medicine.
Dr Hardiono said many autistic children who show hyperactive behavior and other behavior disorders, not all drugs can be used for children with autism and must consider the possible side effects of treatment given. Because some drugs commonly cause increased hyperactive child and other behavioral problems.
"But one important thing to remember is do not ever stop the medication abruptly or epilepsy itself, because it can cause a more severe seizures and difficult to overcome," he added.
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