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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Financial Freedom = Physical and Spiritual Health

It is not absolute but also the financial factor affecting the level of your physical and spiritual health. Here I will try sharing program that is Neobux PTC that might be the path to financial freedom.
I have Earned More than $63 without Investing a penny from my side when I started. I Clicked Daily ( not even missed even one ). In few weeks when i reached $2 then i rented referrals and kept on clicking and so on. Within 1.5 Months i was able to make good profit. I am really happy with Neobux. Neobux is 100% Genuine and I am sure you will also make good profit.
If you want to earn some money online just for spending 5 to 10 min then please use my referal link to register into this link

With the number of paid to click (PTC) sites out there on the internet, it's difficult to find a reliable and trustworthy site that will pay its members to view advertisements as well as stick around long enough for members to reap the benefits. NeoBux does just that and allows anyone with patience and persistence to earn money online simply for viewing advertisements.
1.Keep in mind that this PTC site is in no way a get rich quick method and should not be looked at as a sole method to make money online. If you want to try out this route, it's best to look at it as a side hobby...something you can spend 10 minutes a day doing.
2.Another thing to keep in mind is that there is absolutely no requirement to invest any money on your part. NeoBux does allow you to rent referrals as well as upgrade your account, but you can easily do this with your earnings. If you would prefer to invest money in order to speed things along, you are able to, but it is totally optional.
3.Sign up for an account at NeoBux (see Resource Section below for a direct link).
4.Once you are signed up, you can begin to get paid to click on advertisements. Standard membership pays $0.01 per ad and provides you with anywhere from 4-6 ads per day. It's not much to start out with at all, which is why I recommend you consider it a hobby for now.
5.When you have earned enough money, rent some referrals. With the Standard Membership, you earn an additional $0.005 for each advertisement your referrals view.

6.This PTC site allows you to rent referrals starting at $0.28 per referral for 30 days. However, do not spend all of your earnings on referrals! You will need to keep a little extra in your account in order to renew or recycle your referrals if need be. NeoBux allows you the ability to recycle your rented referrals should they become inactive and aren't earning money. This is a great addition when you consider that when direct referrals stop clicking, you stop earning and have no control over it.
7.Once you have some rented referrals under your belt, active the Auto Pay feature. When a referral logs into their account and clicks on an ad, their rental history is automatically extended for one day. This is a great way to keep active referrals and make it easier for you to make money online. In addition, it will save you 10% off of the standard monthly referral rate.
8.When you log in to view advertisements each day, take a look at your referrals to monitor their activity. If any of them are inactive, you can easily recycle them for a new referral for $0.08 in order to keep your referral activity level up and earn more money online. How long you allow a referral to remain inactive is completely up to you, but if possible, it is recommended that you do not let them go more than 4 days without any activity.
9.Continue to repeat steps 4 through 7. Remember it may take some time to earn money online and increase the number of your rented referrals.
10.When you have earned enough money, upgrade your account to Golden (membership costs $90.00). The Standard membership will only allow you to rent up to 500 referrals. By upgrading to Golden (or higher) you can rent even more referrals and save on rental costs.
11.Again, repeat steps 4 through 7 on a daily basis. As your referral list grows, you may find that you will need to spend more time each day at NeoBux in order to monitor activity. By this time, however, you should be earning more than pennies a day.
Tips & Warnings
Again, this is not a get rich quick method by any means. If you can be patient and persistent with it, you will make money online with this PTC site. It's going to take time (in some cases a long time), but it can be done.
Remember to log in and view your ads every day. If you are not viewing ads, you will not get paid for your referrals clicks.
If you are feeling discouraged, check out the NeoBux forum. There are a lot of folks who post information regarding their methods, earnings, and provide payment proofs. This can be great motivation.
If you're up for it, find some folks to sign up under you as direct referrals. You don't have to rely solely on rented referrals, but it can be a great perk considering how difficult it can be to find direct referrals
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Steve Jobs Before His Death

Steve Jobs is pancreatic cancer, just like actor Patrick Swayze, who died of pancreatic cancer in September 2009. Here is a little about pancreatic cancer who quoted from Sol Goldman, John Hopkins Medical Center and WebMD. This article is part of the book Fat Loss Weight Loss DIABETES notes which will be released shortly. Diabetes is associated with the pancreas.
Another thing that attracted me to share the coincidence is that I learned marketing, so it is quite familiar figure of Steve Jobs, though not a Apple user. Steve Jobs's health was observed to be interesting, because the stock price of Apple shares Steve's health is influenced by rumors.
For example, when Steve did not seem healthy at a MacWorld show in 2009, Steve said he "was in a hormonal imbalance". Then when he announced it will undergo maintenance, Apple's stock price fell. Every time a rumor circulated, whether genuine or fake about Steve's health, then the share price will fall.
Steve Jobs is known pancreatic cancer. And the following is a general idea of pancreatic cancer.
The pancreas is a gland that shaped tube, about 15 cm which is located at the back of the abdomen. The main task for the human body produces an enzyme that helps adalh intestines break down food, and produce the hormone insulin, which helps blood sugar regulation.
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death of both men and women and is one of the most deadly cancers, also known in medical circles as the "silent killer" America 38,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and 34,000 of them will die of it.
This cancer is actually preventable if discovered in the early stages of cancer but the problem is difficult to diagnose early stage. In the early stages of cancer do not feel any symptoms. However, along with the magnitude of the growth of cancer, then it will feel pain in your upper abdomen that spreads to the back left.
The pain becomes when people affected by cancer eating or lying down. Another symptom that appears is the alias of yellow jaundice. Ability to survive for 5 years is 25 percent if the cancer surgery and was appointed as a child and has not spread.

Anyone who is at greatest risk for pancreatic cancer? The following are the factors that influence the incidence of pancreatic cancer:
1. Heredity. If there are 2 or more relatives who suffer from pancreatic cancer.
2. Ashkenazi Jewish descent
3. BRCA mutations
4. Age above 50 years
5. Heavy smokers.
6. Diabetes
7. Others, such as chronic liver disease, obesity, lack of exercise.
The first three factors mentioned above is that most can not be controlled. Yet a fourth factor that aging is not controllable, because the chronological age of the person continues to grow. However, the age of the body can be restored. One way is to conduct a comprehensive hormone therapy.
The fifth factor is smoking is a factor which I give special attention. According to John Hopkins, smoking is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, and as we know, cigarette consumption in this country is enormous. Requires attention to all the people in Indonesia, that due to smoking is more than just lung cancer.
Premature deaths resulting from smoking is to worry about. Premature death means the loss of valuable talent that needed a very expensive enterprise, institution, organization in this country to move forward.
The sixth factor is diabetes. Patients with pancreatic cancer, 10-20 percent are diabetic. Diabetes is a risk that can fakor in "managed" with a healthy lifestyle. Key words diabetes is heredity, and lifestyle. Heredity certainly can not be changed, but the lifestyle can always be modified.
Several risk factors for diabetes is the originator of an overdose of sugar which causes fatigue pancreas, and foods rich in fat, especially trans fats found in palm oil, and sold at various fast food. Consumption of both the "back up" by monosodium glutamate, aka MSG, which reinforces a sense.

However, if you want to trace a bit, we need to think critically, what motivates people to become like the food, which eventually lead to diabetes.
One is the stress (suitable for the condition of Steve Jobs), either in the form of job stress, stressful romantic relationships, financial stress. One solution is to actually find a solution to this stress, teaches new healthy lifestyle. That is, who needs to be changed is mindsetnya, demonstrated a new way, and given examples of how to do it.
All companies, organizations, ionstansi, should make healthy living training mindset changes. Because if negligent, could make an impact for the overall team strength, especially if the affected are executives in high positions such as Steve Jobs.
Either smoking or diabetes, to change lifestyle, it takes more than just an appeal. But the need of conditioning. Because it takes is a change in mindset. Changes in behavior, which has been heralded, will not give any results without a change in mindset. The change means changing the subconscious mindset that needs special techniques to do it. Not just an appeal. Should be standard procedure. Part of the obligation.
If the organization still wants changes to improve performance, it's time to corporate health strategy to be one competitive advantage that is applied in the company. Changing the mindset, change the behavior so change the results. Thus, we can reduce the risk of premature loss of talented people like Steve Jobs of Apple lost.
Sources: Dr. L Toruan Phaidon, health practitioners and observers.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

About Child Insurance

With rising cost of living, it has become imperative for parents to plan for the future needs of their child at the earliest. Many parents start with the planning task when the child is in the womb. This helps them take care of any certain or unforeseen financial burden with ease without compromising on the interest of their child.

Child insurance is one such option that helps you in planning and securing your child future at any time. There are a number of insurance companies offering policies to suit your child's growing needs. Child insurance is a great option because taking out a small amount of premium from your monthly or annual income will not affect your other needs, and you won't even come to know how conveniently you collected a pool of money for your child's benefit.

A number of benefits are covered under this type of insurance. For example, education, health, medicine, and marriage are the common ones. However, generally one has to take a separate policy for each benefit. Every policy has different terms and conditions suiting different customer needs.

Some policies provide a guaranteed amount of lump sum money at the end of the policy tenure. They are commonly known as child endowment policies. Similarly, child money back policies work like an income plan where at periodic intervals guaranteed or non-guaranteed amount of money is paid to the insurance holder to help him meet various demands like admission fees, coaching classes, etc. from time-to-time. These days Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) has become popular. They are high-risk and high-return plans normally taken for a long tenure.

Every policy has a different growth rate that varies directly with the level of market risk involved. Policies with guaranteed returns, for instance, are less growth-oriented than the ones with varying returns like ULIP. Some of the policies also have a security feature according to which an assured sum of money decided in advance is payable in the event of the unfortunate death of the parent. Moreover, all future premiums are waived off.

You can take a policy depending upon your desired policy tenure, amount of premium, and the benefits covered. As there is a cut-throat competition among all the insurance companies, you can get the best deal for your child. The health of a child is covered under medical insurance. You can contact your nearest insurance agent to get more details on child insurance.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Younger? Familiarize Standing Upright

Ever notice how your sitting position when working in the office? Are you used to sit up straight or slouching in a chair to sit with you? How did the way you stand and walk, whether upright or leaning forward? Be careful if you have a habit of sitting or standing is not good because this can lead to premature aging. Poor posture will cause pain in the neck and shoulders, lower back pain, and headaches.
According to research, since the age of 25 years, we've suffered from sarcopenia, or muscle mass destruction. On average, we lose a fifth of every 450 grams of muscle per year. The main problem is the weakening of the abdominal muscles caused by the condition of sitting hunched over the years, which causes uneven pressure on the lower spine. Similarly, according to Carolyn Hewison, physiotherapy manager for the hospital from the Nuffield group.
To avoid bad posture, try to stand up several times a day. You do this by standing against the wall, including the shoulders, waist, and head, to encourage better posture. "Try to keep that position while you walk. The more often you do it, the more accustomed your abdominal muscles and your back in providing the necessary support (to support the body)," he said.
Indeed there is no way to completely prevent this sarcopenia. However, you can try to prevent the condition by performing regular weight training to gain muscle strength.
"The function of muscles can increase with resistance training, sarcopenia even after the initial attack," said Robert Wolfe, professor of geriatrics (the science of parents) at the University of Arkansas.
According to him, far more effective to start before the aging process begins at the age of 40 years. In other words, if you want to stay young, get used to maintain good posture by standing upright.
To get a perfect posture, the following exercises you can do yourself.
* When standing, ears, shoulders, and hips should be in a straight line.
* The chin and the head is not leaning forward.
* The stomach should be flat and straight, directed the navel to the spine.
* Shoulders relaxed, pointing down to the open position (not bent forward).
* When standing, your weight should be supported equally by both legs.
* When sitting, feet should be flat on the floor, and spine to rest in the back of the chair.
* When working, do not lean your neck to see the computer screen. Keep the back and neck straight.
Source : Marie Claire

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let's Eat Tomatoes!

Beautiful red color fruit contains many antioxidant known as lycopene. Fresh sour taste, with enough water content. These vegetables also have a great nutrition.
Tomato is one of the popular vegetable in the world. Easily available and cheap. Beautiful red color, quite interesting and famous for its rich content of vitamins A and C it. In addition, tomatoes contain lycopene which also functions as an antioxidant.
The fruit was first discovered around Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia also has some great benefits, among others:
Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A which is very good to help improve eye health and prevent night blindness.
Lycopene in tomatoes can help prevent cell damage that triggers cervical cancer, prostate cancer in men, stomach cancer and colorectal cancers. Eat fresh tomatoes to get optimal properties.
The content of potassium and B vitamins that help lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Many eating tomatoes can prevent heart attacks and strokes.
Substance lycopene in tomatoes can not only suppress cancer but also good for maintaining healthy skin. Take tomatoes, puree and put it on the upper surface of the skin. Let stand a few minutes, then rinse. If you do it regularly, the skin a healthy glow.
Eat tomatoes every day on a regular basis can help strengthen the roots of the hair, making hair more shiny and thick.
Tomatoes have enough vitamin K and calcium are good to help strengthen the bones and teeth. sources:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Alternative Medicines For Breast Cancer

Is the patient's right to choose a way cancer. All treatment should be decided by a sense of responsibility. Do not, because "They say," the fear of obtaining less information . Don’t think only for yourself, try to remove that fear by thinking even further, including if can be healthy, then with the permission of God I can care for and educate children to adulthood, could do more for others, be it a family environment or to people outside the extended family again themselves.Thats makes the rest of our lives more meaningful.
Any selected alternative treatment should not leave the standard laboratory tests commonly performed for the treatment of cancer (breast cancer), namely: Bonescanning, ultrasound, photo thorax, CA15.3 (this is required by a conventional medical doctor) to evaluate treatment. For those who choose alternative treatments should also do it, not just declared success with the words: lump had shrunk or the body is feeling better. What parameters are preferably and shrink it?
Any treatment can be effective, there are several factors that influence:
From within ourselves. Whatever the circumstances, when ill, less fortunate or less favorable conditions, do not grieve excessively. Shocked and sad for a while it does not matter but do not drag on. It will greatly deplete the positive energy that exist within ourselves. Better that energy is stored to ward off disease from spreading / more severe. Life is full of change, sooner or later, depending on the condition of our own making too sad or happy depending on how we manage those feelings. Even if we do not feel happy or not familiar with the conditions of the illness, at least be able to accept the conditions that currently occur in a calm and balanced.
Do not forget to always pray. Because the power of prayer is remarkable. Always attach ourselves to God's help and affection. It would be reassuring, if we always refer to and rely entirely on relief God. Life seemed full of hope and full of color, so it is always a sense of optimism surrounding the heart.
Herbal remedies can also heal, because it is the secret of life. God can help from any side, just because it has not been clinically tested, and based on the experience of medicine gatherers, then the recovery percentage is very small. Compared to his promotion, the results are meager. There has never been clear data and can be held responsible, what percentage of patients who can be cured by way of my listening experience .When her sister had cancer, she did not want to go to conventional doctors. I wish to see a doctor who held a treatment alternative in a town in Central Java. When the condition is severe and will take home, even in the doctor's waiting room walls are plastered with photos sister photos of other patients with the heading "Patients who have been able to recover". A month later her sister died. My own experience is also there when I try one treatment with energy transfer methods, healers were invited reporters into her office and without my permission, make me as an example of a cancer patient successfully treated by means of energy transfer. Though I have not felt any improvement.
Treatment by means of meditation, energy transfer, can also be successfully cure for people - certain people, but it's very difficult in most people. And takes time. Because not everyone can concentrate fully process the energy of life in him to become a healer for yourself without the help of other drugs. The advantages of this treatment is, if the person is capable of, so that the disease can be treated through the sub atomic level in the body through the waves of life energy in the body that can be processed to be a positive energy that heals. As we know that the human body consists of many organs, organs made from a collection of cells, whereas cells are formed from the molecules. Molecule formed from atoms, atoms are formed from sub-atomic.
Conventional medicine, because it has been tested clinically, and based on research for many years before allowed for human consumption, then the effectiveness of automatic bigger recovery . So cure only until the disease is not like the way of meditation that can achieve sub-atomic level. But this can be handled if the patient is always healthy spiritually through prayer and positive thoughts. His body was made up of physical and spiritual. Physical health can be from medications, while the spiritual health can be achieved with our relationship with the Creator.
So any treatment that re-elected to the patients themselves. But it should be selected based on common sense rather than on emotion. fear and denial that this time he was cancer.Struggling, God is always with those who seek Him street. Do not forget to pray for the doctors and paramedics who treated us to do what they decide is the permission and blessing of Him so that treatment can bring healing to us, and they are always healthy, so in treating the patient is always in a state of happiness and enthusiasm. Source:

Friday, September 30, 2011

Warning! What's In Your Kitchen That Could Be Causing Cancer?

The first thing you have to do when diagnosed with cancer or any illness is to start building your immune system. Little did I know that most of the items in my home were toxic to me and my family. Processed foods, foods with additives, foods laced with pesticides and herbicides were all part of my daily diet.
So the first thing you need to do is go through your kitchen and purge it of all the things that are loaded with chemicals, preservatives, and sugar. Sugar is the number one item that needs to be replaced in your kitchen. Sugar is like lighter fluid to cancer and illness and is in practically everything we consume today.
Stevia is a good replacement for sugar and can be found in most health food stores. However, my favorite is Sweet Perfection made from chicory root. It is 100% sugar-free, contains fiber and tastes just like sugar. It also ranks zero on the glycemic index and is suitable for diabetics.
In addition to purging sugar, I highly endorse the use of organic vegetables over conventional ones. Vegetables today are sprayed with chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. With sprays come more sprays because the vegetables become more resistant to the pesticides and herbicides, requiring stronger chemicals.
They have actually modified our seed to be Roundup ready. In the past crops would die from the herbicide Roundup. Now they can spray strong herbicides, and the crops withstand the harsh chemicals. If you cannot buy all of your vegetables organic, I would recommend buying at least the rooted vegetables like potatoes and onions, since they absorb the majority of chemicals.
Another important purge and replacement is the conventional chicken to free-range chicken. Most chickens today are pumped full of antibiotics and hormones, which have been known to cause cancer. In addition to the hormones and antibiotics chickens receive, they are also fed large amounts of corn because it is a cheap feed. God never intended chickens to eat only corn. Chickens are omnivores; they eat meat, bugs, worms, plants, seeds, and grains whenever they are able to roam free and find these things.
Free-range chickens also provide good nutritionally dense eggs. It would be wise not to choose vegetarian eggs. We get a lot of our protein from the worms, bugs and meat the chickens eat. Some labels are very misleading. You can buy chicken labeled organic in the grocery store, and if you do your research you will find that the chicken is being fed G.M.O (genetically modified organism) feed.
Additionally, if an egg is a vegetarian egg, that means the chicken kept in a place where it cannot gain access to the outdoors to consume what a chicken would normally eat. Please don't be fooled with labels that say cage-free. It simply means the chickens are kept in over-populated rooms, sitting in their own fecal matter with no sunlight, which is considered factory farming.

In my opinion, there is no other choice but free-range chickens, where the chickens are permitted to roam cage free and eat off the land. The same applies to the beef we eat. It is best to eat grass-fed beef from cows that graze.
Another very important replacement in your kitchen is the replacement of vegetable oil with coconut oil. The molecular structure of coconut oil does not change when heated, unlike most oils. It is good for many things, like helping your immune system, your heart, your skin, and it speeds up your metabolism allowing you to lose weight and giving you more energy.
Article Source:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Beware Baby Dies While being held

The death of a two-day-old infant when his mother picked up, making health experts warn the mothers. Mothers were asked to be careful when carrying your baby.
Quoted from the Daily Mail, a baby boy in Adelaide, Australia was found not breathing. Though the baby who was just two days was carried by his mother with a baby carrier or sling.
Although according to the pathologist's death was not caused because the baby sling, the mother still required to be careful. Two pathologists revealed no risk factors than the use of baby carriers.
In their letter to the Medical Journal of Australia, two pathologist Professor Roger Byard and John Gilbert reveals the importance of parents and infant caregivers are aware about these risk factors. They hope the parents and infant caregivers understand the safety issues when using a baby carrier, especially in newborns.
Warnings expressed by Byard and Gilbert was not the first time that happened. Last year, millions of baby carriers withdrawn from circulation by a company in America. They worry that such arms can cause the baby died because he could not breathe. Previous two types of baby carriers are made Infatino namely The SlingRider and Wendy Bellisimo baby causing three deaths.
Because it is the consumers in the United States lembagan ask the parents for not wearing a sling on the baby four months old yet.
They also require that all products sold baby carriers with the use of a clear security instructions. That's because sometimes the newborns who are still weak neck muscles and head heavier, can not free themselves from the excess material that is in a sling, causing them difficulty in breathing.
Until recently there were 14 infant deaths were reported due to sling. 12 of 14 deaths occurred in infants under the age of four months. There were also 22 accidents that occurred since the case a baby carrier in the United States.
An adviser to the safety of children in New Zealand Sue Campbell said, he and some other experts do not ask parents to stop wearing a sling. "But we advise people to be more careful in the choice of arms and aware about the existence of this risk," he said.
"Select a carrier that could see the baby's mother, his face covered, the baby's chin does not stick in his chest," he explained. Source: Daily Mail

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Driving Safely in the trajectory Off-road

If you like nature, travel or "traveling" while on vacation or a weekend may become routine. Especially for those who like the expedition to the new place. Bad roads or off-road had to be conquered. For those who already have high-flying hours, of course, could pass it without hesitation.
But what about those who have never explored dirt tracks? Possibility would be haunted by the fear or worry. Here are some tips and tricks as a guide when you want your car to try greatness pride in the field of non-asphalt.
Understand the correct target area and adjust the car's ability to be used. You certainly will not be forced to bring the sedan when the track is filled with a mound of dirt or a little steep. If forced, instead of interesting experiences gained, even distress. Your car could have been "trapped" or damaged due to hit obstacles.
Make sure the car you use 'combat ready'. Know the height of the pit closest to the ground (ground clearance), the angle of incidence and angle off the car. With this in mind could be passing car pools, slopes or derivatives as well.
"Do not ever make a new line looks better though. Stay on the way that often skipped because of course the track is safe,". Also keep traction so that vehicle stability can be controlled.
"Do not be fooled by the bend in front of you. It could be that what is seen in front of the eye, will be different to those on the edge. Better to set the speed when entering the corner and make sure at the end of the bend is safe to continue the pace of the vehicle."
This becomes very important because many drivers are tempted to jamming of gas at the sight of a big bend on the corner when there is a fairly challenging Handycap as narrowing or mound of earth that miss the tire tracks to the ground.
Adjust speed with the track conditions and vehicle stability. Do not force too fast when large shocks occur. In addition to make it uncomfortable, stability is less because the cars tend to be wild. Sources:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Are You Sleep Enough?

Sleeping , although impressed trivial, is a very important activity to restore the physical and psychological condition. Therefore, sleep should be sufficient, both in quality and quantity.
In terms of quantity, which is considered sufficiently long sleep differently for each age group. For a baby needs 12 to 15 hours, school children do not need 21 to 14 hours, school-age children need 10 hours 11 hours, while adults need 7 to 9 hours.
In addition, some circumstances may also affect the amount of sleep needs. Pregnant women need a longer time to sleep. For the elderly often experience changes in sleep patterns, ie less soundly and wake up easily. This causes daytime sleepiness arises. In addition, if sleep is interrupted, the old requirement also increases.
According to studies, people who lack sleep for several nights, not able to do complex mental tasks than those who get enough sleep, which is about seven hours.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Overview of Autism

Autism is a lifelong neural development disorder that can affect how a person reacts to situations they are placed within. The brain and the cells within the body do not understand how to process the information, and will often organize it in an unconventional manner. Social interaction and communication can be restricted, and repetitive behavior will tend to occur. Often people who suffer from autism will struggle to make sense of the world they live in and can become withdrawn.
No one has been able to identify exactly why some people have autism and others do not, although many health professionals believe that it is genetic. However, the genetics related to autism are very complicated; therefore, it is difficult to diagnose if this is 100% accurate. There is a huge spectrum of different types of autism, and symptoms that can be found vary from person to person.
Autism is often described as a large tree with several different smaller branches growing from it, allowing you to understand the different symptoms related to the condition. Parents typically begin to see the changes in their child before their third birthday, and although it may only be small things at first these may grow into more symptoms. Early diagnosis has been proved to help the developmental stages of the child. This enables the child to deal with their social skills far better, than children who are diagnosed later in life.
Often a child with autism will refuse to speak and appear very withdrawn; however, they will use sign language or drawings to communicate. The child may become fixated on one item or their favorite thing and become distressed if they are taken away from their comfort zone. They are often interested in one thing and will know a great deal about it. Information is something that an autistic child can gather, and will randomly tell you fascinating facts.
Although autistic children are often slower at school, they will typically be very good in one subject. This is usually art, music or math and they will focus all of their energy on this subject, and will concentrate on this and nothing else. Coordination is not very good with autistic children; however, they can copy what other people are doing, and perform the same task.
The best way of dealing with autism is to work through the other related problems that the child may have, some of these will be able to be treated. You will want to ensure that the person's quality of life is improved and that every one of their needs is met. Every day can be a challenge when living with an autistic child or adult, however, there will be days when they are a pleasure to be around. There is no uniform treatment program as every case is completely different.

Unfortunately there is no known cure for autism, however, some people have recovered and show no further autistic signs. Many people can live a reasonably normal life with autism; however, many children will grow up needing lifelong care. There is now far more information about autism and people understand it far better. Many campaigners want it to be accepted as a condition and not treated as a disorder.
Get more information about non-invasive, alternative autism treatments at the Life Vessel of the Rockies.
Article Source:

Friday, September 23, 2011

Tips to Prevent Oral smelling

1. Diligently maintain oral hygiene by brushing your teeth, gums, and tongue every morning and evening. Included after each meal and fasting. If it fails to maintain oral hygiene, then the leftovers will be fishing for bacteria that can cause bad breath and tooth decay
2. Do not forget to clean the back of the tongue with a toothbrush made from a soft nylon, because the area is a gathering place for bacteria.
3. Avoid toothpastes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate, because the compound can cause a number of health problems such as irritation.
4. Use dental floss (dental floss) to clean up leftover food from between your teeth perfectly. Therefore, regular toothbrush can not reach the narrow gap between the teeth
5. If necessary, rinse with mouthwash solution (mouthwash) to prevent bad breath. Avoid mouthwash solution containing alcohol.
6. Avoid foods that have a distinctive smell like garlic, red onion, banana, or durian. Types of food are still leaves on the breath and the smell of saltpeter and even up to 72 hours after consumption. Generally once digested, the protein content in food will be distributed via the bloodstream and then carried to the lungs and out with the breath to come out of the body systems.
7. Expand the consumption of water at the time of dawn and breaking fast to keep the mouth moist as dry mouth can cause bad breath. Saliva (saliva) plays a role in preventing the growth of bacteria that contribute to bad breath by cleaning the mouth and remove food debris that cause bad breath.
8. Frequently the air blowing out of the nose, especially when suffering from colds or allergies to prevent bad breath. Sources:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks And Children

Most children face many forms of stress and it is often overlooked by parents and teachers. The stress may be due to things that occurred during the holidays and is now impacting the child negatively.
1. The separation of a loved one either from death, divorce or just moving a distance can create anxiety in a child. The anxiety created by the death of a fellow student who suffered a violent end that is becoming more common in our society and can lead to serious panic attacks. A recent occurrence of a teenager killing another who did not want to be friends with him and then jumping on to a highway left many of his fellow students with nightmares. When a child asks "Are you going to leave too"? it is time to talk about this issue.
2. A child may suffer physical abuse for no reason other than other students do not like his or her appearance or mode of dress. Parents need to be aware that these things can cause stress, anxiety and even panic attacks in children and be prepared to offer assistance or get assistance when necessary. Schools are now treating these incidents seriously and a student can be suspended or expelled for this bullying behaviour, so listen and take action when required.
3. Sexual abuse at a young age can lead to anxiety and panic attacks, especially if done by someone in a position of trust such as a family friend, a teacher, parent or relative. The child may wait for years before telling anyone of the cause of the anxiety. Parents could help when they become aware by offering to go to therapy with the child or at least be available to listen and be an advisor if necessary. Pre-training of your child so that the awareness is there can encourage early disclosure by the child.
4. Suicide is often a part of a child`s thinking. If the child is willing to tell you that he or she is thinking of killing himself or herself, you are lucky. A child who is suffering from anxiety and is brave enough to let someone know about the dark thoughts really is asking for help. Stress may be coming from peer pressure or from teachers who are critical instead of being helpful. Do all that you can to get to the bottom on the anxiety and prevent it from growing panic attacks and suicide?
5. No one cares is a common statement from young people who may be going through difficult times and friends can often tease rather than help. Anxiety can lead to loneliness and the child then becomes more alone. He or she may spend more time in the room watching TV or playing games by him or herself. As the panic attacks increase the child may not want to leave the room at all. Understanding the cause will lead to the solution.
Stress comes in many forms; teach children how to do self talk to deal with the issue, to listen to calming music, reading positive books and having fun are all ways of helping to relieve the stress and anxiety.
Florence Redman has coordinating conferences for educational, cultural and social organizations, including fundraising, selection of speakers, report writing and all other logistics. Currently, Florence provides information to assist peoples, especially women to manage anxiety and panic attacks using meditation and to guide people to find what is best for them. I encourage you to go to and sign into my slide box to receive 7 Tips: To Reduce Anxiety and Panic Attacks.
Article Source:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2 Cups Coffee Every Day Avoid Stroke

Are you fans of coffee ? If so, it never hurts to maintain these habits for health reasons.
Studies held at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, found that drinking two cups of coffee per day, significantly reduced the risk of stroke. Previously, they studied several types of drinks, some stimulate the development of a stroke while others actually help save lives. And, coffee has been included in the class confirmed that prevent strokes.
To get the conclusion that study, researchers collected data from eight studies between 1960 to 2011. The result, those who consumed two cups of coffee per day 14 percent less risk of blockage of blood vessels in the brain. Meanwhile, those who drink up to 4 cups of coffee per day, it can reduce the danger of stroke by 17 percent. Similarly, as disitat Dailymail, Tuesday (20/09/2011).
However researchers, consume coffee more than necessary will not improve the body's protection against the dangers stroke. The reason, they are addicted to caffeine by drinking more than six cups of coffee can reduce the risk of stroke only 7 percent.
Researchers said that there are antioxidants in coffee protect blood vessels in the brain from damage caused by lipoproteins or better known as bad cholesterol, causing a stroke. Sources:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Should Sperm Issued Routine?

There is no provision on how many times a week must be spent sperm (ejaculate). There is also no provision whether the sperm to be removed or not. Furthermore, there is no evidence that sperm are not released will provide certain benefits. But in terms of ability to impregnate, then within 3-5 days after the final out, the sperm are in good condition. Sources: Prof. Dr. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, FAACS;

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Multiple Orgasm Tips

Women can reach orgasm several times in a one-time sexual relationship. It can be experienced when she was still receive effective stimuli such as the first orgasm.
But not all women can still receive an effective stimulus after the first orgasm. The reason, because her partner was no longer able to continue their sexual relationship having lost his erection after orgasm and ejaculation.
If you want to feel orgasm several times, then the husband should be able to control in order not to rapid orgasm and ejaculation. Thus, sexual relations can still be done even though you had the first orgasm. Sources:

Friday, June 10, 2011

Healthy Foods For Sex Passion

Strength libido food as an energy source has been known for centuries. The flamboyant, Casanova who first knew oysters could make a lover-lover awakened sexual desire.
In Greek and Roman culture and often partied fruits and exotic dishes before sexual pleasure. In fact it is often said that tasty food is a quick way to win over your lover. Do not we always dreamed of a romantic dinner when going out first? Food and nutrients contained in it does play an important role in love and sexual relationships. The quality of our diet is closely related with the quality of our sexual relationship. A healthy and nutritious food will raise libido, revive sexual relationships and improve overall health, especially if the food is presented in a sensuous.
Healthy food for sex
Fruits and vegetables plays an important role in sex life is beautiful. Complex carbohydrates such as wheat and oats as well as simple protein without the fat contained in nuts is a meal that is also important in the life of sex. Healthy food, especially vegetables and fresh fruits that are nutritionally beneficial to peak condition and body energy. All this is very important to make love.
Although some foods seem irresistible and tempting, do not let one meal. Most of them can even make sexual stamina and function weakens. Fried, cream sauce is a food that makes it difficult to achieve a sexy body said.
Moreover, excessive sugar, salt, saturated fats and refined processed foods (canned foods) are linked to frigidity, difficulty reaching orgasm and lack of interest in sex. If you reduce these foods, the sexual vitality will be preserved. Do not forget that it is a good idea to limit consumption of alcohol and coffee, and to skip tobacco altogether in your life. The good news is that some of the beneficial enjoyment. Quality chocolate that contains phenylalanine, an amino acid that enhances the body's endorphins, our natural antidepressants can be enjoyed with a few pieces. Chocolate can raise libido in your partner.
Fruits and vegetables of choice
Fruits and vegetables are essential. Apples, apricots, bananas, cherries, coconut, dates, grapes, mangoes, papayas, peaches, pears, plums, pomegranates, raspberries and strawberries are fruits including fruit plants in erotic literature throughout the world.
Feasting on delicious vegetable is also an excellent choice. Asparagus, carrots, celery, corn, cucumbers, carrots, eggplant and some vegetable-shaped phallus (penis) others have long been valued for their aphrodisiac effects. Avocado is a fruit that no doubt is a good libido enhancer. No wonder fruit that shape human uterus was similar splittings by the Spaniards formerly distributed worldwide reputation as a powerful stimulant.
Tomato juice is a potential source of antioxidant power. Lycopene, the substance contained in it once highly sought after as a libido enhancer. Another well-known vegetables include: beans, garlic, parsley, paprika, soy, spinach, radish and watercress. Serve these foods often for optimal sexual health.
Seafood and meat
Shellfish, including mussels, oysters, shrimp, lobster, cold water fish such as cod is the fuel of the body, brain and useful for sex drive. Oysters, for example, are rich in zinc and iodine. Zinc, an important sexual nutritious food, is essential for the production of testosterone in men and women.
Meats such as chicken and turkey is a healthy intake of good. However, excessive amounts can interfere with sexuality. If possible, choose organic meats to avoid hormones, antibiotics and other additives that are commonly found in food. Nuts, seeds and nuts are also an excellent source of protein.
Vitamin as a supplement
Vitamins include A, group B, C and E are the vitamins that are necessary for sexual function. Vitamin E, for example, supplying inventory sex organs with sufficient oxygen. B vitamins, including niacin and B-5, can help men and women to reach orgasm and improve sexual stamina. Selenium, manganese and of course, zinc is also important in regulating hormones and sex drive.
Erotic element
Although so many healthy dishes, fruits and vegetables do not forget the erotic element in preparing and menyuguhkannya. The food served with love and in the right atmosphere to trigger arousal. Remember enjoy your meal with the perfect partner, provide a supportive atmosphere, if necessary attach romantic songs or memories you both. Undoubtedly this will give you and your partner sexual desire is lit, let alone been to prepare the body and mind with healthy foods that are sexually.
Good luck! Source: dr.Andri, SpKJ;

Symptoms and Causes of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer Causes
Rarely can explain why a person gets pancreatic cancer and others do not, it is clear that the disease is not contagious. No one can "catch" cancer from another person.
Although scientists do not know exactly what causes pancreatic cancer, they learn that there are matches that increase the chance a person gets this disease. Risks of smoking is a major factor. Research shows that smokers-smokers to develop pancreatic cancer two to three times more often than non-smokers. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and numerous other diseases.
Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms
Pankeas cancer has been called a disease "the silent" because early pancreatic cancer usually does not cause symptoms. If the tumors block the common bile duct (common bile duct) and bile can not enter the digestive system, white-white skin and eyes may become yellow, and urine may become darker. This condition is called jaundice.
When cancer grows and spreads, pain often develops in the upper abdomen and sometimes spreads to the back (back). Pain may worsen after a person is eating or lying down. Pancreatic cancer can also cause nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and weakness.
A rare type of pancreatic cancer, called the cancer cells are very small island (islet cell cancer), began in the pancreas cells that produce insulin and other hormones. Islet cells called the islets of Langerhans as well. Islet cell cancer can cause the pancreas to produce too much insulin or hormones. When this happens, patients may feel weak or dizzy / dizziness and possibly chills (shivering), muscle cramps, or diarrhea.
These symptoms may be caused by cancer or by other problems are less serious. If an individual is experiencing these symptoms should consult with a physician immediately. Source:

Dangers of Excessive Consumption of Coffee

This article may give warning to those who avidly sipping coffee. Drinking coffee is to provide health benefits within certain limits. But if you drank it in excessive amounts can actually bring misfortune.
New research by scientists at La Trobe University in Melbourne Australia indicates, coffee drinking five or more drinks every day can lead to hallucinations. In an experiment, a number of volunteers who drank caffeine high levels of auditory hallucinations. They claim as if it heard the ricochet of music, but the song was not played.
The scientists suggest that caffeine is a type of psychoactive substances are used widely. According to them, this research indicates the importance of warning that there is a health risk if consumed in excessive coffee.
"The combination of caffeine with stress can affect the tendency of a person experiencing psychosis-like symptoms," said Professor Simon Crowe, from La Trobe University.
In his research, Prof Crowe involving 92 volunteers experiencing stress conditioned either mild or severe. Volunteers are also given different types of coffee with caffeine levels vary. As many as 15 percent of the volunteers reported experiencing hallucinations or delusional experiences such as hearing voices, seeing shadows of ghosts, or felt the telepathy.
"If you stress and high levels of caffeine in one drink, you may be experiencing something that is not real, see things that are not there," said Crowe. Source:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Easy Way for Children Accustomed to Brush Teeth

Find it difficult to educate your children brush their teeth? Do not despair first. With a bit of approaches and strategies, your baby may think.
Teach toothbrush habits in children is not an easy job. Although the event is simple, do not mean persuasion as easy as imagined. If not exactly in a giving strategy, the process is merely futile. And if you do not start early, your baby's teeth even threatened fragile and prone to various disorders other dental diseases.
Childhood is a time effective to introduce the habit of brushing your teeth. The reason is that in this phase, the growth period is running with productive. As a result, the growth of teeth can be monitored well. However, if you struggle with the problems in educating your child, here are some strategies that can be tried.
Advice to parents three things to be done for tooth brushing
habits can be run effectively. First, parents should get used to brush your teeth in children from the beginning, even when your baby have teeth yet complete though. It is very important to train them as future dental adaptation is complete and the level of contiguity with the higher food and germs that cling more and more.
Second, you should not get used to invite children to brush their teeth when they are in a state of sleepiness at night. "Bring your baby to go to the bathroom and brushed my teeth while they are still in a state of cheerful and excited."
Third, give a good example. When I was a kid they used to imitate the pattern. Therefore, be example good for your child.
"Give an example brushing your teeth with the right moves on the baby so that they too will follow it very well. Finally, do a regular habit of brushing teeth twice a day, ie after breakfast and before heading to bed. "Source:

Spread of E-Coli Bacteria

Outbreaks of infection of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and brought widespread concern throughout the world. Three roads are believed to be a means of spreading.
Most strains of E. coli are harmless and can actually be found in the human gut or warm-blooded animals. However, certain strains of E. coli can cause dangerous and deadly diseases such as those in Europe today.
According to the data, starting June 2, 2011, in Germany there are 1733 cases and 17 deaths. E-coli outbreak has spread to many countries in Europe, like Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and England. The latest news says, the United States also contained E-coli outbreak victims.
Spread of E-coli bacteria can be through three ways, namely between people, food and drinks, as well as animals.
First, between person to person, and from foods and drinks that are not cooked perfectly, and can also pass an infected animal then transfer them to food and human consumption, such as flies.
All the food is not cooked properly or washed with contaminated water e-coli, it may be because it is contaminated with feces that indeed many E-coli is also a source of spread.
The emergence of E-coli bacteria was allegedly due to a variety of vegetables imported from Germany, such as cucumber and bean sprouts. E-coli bacteria resistant to antibiotics and can cause death by triggering a severe bleeding.
Symptoms of infection due to contracted E-Coli bacteria are usually in the form of diarrhea, nausea, fever, and vomiting. Meanwhile, the most serious symptoms of infection in the form of acute renal failure accompanied by destruction of red blood cells, nerve disorders, stroke, and coma so that the death rate could be at 3-5 percent.
The incubation period of about 6-24 hours the bacteria until symptoms become increasingly severe in the infected body. If not promptly treated, severe symptoms can lead to death due to severe dehydration. If new symptoms appeared 48 hours later, that means not a result of E-coli bacteria.
The only way to eradicate the spread of the bacteria E-coli is a clean and healthy living behavior; process food and beverages to perfect and wash hands before eating. Source: