Apparently there are some diseases that are often in infants aged 0-1 years, the age where her body endurance is not perfect.
Tips to protect your tiny baby against infections in the first year.
1. Coughs Colds
The cause could be due to infection or allergy. The frequency of cough colds generally declines with age and the better the body's defense system, associated with good nutritional quality. Colds itself is a symptom of the airway (respiratory), especially the upper airway.
• cold cough due to infection
The biggest cause of the virus but can also be due to germs, or microbes. Normally characterized by fever, fussy, and rheumatic pain, rheumatic pain body (unfortunately the baby can not disclose this). In the span of 2-3 days will be recovered if the baby were given nutrition and adequate rest. By increasing the endurance of the body of the small, cold cough can be cured by itself.
• runny nose due to allergy cough
If your baby suffered a prolonged cough runny nose - more than three days has not healed as well - there is the possibility of coughing due to allergies pileknya. Cause, the excessive reaction in the airways (nose / throat) to an originator. Factors can trigger allergies from dust, smoke, animal dander, food / beverage. Typical of allergies colds characterized by coughing repeatedly arise in a short span of time. Healing time can be more than two weeks. To cure, as far as possible to avoid the child from the originators.
• Distinguish the color of snot and phlegm
If the color is clear, indicating the disease began memapar. If that means changing cloudy yellowish had occurred between the antibody and disease resistance. Cough colds will show if the snot and sputum recovery began to change green. That means bacteria, microbes, or the virus have died.
2. Diarrhea
Lo normal limits of the small bowel is very little variation. There are children who CHAPTER several times a day sometimes even babies CHAPTER once every hour. The most important thing to note is the consistency and feces.
There diarrhea caused by viruses (Rotavirus), bacteria E.coli, or because of allergy to cow's milk. Diarrhoea due to infection are part of the body's natural reaction to the entry of germs, then helped him out of the digestive tract (colon). Diarrhoea due to infection is cured longer but if not cured could also be due to the possibility of a disorder or inability to tolerate certain milk products. If he had diarrhea after eating should consult a physician to determine if absorption (absorption) of food was disrupted.
Overcome Diarrhea
If diarrhea does not immediately get the handling right, the consequences will lose body fluids so that they can become dehydrated. Try to drink as much liquid as possible and give ORS (a mixture of salt and sugar) from the pharmacy. Do not ever try to mix the salt and sugar with water alone at home because the comparison must be accurate and imbalances mixing can be dangerous.
The duration of treatment depends on the cause of diarrhea. If the cause is not too serious, just wait till gradually improved and avoid foods that might aggravate the situation.
3. Constipation
Infant is said to suffer from constipation or constipation (difficult bowel movement) when feces hard, very difficult issued and causing pain. Constipation is not related to how many times a day BAB baby. If the baby CHAPTER once every two days but still soft feces, this is not constipation.
CHAPTER normal or not depends on the age for infants under four months more often BAB, but with increasing age, the pattern will be more and more like adults. One cause of constipation in infants is generally due to changes in consumption pattern in which babies start eating food at first.
Lack of liquids and natural fibers can cause difficulties CHAPTER. Changes in consumption of breast milk to formula milk can also cause constipation. If your baby sembeli, find out the underlying causes.
Give fiber intake
If there has been hardened feces in the baby, immediately seek him in carbohydrate intake, such as fruit juice or diluted juice and extra vegetables in his food, like rice mixed with spinach team. Get used to kids like vegetables and fruits rich in natural fiber since the baby so that future problems do not become chronic constipation.
4. Puke
This generally occurs in children and cause all kinds. The most important thing to know is how severe the impact on the child vomit. Vomiting in babies can be caused by feeding the wrong way. Let's say the baby's stomach is full but still continued to be fed food.
Vomiting with headache in children who suffer from heat or generally unhealthy state, possibly caused by an infection like a cold or sore throat.
Vomiting with abdominal pain because of gastroenteritis that causes painful spasms that may arise missing. Repeated vomiting may cause pain because it causes stress on the upper abdominal muscles. Anxiety or propagation of certain diseases is also sometimes trigger vomiting in children who are sensitive.
Gastroenteritis is itself a gastric illness, and infections affecting the upper stomach and intestines resulting in vomiting. Or infection of the lower intestine that can cause diarrhea and painful cramps or a combination. Severe vomiting occurred suddenly and in one hour until the child vomited several times, usually the child's body temperature is too hot.
At the same time usually other family members especially children can also be affected. The causes for viral infection, sometimes it was because of food poisoning bacteria. Generally vomiting in gastroenteritis will improve in 24-48 hours but could only stomach cramps occur within a few days.
Handling by keeping children in order to remain comfortable and drink as much as possible in order to avoid the risk of dehydration because dehydration itself is the greatest danger caused by vomiting.
5. Ear Infections
In addition to colds, ear infections (acute otitis media) is a childhood disease that most often diagnosed in the United States. Three of four children experience at least once an ear infection when they reach the age of 3 years.
The ear consists of three parts, namely the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.
To function properly, the middle ear must be at the same pressure with the surrounding environment. This is where the eustachian tube plays a small part that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat behind the nose.
By letting air reach the middle ear, eustachian tube equalizes the air pressure in the middle ear with the outside air pressure. When yawning or swallowing, the eustachian tube to adjust the air pressure in the middle ear and also serves as a channel of mucus from the middle ear into the throat.
Sometimes, the eustachian tube is susceptible to interference, because for example when someone has a cold or allergy, eustachian tube are also affected by a clogged mucus. Bacteria or viruses enter the middle ear through the eustachian tube was also stuck here. Germs that are trapped in this fluid and then multiply and cause an ear infection.
Untreated infections can spread from the middle ear to the part near the head including the brain. Although hearing loss caused by otitis media is usually temporary, but otitis media left untreated it can cause permanent hearing loss.
Give Antibiotics
OMA (Acute Otitis Media) generally is a disease that will heal by itself. Approximately 80 percent of OMA recover within three days without antibiotics. The use of antibiotics does not reduce complications that can occur, including hearing loss.
Observations can be done in most cases. If symptoms do not improve within 48-72 hours or there is worsening of symptoms, antibiotics are given. (Mom & Kiddie / / ftr)
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