As a last line of food digestion, bowel cancer has the potential of the food we eat. There are five stages to the nature and magnitude of each of the possibility of survival for patients with increasingly small.
• Fatigue, shortness of breath when working, and my head was dizzy.
• Bleeding in the rectum, a temporary sense of satiety, or stomach cramps and pressure in the rectum.
• The presence of blood in the stool, such as occurs in patients with gastric bleeding, colon polyps, or hemorrhoids.
• Pale, sick in general, malnutrition, weak, thin, place the fluid in the abdominal cavity, liver enlargement, and widening the channel spleen.
• Exposure to certain chemical substances such as heavy metals, toxins, and ototoksin and electromagnetic waves.
• poor diet, among others, too much meat and fat that is not balanced with fresh fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber.
• Iron overload among others contained in the bile pigment, beef and lamb as well as blood transfusions.
• Saturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids (acids linol).
• Alcoholic beverages, especially beer. Change the alcohol into asetilaldehida intestine that increase the risk of colon cancer.
• Obesity.
• Working while sitting all day, such as executives, administrative officials, or public transport drivers.
Medical examination
• Fiberoptik colonoscopy:
Inserting a kind of pipe made of fiber optics into the intestine through the anus (rectum). Camera embedded on the device can be used to check whether there are polyps in the colon or not.
• CT Scan.
• Blood tests:
Determining tumor markers CEA (carcino-embryonis antigen) in blood.
• Chemotherapy
• Radiation
• Operation:
Cutting diseased colon, and reconnect the two ends of healthy bowel.
• laparoscopic technique:
Through a small hole made in some point in the abdomen. Operations are conducted with small instruments that are operated through the holes and monitored through the monitor screen.
• Consumption of a lot of fibrous food. To facilitate bowel movement and reduce the degree of acidity, concentration of fatty acids, bile acids, and iron in the large intestine.
• omega-3 fatty acids, which many found in certain fish.
• concretation calcium, vitamins A, C, D, and E and betakarotin.
• Milk containing Lactobacillus acidophilus.
• Exercising and moving so much more easily and regularly for defecation.
• Life relax and reduce stress.
Early Detection
Like the early detection of cervical cancer using papsmear or for breast cancer using mammography, colon cancer early detection can be done.
Early detection of colon cancer is recommended to those who have turned 50 years old. But for those who have had a family history of ovarian cancer, colon and lung cancer, early detection is recommended before the age of 50 years.
Colon cancer is considered as a disease that travels slowly. Therefore, people are encouraged to do early detection through blood tests that exist in the stool and colonoscopy.
"We recommend that early detection made since the age of 40 years for those who do have a history of these three types of cancer in her family,"
Especially for those who have experienced symptoms such as bleeding during bowel movement and closure of roads or intestinal blockage, "early detection is highly recommended. Some procedures for early detection of colon cancer among others:
• digital rectal examination by a physician when a person reaches the age of 50 years. Examination as well as to detect abnormalities in the prostate.
• After that, the laboratory examination of blood tests cryptic (occult blood) on a regular basis, whether there is blood in the stool or not. Then visual inspection with the endoscope in the colon or is called a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy or bowel examinations binoculars are recommended to be done for those who have reached the age of 50 years.
• colonoscopy examination is relatively safe, not dangerous, but this examination is not fun. Colonoscopy performed for colorectal cancer find and obtain tissue for examination at the pathology laboratory. In this examination of the necessary equipment fiberoptik endoscopes used for colonoscopy examination. The tool can be seen throughout the large intestine, photographed, as well as tumor biopsy when found.
• Another way to support the diagnosis of colon cancer is by barium enema. On barium enema examination, liquid barium is inserted into the colon through the rectum and silhouette (shadow) was photographed by means of x-rays. In this examination only can be seen that there is disorder, possibly a tumor, and if there is to be followed by colonoscopy examination.
• This test can also detect cancers and polyps of the magnitude exceeding one centimeter. The weakness, in this investigation can not be done the biopsy.
• With colonoscopy can be seen abnormality based on macroscopic description. If there is no assertion or ulcer, colonoscopy observation aimed at disorders of color, shape surface, and the picture of blood vessels. With early detection of colon cancer are expected to be immediately addressed or treated. Some therapies, like chemotherapy and radiation can do to combat colon cancer.
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