What is the difference with cancer and tumors?
The tumor is a lump or swelling, so any abnormal lumps in our body can be called a tumor, without distinguishing whether benign or malignant. But the layman, means the growth of tumor cells that are benign. On the other hand, means abnormal growth of cancer cells that are malignant, invasive, damaging surrounding tissue, spread and grow rapidly.
What causes the tumor or cancer?
Causes the body's cells can experience a change in the direction of malignancy is still not known with certainty. But some things that are suspected to be the cause or trigger the occurrence of cancer include genetic, substances that are carcinogenic (pollutants, chemicals, preservatives, tobacco, alcohol, asbestos, hydrocarbon substances), radiation, certain drugs (hormonal preparations ), viruses, immunological mechanisms, etc..
Are instant noodles or food containing preservatives can cause cancer?
As mentioned previously, the cause of cancer is still not known with certainty. Sometimes one factor alone is not sufficient cause cell changes toward malignancy. But there is research that suggested a link between the consumption of food containing preservative in a certain period with the occurrence of cancer.
Why does cancer always fatal?
Not always. Depending on what cancer was diagnosed early and treated. But cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage and the cancer had spread throughout the body so difficult to treat and ultimately cause death.
Why cancers suffered by women?
Not really. There are some cancers that typically suffered by women such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer. But there is also a cancer that affects only men, like prostate cancer. The incidence of cancer in men and women are equal. Based on World Cancer Report of 10 million new cancer cases, as many as 4.7 million women and 5.3 million suffered by the men suffered. In addition, the six million cancer deaths in women as many as 2.7 million and 3.5 million experienced by men.
Whether cancer could be affected in children - a son?
Can. Cancer in children is 2-3% of all cancers. Figures happened: 110-130 cases per million children per year with approximately 10% mortality rate. Cancer in children can occur from birth and can be about virtually every organ system.
Does smoking really cause cancer, why not forbidden?
Increased risk of lung cancer in those who are closely related with smoking, active smokers, passive smokers or those exposed to carcinogenic substances such as asbestos and radon. Difficult to ban smoking because they relate to social, cultural, economic and political. But the government requires companies to include warnings on cigarette packs that smoking can cause cancer. Society that decides itself whether to smoke or not.
When the husband's smoking if children - wife and kids can get cancer?
As already mentioned above, many factors that can cause cancer, and each other sometimes intertwined. The children and the wife of a relatively passive smokers and smokers have a greater risk for lung cancer than non-smokers.
Why cancer treatment is very expensive?
Least expensive drug is usually dependent on whether or not a lot of patients, types and mechanisms of drug action, and hard whether or not the drug in the can.
Did the cancer spread?
Cancer is not contagious
Is it because the descendant of cancer
Also incorrect to say every cancer is derived. But indeed if any one or both parents suffering from cancer, the chances for their offspring to more cancers than those who do not have a history of cancer in the family. But again, many other factors involved in this case such as lifestyle, carcinogens, etc..
Any examination to find out the existence of cancer
Depending on the type of cancer. Cervical cancer can be detected early through regular Pap smears examination, breast cancer through breast self examination (BSE) or mammography, lung cancer with chest X-rays, some cancer with blood tests, etc..
Whether it really became more malignant cancer cells after surgery
Level of malignancy in cancer cells such as determined from the type and speed of mitosis (cell division) of cancer cells. Malignancy of a cancer can not be altered by the action of therapy (surgery). What may happen is the recurrence (recurrent) or there is metastasis (distant spread) if the operation is not done carefully and thoroughly.
Whether cancer can be cured?
The earlier cancer is known then the sooner treated, the chance of life itself will be larger. Cancer treatment success is measured in terms of survival rate (survival rate) is usually calculated first, third, fifth, 10 th. This shows estimates for patient survival period after diagnosis of cancer.
Any treatment to cure cancer?
Cancer treatment is usually a combination of surgery, radiation (radiation), and chemotherapy. Treatment options are usually based on the type and stage of cancer.
Why does chemotherapy cause hair loss?
Chemotherapy uses drugs not only destroy malignant cells but also normal cells, especially rapidly-growing cells like hair follicles and red blood cells. Therefore, patients often become his hair fall out after receiving chemotherapy treatment. But keep in mind that it does not always occur in every individual with chemotherapy. http://www.detak.org
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