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Friday, May 7, 2010

Danger clean ear with a cotton bud!

EARS is an organ that has an important role. Habit insert objects into the ear, including cotton-stemmed (cotton buds) could push ear wax inside and injuring the eardrum. It was also able to scratch the ear canal, resulting in inflammation of the ear.
Inflammation of the ear, or otitis is a form of ear health problems that deserve serious attention. Because not only lead to deafness, if it reached the stage of chronic inflammation, can cause lethal complications. Ear inflammation often seen in people living in areas with hot and humid because humidity that affect the pH of the ear is an important factor triggering the occurrence of diseases that can strike all ages.
Inflammation of the ear, or otitis is an inflammation that occurs in some parts of the ear. This inflammation can recognize the outer, middle, or inner ear. Although inflammation may resolve on their own, but do not take for granted because it could make a deaf ear.
Factors Causes and Symptoms
The ear is divided into three parts, namely the outer ear, middle, and deep. External ear include concha to the tympanic membrane or eardrum. Ear cavity has also become a tubal eustachius estuary, the channel that connects the nasopharynx in oral cavity with the cavity of the ear.
Section consists of middle ear hearing bones, tuba eustachius, and aditus adantrum, ie the hole that connects the outer ear to the mastoid antrum. While the inner ear consists of a snail's house and vestibular. The function of this section is to capture the sound is delivered for translation in the brain. If one of these ear parts becomes inflamed, would interfere with other functions.
There are two causes inflammation of the ear. First, ear inflammation caused by infection. Second, ear inflammation caused by noninfeksi. Inflammation of the ear because the infection is usually caused by viruses and bacteria. The spread of these bacteria occurs through the cavity to the oral cavity and spread to the ear cavity. For example, viruses and bacteria that comes from the flu and cough. Or it could be caused by inflammation of the ear infection caused by noninfeksi occur because of trauma or injury that occurred in the inner ear.
Ear inflammation caused by trauma can occur during ear cleaning. "Cleaning the ear too hard, causing a wound on the inner ear," he said.
Trauma to the ear not only happen when we put objects into the ear, but can also be caused by water coming into the ear. Of course the necessary precautions in cleaning organ on this one. Especially since the ear is the most important organ.
Symptoms caused by this disease, namely nyeri.Bahkan ears get hot and there are also some patients who complained about their hearing to be reduced. Besides swelling on the inner ear becomes inflamed. This is what causes hearing loss in patients is reduced.
This swelling was examined to see if the ear canal. Patients will also feel the pain when chewing. Even patients are able to have a fever. Section also inflamed ear itch. Abhkan can also cause ear discharge that smells bad. If such symptoms are caused, the doctor suggested that this beautiful people went to the doctor immediately.
Diagnosis and treatment
The diagnosis is based on the existing symptoms. If the patient complained of symptoms like the above, we can be sure he was suffering from inflammation of the ear. Only seen just the outer ear, inside or middle of experiencing inflammation. Additional inspection is also done by looking at the ears of patients with otoskop.
Treatment tailored to the cause of this disease. If the disease is caused by bacteria or a virus, antibiotics needed to kill bacteria and viruses that cause inflammation of the ear. Antibiotics used should be adjusted with a virus or bacteria causing it.
The other treatment will be given a doctor, that is by giving ear drops or ointment to reduce the swelling that occurs. Required actions also miringotomi or surgery to prevent rupture eardrums eardrum is experiencing swelling.

To prevent inflammation of the ear, never put objects into the ear, including cotton-stemmed (cotton buds) actually push ear wax inside and injuring the eardrum. It was also able to scratch the ear canal. Let the fine hairs in the ear discharge ear naturally. If there is a problem, ask your doctor to do it.
Another thing to consider is allergies. Magnitude can cause allergic esutachia tract causing blockage and change the balance of air pressure in the middle ear. In addition, cough and flu is a companion should be treated immediately.

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