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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

About Prostate Cancer

Today many people suffer from prostate cancer but still do not understand exactly what it was prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the prostate gland.
The prostate gland is a gland in the male reproductive system located just below the bladder and in front of the anus. Size of walnut and surrounds part of the urethra and produces seminal fluid that form water.

Prostate cancer can be detected by checking the following:
• Test the tumor marker PSA: which measures the level of PSA in the blood.
• Transrectal ultrasound (then): the prostate through the rectum binoculars
• Digital rectal Examinations (Dre): digital rectal examination by a doctor to feel the changes in the surface of the prostate gland
Prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms typically occur only at an advanced stage. Symptoms of prostate cancer, including:
• Often feel like urination, especially at night
• The difficulty to start urinating or holding water art
• The flow of weak or interrupted urine
• Feelings of pain or burning when urinating
• Blood in urine or semen
• Sexual harassment such as: hard erection, pain on ejaculation
• Frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips or upper thighs
Appropriate treatment for prostate cancer is still debated.
Treatment options vary, depending on the stage of prostate cancer:
- In the early stages can be used PROSTATktomi (removal of prostate) and radiotherapy
- If prostate cancer has spread, hormone therapy can be done, removal of the testes, or chemotherapy.

a. PROSTATktomi radical (removal of the prostate gland)
An incision is made in the abdomen or perineal area and the patient should undergo treatment for 5-7 days the hospital. Complications that may occur is inkontinensi impotence and urinary. In patients who are still active sex life, can be done Potency-sparing radical PROSTATctomy.

b. Orkiektomi (removal of testis)
Appointment of two testes have decreased testosterone levels, but this procedure causes physical and psychological effects that can not be tolerated by the patient. Orkiektomi usually done as a last resort or in cases of prostate cancer that had spread.

Usually if the risk is too high then performed surgery radiotherapy:
a. External radiotherapy
Performed in a hospital (outpatient care) are usually as many as five times per week for 6-8 weeks.

b. Transplant iodine beads, gold or iridium radioactive directly on prostate tissue. Minimal effect on the benefits of radiation damage to surrounding tissue

HORMONES THERAPY Aiming to reduce the levels of the hormone testosterone which is considered very effective in preventing the growth and spread of prostate cancer. Primarily used to alleviate such symptoms in patients with advanced-stage prostate cancers.

Synthetic drug whose function resembles LHRH (luteinizing hormone releasing hormone) can prevent the testicles to memrpoduksi testosterone, for example, are leuprolide, goserelin and buserelin. Drugs given in the form of injections, usually every three months. The side effects are nausea and vomiting, anemia, osteoporosis and impotence. Other drugs used for hormone therapy are substances that block the activity of androgens (eg flutamide or nilutamide). The side effects are impotence, liver disorders, diarrhea, and gynecomastia (enlarged breasts). In addition there are also drugs that prevent the adrenal glands to make androgens, among others: ketoconazole and aminoglutethimide.

PROSTATE cancer chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is often used when prostate cancer is resistant to other therapies. Drugs that can be used to treat prostate cancer, among others: mitoxantronx, prednisone, paclitaxel, dosetaxel, estramustin, adriamycin.


To prevent prostate cancer, it is suggested that you can maintain a balance of nutrition, adequate exercise, adequate rest and avoid stress. Avoid the pattern of free sex, alcohol and cigarettes.

You also can increase endurance with the intake of vitamins and herbs such as Typhonium Plus.

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