God Almighty, the Wise. Every creature that he created for the world certainly have their uses. According to the newest Study of the British Journal of Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a whale animal faeces that can suck carbon emissions equivalent to that released by 40 000 cars per year.
Here's how explain it. Whales of the Antarctic giant in the region is certain to defecate, every day. According to the calculation of the research, as news in The Sun, Wednesday (16/06/2010), there are 12 000-producing sperm whale in there. Well, the fish, each year produces 55 tons of iron contained in the feces in question. Just so you know, stool with intestinal content comes from a giant whale that is very fond of eating fish and squid.
Then the iron is a favorite food of the living microorganisms aka phytoplankton in the sea. The task of phytoplankton in the food chain is absorbing Carbondioksida (CO2).
Then, more and more availability of food for phytoplankton, the greater the quantity of this microorganism. Consequently, the more CO2 is absorbed as well. The numbers could reach 400 000 tonnes of carbon every year. If the measured-measure, this figure is two times more than a breath of CO2 released by the fish-the whale. That's where the connection. (Kompas.com)
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