Consumption of foods containing calcium-rich food better be limited, do not be excessive. As a result of consuming too many foods rich in calcium can cause problems with kidney stones. That was feared because of critical illness caused tremendous pain at the time of "relapse". Many factors can influence or facilitate a person has kidney stones. Among these are the factors of age, sex, heredity, environment, and metabolic abnormalities.
In addition, an unbalanced nutritional food also provides opportunities formation of kidney stones. In this case there is research that says that there are at least 24 elements in food, including vitamins and minerals, which play a role in the formation of kidney stones.
Consuming foods containing excessive amounts of purine (liver, intestine, brain, and shrimp) can lead to high levels of uric acid in the urine. Similarly, when we consume food that is rich in calcium and oxalate in excess.
In conjunction with the components of food, is known there are two types of stone contains calcium and that does not contain calcium. Calcium-containing stone there are three types, namely calcium oxalate stones, calcium oxalate and uric and calcium phosphate stones. Was that including non-calcium stones are uric acid, struvit, and stone Sistin.
Based on the results of medical research, found that among patients most kidney stones are calcium kidney stone patients (70-76 percent). It turned out that more men suffer with the ratio 2-3:1 compared with women. Foods rich in calcium, oxalate, animal protein, purine and salt is the food that needs to be reduced. Instead, drink (mineral water) must be reproduced exactly.
Restricting calcium
Dr. Audrey Luize, Airlangga University School of Medicine Alumnus mention, the higher the calcium consumed also proved the higher excretion at the same time increase the formation of crystallization of calcium salts. High levels of calcium in the urine called hypercalciuria, ie normal levels of calcium in the blood but the excretion in the urine can be achieved 200-350 milligrams (mg) per day. Hypercalciuria of patients is indeed the most appropriate for given low-calcium diet, with a total of not more than 500-600 mg per day.
Limiting consumption of calcium intake means reducing consumption of foods containing high calcium such as salmon, sardines, cheese, dairy, ice cream, vegetables, cabbage and radish. Food type contains more than 100 mg of calcium per serving. One cup of milk for example, contains not less than 250 mg of calcium. This is equivalent to one serving of horseradish. Spinach, dried fish, chocolate, and oysters are examples of foods that contain calcium medium.
Also advised to avoid eating excess food to food that is processed or have been treated like a potato flour mixed with milk, wearing a cream soup, and all processed food with milk, cheese and chocolate (cocoa).
Reduce oxalate
Oxalate crystals are generally formed by calcium. Urinary oxalate in water comes from inside the body (endogenous), from the food we eat and from the metabolism of vitamin C. Although the food portions are just 10 percent (most of the endogenous), but this figure is enough to require our vigilance origin not just eat a diet rich in oxalate. Foods that are high oksalatnya is spinach, tea, chocolate (cocoa), beans and others. Whereof more than 10 mg per portion.
For patients with kidney stones (especially calcium oxalate stones), low-oxalate diets recommended (40-50 mg per day). In addition, vitamin C is recommended to consume no more than one gram per day as shown to encourage the formation of oxalate in the body. But instead, we must not lack of vitamin B6 because it will trigger increased production of oxalate in the body.
Foods that contain a lot of purine is the most influential in the formation of kidney stones. Uric stone here can be a mixture of calcium and uric acid, or uric acid just alone. Uric acid is the source of the body's own (endogenous) and from foods such as meat, seafood or seafood, wheat, rice and starchy. In normal women, uric acid excretion of 750 mg per 24 hours, whereas in men is higher, namely 800 mg. If this value is exceeded, then the yellow light for you.
Reduce animal protein
Animal protein as it was called the greatest effect on the possibility of stone formation. Therefore, these proteins may increase wastage of calcium and uric acid in the urine, which was then followed by a decrease in pH (acidity level) and disposal of urine citrate.
Acid in urine in long term facilitate the formation of crystals. Means the loss of low citrate excretion inhibitors (inhibator) crystal formation due to binding of calcium citrate in the urine. Low citrate excretion can also be caused by chronic diarrhea, urinary tract infection, low body potassium levels (hypokalemia), and renal tubular acidosis. Extreme sports are also heavily influenced eksresi citrate.
Dining with a menu of risk due to excessive animal protein can be exacerbated if at the same time we also consume high amounts of fat and salt. In the meantime, we are less in eating high-fiber foods that contain magnesium, phosphate, and vitamin B6. For patients with calcium stones is recommended to consume no more than 1.5 to 1.8 of protein per kg body weight per day. For patients with uric acid stones are also encouraged to reduce animal protein.
Limiting salt
The relationship between salt (salt excretion in the urine) and the formation of the first stone is determined by the ratio (ratio) levels than the calcium salt excretion. al was due to increased extracellular volume that will inhibit renal tubular re-absorption of calcium. Every increase of 100 mg of salt in the diet can increase 25-30 mg of calcium in the urine. Release of calcium from the urine because it makes the formation of salt crystallization of calcium binding vein by sodium (sodium). Another adverse effect of excessive salt consumption is the decrease in output citrate. In fact, as already explained previously, this substance is important to prevent the occurrence of crystallization. It is recommended, especially to people with calcium stones and uric, to not eat salt more than 100 meq (roughly six of salt) per day kitchen.
Drinking water
The less a person drinking water (especially water), the less well formed urine. This situation will cause a degree of saturation of the substances it implies that the higher end will facilitate the formation of stones. Therefore, we are encouraged to drink plenty of water and indeed this is the only way of nutrition or dietary modifications that have been approved worldwide for all types of kidney stones.
The recommended amount is a number that can produce at least two liters of water per 24 hours (day). Generally it is required to drink at least 2-3 liters per day and evenly distributed throughout the day. Generally, 35 percent of patients with kidney stone drinking water is less than 1 liter per day. All kinds of drinks are basically permitted, except for milk, tea, and others that can cause high oxalate excretion. The best is to drink lots of water. (Dr Audrey Luize)
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