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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Using and Storing Chemicals Carefully!

Chemicals was attempted as a last resort. If we are forced to choose, the following tips on safe use.

Read product labels carefully. Notice the brand, manufacturer, material content and the amount of content, instructions for use, and storage, the dangers that might result. Also there should be a way of avoiding the danger. Handling accidents. Name and address of manufacturers, distributors, packaging. If not list it all, choose another product that gives a complete description.

Buy the lightest of the dangers. Information sign of hazard: category I or most dangerous with a skull and crossbones image. Category II is a warning or Beware of toxic, Category III is a Caution or careful. Do not be fooled by the word "non-toxic" or "safe."
Better to buy a product that can be used for other purposes, so you do not need to buy a lot of chemicals.

Avoid aerosol products.
Do not let spilled or scattered.

Use protective equipment such as goggles or gloves.

Use products in well-ventilated room to prevent chemical vapors terhirupnya.
If dizziness or nausea quickly get some fresh air.

Do not eat, drink or smoke while using these dangerous products. Residual chemicals can be carried to the mouth.

Do not mix the two chemicals, without the guidance of producers, because it can cause toxic or explosive chemical reaction.

Use until exhausted product. Because of the small size of the product purchase or as necessary, despite the large may be more economical.

Do not wear contact lenses when using pesticides or solvents.
Contact lenses absorb vapors and hold chemicals near the eyes.

Use poison mosquito killer necessary. When toxins mosquito killer  shaped spray or aerosol spraying limit room for at least one hour, new people are allowed into the room. Be careful if using poison mosquito killer form has spread especially if the skin wound. Pesticides more easily penetrate the skin tissue through wounds.

Let the product remains tightly in the packaging with labels intact patch.

Keep the packaging remains dry, so as not to be much less leaky rusted.

Store hazardous products in locked cabinets.

Do not store near food.

Save a volatile product in well-ventilated room.

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