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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5 Characteristics of Kleptomania Child and How to cope

1. Appears tense feelings and enthusiasm before and while taking other people's property.
2. There is joy (euphoria) after taking the stuff dreams.
3. A Kleptomania does not need friends, so they do not start a friendship.
4. There are no feelings of anger or revenge to the owner of goods to be taken. Both the people who are not known or known to be close, both have the chance to become victims of the Kleptomania.
5. Children Kleptomania is not thinking about hallucinations or other schizophrenic symptoms. For example, he believes that the targeted goods it is his property, which was not hers (delusions or delusions).
When Moms and Dads already know the character, now is the time immediately overcome. Therefore, the symptoms of Kleptomania can occur at the age of 5 years. Therefore, parents should handle. The trick?
"Take your child to get counseling and therapy for appropriate action. When Kleptomania is left, the child may lose confidence as a result of alleged thieves. Motivation of children to attend other activities for Facebook to divert attention from problems, also makes the child back confidence, ".
When there is a 'stigma' thief, makes children become insecure in their environment. While it takes time for the environment may take it again. Of course it is important to him to restore his confidence.
For example, the school environment. Parents can facilitate communication with teachers. Encourage children attained their awareness in order to get back the trust of the environment. Source:

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