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Sunday, October 31, 2010

French fries are at risk of cancer!

Are you a fan of french fries? This article you should read! Who is not tempted with delicious french fries. crunchy and taste sensation when served warm addictive. However, for those who are enamored of these foods, you should remain vigilant. Content of Acrylamide in fries allegedly increases the risk of cancer, especially in young women.
As published in the British Journal of Cancer, the habit of eating foods containing Acrylamide increases the risk of breast cancer, especially in women who have entered menopause.
Scientists at the University of Leeds, UK, conducted a large-scale study involving women aged 35-69 years 33.7331. These women were followed for 11 years in research, titled "United Kingdom Women's Cohort Study." In this study, researchers examined food intake contains Acrylamide, a potential carcinogen substance that is also found in other crunchy foods, like potato chips.
During the study, the experts note there are at least 1084 cases of diagnosed breast. The experts found that Acrylamide intake was not a single factor that triggered the risk of breast cancer in women.
However, after taking into account other variables, eating habits Acrylamide may increase the risk of breast cancer about 20 percent in premenopausal women.
Acrylamide is an organic compound with chemical formula C5H5NO. These compounds can be formed on high carbohydrate foods, like corn, potatoes, cassava, and the starchy who served with fried, grilled, or baked at temperatures above 120 degrees celsius.
Some foods, like potato chips, made from potatoes or other products, such as fried potatoes, cereals (breakfast products), bakery products (baked bread), and products made from corn or corn flour, is believed to produce the Acrylamide in processing. This occurs because the presentation in general require high temperature and long time, especially when it changes color to brown (overcooked) or scorched. Source : Food ConsumerSimak
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Do not Give Formula Milk to Refugees!

Current Indonesian beloved country is being overwritten include Flash Flood disaster in Papua Wasior, Tsunami in the Mentawai, eruption of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta. There are some health problems that emerged after the disaster of which are suffered by children under age 5.
Indonesian Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih asked all parties not to give formula milk to the children who took part were displaced by the eruption of Mount Merapi and the Mentawai Because tsunami can endanger their health.
It is recommended to  mothers who have babies to give breast milk only until the baby is six months old. Breastfeeding can be continued until the child is aged two years and since the age of seven months may be given additional food in the form of complementary foods that have been provided by the government.
Breast milk can meet all the needs of infants and its superiority can not be replaced with other milk. It is safe, clean, and contains immune substances that can protect infants from various diseases.
UNICEF survey conducted one month after the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006 showed that three out of four families with children under the age of six months of receiving aid formula. The survey also showed increased provision of infant formula from 32 percent just before the disaster to 43 percent after the disaster.
As a result, cases of diarrhea among infants aged under six months who received milk formula doubled (25.4 percent) compared with babies who did not receive formula milk (11.5 percent).
Diarrhea cases among children aged between six months and 23 months also increased by as much as five times higher than before the disaster. In catastrophic circumstances, environmental conditions usually deteriorate and the water supply is limited so it is important for mothers to continue breastfeeding their children. Source: Antara

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Overview Info About Priapism

Priapism is a disorder in male genitals are marked with an erection that lasts over time and is often accompanied by pain.
Priapism requires immediate medical attention. The delay in medical treatment can cause scar tissue (scar), so that disrupt the ability of future erections. If treated quickly, priapism will usually recover without residual effects.
Symptoms and signs of priapism include:
 1. Erection of a continuous period of at least four to six hours.
 2. Erection unrelated to sexual desire, or the erection continues even sexual arousal or orgasm has ended.
 3. There is pain during erection.
 4. Stem genitals hard, but soft edges.
Various types of drugs can be blamed for the occurrence of priapism. The drugs include:
    * Drugs drinking for erectile dysfunction such as sildenafil (Viagra) or vardenafil (Levitra).
    * Drugs are injected directly to the genitals, such as papaverine.
    * Antidepressants such as trazodon.
    * The drugs for the treatment of mental disorders (psychotic) such as chlorpromazine, risperidon, or olanzapin.
    * Diazepam (Valium).
    * Blood thinner such as heparin and warfarin.
    * The drugs lowering blood pressure.
Besides drugs, the following may also cause priapism.
    * Injury to the genitals, thighs, or spinal cord.
    * Blood Coagulation
    * Leukemia
    * Inflammation of the urinary tract (urethra)
    * Tumors in the pelvic area
    * Abuse of alcohol, cocaine, or marijuana.
    * Sickle cell anemia
    * Fabry Disease, a metabolic disorder in which fat is not digested properly in the digestive system.
    * Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
The principle of treatment of priapism is having blood trapped in the genitals, which cause a prolonged erection. This can be done by:
 1. Injections intrakavernosa with sympathomimetic drugs (epinephrine, norepinephrine, phenylephrine, ephedrine, metaraminol). The goal is to narrow the size of blood vessels, allowing blood that entered the genital area is reduced, whereas blood that out increases.
 2. Suction, which suck the blood that exists in the genitals, of course, after being given a local anesthetic. Suctioning is usually done in conjunction with action shots intrakavernosa.
 3. Surgery. If the above treatment does not work, surgery can be performed. Surgery is most suitable for priapism caused by arterial rupture genitals. Taken from :

First Aid For Electrical Shock

Danger due to electricity can be experienced by anyone at any time and place because the electricity has become part of our daily lives. Almost all home appliances, office, using electricity as a source of energy. Additionally, electricity has reached most areas, even to the rural outposts.

With the increasingly familiar with the life of our electric, electric shock event may be more often encountered. In fact, most of us probably have experienced even in a mild shock.

When a mild shock, we may experience a shock on the body part affected, and usually we will reflexively pull the body part from a power source. Sometimes also arise for minor burns at the entry area where the electrical current.

Another case in case of severe degree of shock. Victims may fall unconscious, having stopped breathing, irregular heartbeat or stopped, extensive electrical burns, l. Faced with this, should we perform the following steps:

1. Note the condition of the victim and the surrounding area, then see if the victim is still connected to the electricity or not. Do not rush to touch or hold. If the victim is still connected to the electricity when we touch it, then we will go electrocuted.
 2. Turn off the power source. If not, remove the power source from the victim's body by using objects that do not conduct electricity such as wood, plastic, or rubber.
 3. If the shock location is not safe, move the victim to another place. Then bring the victim immediately to nearest health center or call the emergency room to pick up victims
 4. As he headed a health center or wait for help from the emergency room, lay the victim with supine position, elevate the foot to prevent shock. Then check your breathing and heartbeat. In case of stopping breathing and cardiac arrest, perform cardio pulmonary resuscitation (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, CPR). Hopefully Useful.
Source: mayoclinic (2006): Electrical shock: First aid. [January 10, 2008]; Dhyansanjivani (-): Electrical shock. [January 10, 2008]

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tips Bathe The Baby in the Tub Safely

1. Pour Cold Water and Heat
Pour cold water into the tub, then add enough hot water until the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius for up to 2 month old baby, then gradually lower the temperature to 27 degrees Celsius for infants over 2 months. Fill the bathtub with water as high as approximately 7.5 cm from the bottom of the tub.
2. Clean Both eyes
For newborns, first clean the eyes with cotton that has been soaked in boiled water. Clean the baby's eyes from an eye toward the nose tip, Use a different cotton for each eye

3. Clean the nose hole
Clean  little nostril slowly with cotton buds which have been first dipped in clean water. Replace the cotton wool for each nostril. Be careful, do not put cotton buds in too deep.
4. Leaf Clean ears
Then clean the jugs dawn little ears with cotton buds that have been given the baby oil. Do not insert cotton buds into the ear hole, clean the outer ear Steel. Before cleaning the body, gradually open the baby's clothes. At first open upper clothes, diapers or pants and then a baby.
5. Clean the genital and Buttocks
Clean the baby's genitals and buttocks with a cotton round that has been soaked in water. Clean any pleats. Then start giving soapy hair and baby's entire body, especially the folds of the legs, thighs, hands, neck using baby soap. Then tuck your left hand down the small neck, and then hold tightly to his arm. Hold the baby's neck with my mother's wrist, and hold his body with the right hand Mother.
6. Enter into the tub
Hold your baby and enter into the bathtub. While your left hand supporting his head and holding her arm, her body partially submerged in water. Use right hand to clean the soap in the ears, neck, and entire body. Let your child play in water for about 2-5 minutes. If your child is old enough, give a toy boat or duck for bath more enjoyable event.
7. Cleaning the Rear Section
To clean the back of the body, behind the little body, then hold his body with your left hand and hold the arm. Then with your right hand, wipe the back.
8. Pick and Pack with Towels
After the bath is finished, remove your baby's body from the water, then wrapped herself in a towel. After his body is dry, sprinkle baby powder on the chest, abdomen and back, for her fragrant and fresh.
9. Put the diapers and baby clothes
Finally, put the diaper and baby clothes, and comb your hair with a special comb for baby's hair. When weather permits, call your child walk or bask in the sun in the morning.Taken from :