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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cold Water and Menstruation

Many newspapers around the community as a trusted menstruation should not drink cold water during menstruation because it can cause menstrual blood is not smooth out and leave the rest in the uterine wall. Really like that?
Due to the assumption that, many women are afraid to drink cold water during her menstrual periods, because they thought the cold water  can make menstrual blood is not smooth.
This fear became increasingly because many who think that the remainder of menstrual blood in the uterus within 5 years or more can cause cysts, tumors and even cancer of the uterus.
However, such an assumption is a myth. There was no relationship between the process of menstruation and cold water , because of menstruation associated with the body of estrogen hormone.
Menstruation is the process of the uterine wall entirely due to the absence of fertilization. Sickness and absence, or much and little blood comes out of this process is influenced by hormones and psychological factors.
Complaints are also caused by factors of menstrual uterine position. When the position of the uterus causes the neck of the uterus (menstrual blood discharge channel) wedged, it will cause pain.
Certain drugs can prolong or shorten the length of day period, but no connection between menstruation and water ice.
Cold water does not have any effect during menstruation. During a woman does not feel pain or bloating during menstruation, then drinking cold water is fine. Source: mayoclinic;

Due to Too Much Coffee

For healthy people, coffee can provide many benefits as long as taken in a reasonable amount. Instead of coffee can also be a problem if consumed in excess, because the caffeine content in it has a number of side effects.
Until the levels of 600 mg or about 5-6 cups of coffee, caffeine is not going to give side effects in healthy people. However, it should also be taken into account, the source of caffeine is not just alone but includes tea coffee, ice cream, energy drinks and even migraine headaches.
Here are some side effects if you drink too much coffee.
1. Nervous
One of the side effects of caffeine for mental health is triggering anxiety. Not all people experience these side effects, but researchers at the University of Michigan proved severity can cause a person easily offended even until his hand was shaking.
2. Cardiovascular Disorders
Heart palpitations would feel if too much coffee, because in certain levels of caffeine can affect the central nervous system in the brain. Caffeine also can increase blood pressure so it is not recommended for patients with hypertension and heart disease.
3. Headache
Some types of migraine headaches using a mixture of small amounts of caffeine because these compounds do have anti-pain properties. But the opposite effect could occur if consumed too much, such as drinking more than 2-3 cups of espresso coffee or 5-6 cups regular coffee each day.
4. Indigestion
Stomach pains and nausea often complained when drinking too much coffee. Not because the coffee is stale, but caffeine itself does increase the production of acid in the stomach so it is not advisable to drink coffee before eating.
5. Urinary Disorders
We're cold in the room air-cooled, warmed themselves by drinking coffee is not a good idea. The cold alone is causing more frequent urination, plus the side effects of caffeine as a diuretic .
6. Insomnia
The most common side effects of drinking too much coffee is not able to sleep. For adolescents or middle-aged, this effect may only be triggered fatigue but can have serious consequences for the health of the elderly. Source: LIVESTRONG;

Obesity in Children

Age 5 years, but Rudy weight was 35 kg. Because tubby, Rudy did not have good body balance, so he easily fell while running. His friends were so reluctant to play with him.
Even Rudy got the call "the fat". Rudy became a quiet child and not have self c onfidence. Prior to becoming depressed, yuk Moms, resolve the little insecure because of obesity!
Cause Obesity In Children
Obesity in children occurs because of imbalance between energy intake with energy expenditure. Intake is high because of excessive food consumption, whereas lower energy expenditure due to lower metabolism, physical activity and thermogenesis effect of food.
Thermogenesis effect of food is determined by the composition of food. Fat thermogenesis effect is lower compared to carbohydrates and protein.
Besides both cases, genetic factors are known to have strong role, if both parents are obese, it ranges from 80 percent of their children will become obese. If one parent is obese, 40 percent of obese children and if both parents are not obese, the prevalence of child obesity will fall to 14 percent.
When Obesity is said ..
A child is said to obesity or not, based on anthropometric measurement. Here are three methods of measurement of Dr Tan Lina, SpGK:
a. Measuring body weight (BW) and results were compared with ideal body weight according to height (TB), ie weight / height. Obesity in children if the weight / height greater than 90 percentile (the lines on the growth curve) or 120 percent over ideal body weight.
Example: Mery (5 years), weight 40 kg, while the ideal weight is 18 kg
BB child (kg) x 100%
Ideal body weight (kg)
40 x 100% = 222.222%
Note: percentage weight = 222.222% means children, including obesity as more than 120%
b. Body Mass Index (BMI) according to the WHO as the standard measurement of obesity in children aged over two years and adolescents). BMI is a guide to determine excess body weight based on the formula weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters (kg/m2). A child is declared obesity when BMI of 30 kg/m2 or equal to percentile 95.
Example: when a child's weight 40 kg, height 98 cm (0.98 m)
BW (kg)
(TB (m)) 2

40 = 41 649 kg/m2
(0.98) 2
Note: the child's BMI = 41 649 kg / m 2, mean children including obesity as more than 30 kg/m2 (normal range BMI = 18.5 to 22.9 kg / m²).
c. Direct Measurement of subcutaneous fat by measuring skinfold thickness (Tlk). Indicators of obesity when Tlk triceps above percentile 85.
For More Self-Confidence
1. Parents should be more sensitive to emotions, attitudes and behaviors of children who are obese. Observe the change in attitude and behavior of children, for example, has suddenly become quiet or angry unpalatable.
2. Treat the child as a friend so she told the parents comfortable. Do not be too often blame and do not compare children with other children.
3. Do not look at obesity is the only one that stands out from the child. Encourage children to see themselves in a positive perception because every child has something unique in itself. Provide reinforcement, for example, "Although the fat but really good hair."
4. Try exploring the other side like a dig interests, talents, and ability for children to have self-confidence.
5. Encourage the child to be more sociable with the wider environment, not only in school, for example in a course or tutoring.
6. Evaluation of diets of children, consult with a doctor of nutrition. If you need to change your diet into a healthier child. For example, by providing healthy food supplies while at school.
7. Encourage children to do physical activity outdoors more.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cholesterol Too Low also Dangerous!

We've often heard that excess cholesterol in the blood is one of the main factors of heart abnormalities. Cholesterol is too low it turns out the same dangers.
Cholesterol is a type of lipid molecules in the bloodstream. Cholesterol is produced by the liver and is needed for metabolic processes. Cholesterol is beneficial to the formation of cell membranes, some specific hormones, and other necessary tissues.
Cholesterol levels in the blood of normal is less than 200 milligrams per dL, bad cholesterol (LDL) less than 130 mg / dL, HDL cholesterol of more than 45 mg / dL, and triglycerides less than 200 mg / dL.
Someone declared excess blood cholesterol levels or high cholesterol if the total cholesterol levels reached more than 240 mg / dL. Excess cholesterol can cause buildup of fats that clog arteries.
On the other hand, cholesterol is too low or less than 160 mg / dL was also not recommended because it is dangerous to health.
Research shows that pregnant women who had total cholesterol levels are too low at high risk of premature delivery. The number of total and LDL cholesterol is too low is also associated with depression, anxiety and cancer diseases. Source:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Multiple Myeloma Signs and Symptoms

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of your plasma cells, a type of white blood cell present in your bone marrow. Plasma cells normally make proteins called antibodies to help you fight infections.

In multiple myeloma, a group of abnormal plasma cells (myeloma cells) multiplies, raising the number of plasma cells to a higher than normal level. Since these cells normally make proteins, the level of abnormal proteins in your blood also may go up. Health problems caused by multiple myeloma can affect your bones, immune system, kidneys and red blood cell count.

If you have multiple myeloma but don't have symptoms, your doctors may just monitor your condition. If you're experiencing symptoms, a number of treatments are available to help control multiple myeloma.
Signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma can vary from person to person. Although the condition may not cause symptoms early in the disease, it's likely that you'll experience one or more of the following as the disease progresses:

    - Bone pain, particularly in your back, pelvis, ribs and skull.
    - Presence of abnormal proteins — which can be produced by myeloma cells — in your blood or urine. These proteins — which are antibodies or parts of antibodies — are called monoclonal, or M, proteins. Often discovered during a routine exam, monoclonal proteins may indicate multiple myeloma, but also can indicate other conditions.
    - High level of calcium in your blood. This can occur when calcium from affected bones dissolves into your blood.

If you have a high calcium level in your blood, you may experience signs and symptoms such as:

    - Excessive thirst and urination
    - Constipation
    - Nausea
    - Loss of appetite
    - Mental confusion

Other signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma may include:

    - Anemia-related fatigue as myeloma cells replace oxygen-carrying red blood cells in your bone marrow
    - Unexplained bone fractures
    - Repeated infections — such as pneumonia, sinusitis, bladder or kidney infections, skin infections, and shingles
    - Weight loss
    - Weakness or numbness in your legs

Although the exact cause isn't known, doctors do know that multiple myeloma begins with one abnormal plasma cell in your bone marrow — the soft, blood-producing tissue that fills in the center of most of your bones. This abnormal cell then starts to multiply.

Because abnormal cells don't mature and then die as normal cells do, they accumulate, eventually overwhelming the production of healthy cells. In healthy bone marrow, less than 5 percent of the cells are plasma cells. But in people with multiple myeloma, more than 10 percent of the cells may be plasma cells.

Because myeloma cells may circulate in low numbers in your blood, they can populate bone marrow in other parts of your body, even far from where they began. That's why the disease is called multiple myeloma. Uncontrolled plasma cell growth can damage bones and surrounding tissue. It can also interfere with your immune system's ability to fight infections by inhibiting your body's production of normal antibodies.

Researchers investigating cause
Researchers are studying the DNA of plasma cells to try to understand what changes occur that cause these cells to become cancer cells. Though they haven't yet discovered the cause of these changes, they have found that almost all people with multiple myeloma have genetic abnormalities in their plasma cells that probably contributed to the cancer. For example, many myeloma cells are missing all or part of one chromosome — chromosome 13. Cells with a missing or defective chromosome 13 tend to be more aggressive and harder to treat than are cells with a normal chromosome 13.

A connection with MGUS
Multiple myeloma almost always starts out as a relatively benign condition called monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). In the United States, about 3 percent of people over the age of 50 have MGUS. Each year, about 1 percent of people with MGUS develop multiple myeloma or a related cancer. This condition, like multiple myeloma, is marked by the presence of M proteins — produced by abnormal plasma cells — in your blood. However, in MGUS, no damage to the body occurs.Medifocus Guidebook on: Multiple Myeloma
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