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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Overweight or Obesity?

Many  people do not agree about the overweight and obesity. Most of us assume that obesity is yes being overweight (overweight). In fact, not all fat people that are obese, and many people who actually have experienced obsesitas not aware of the threat, which clearly they are different. For no one, peep the difference here.
1. Overweight
Overweight or obesity usually occurs when the amount of reserves in excess body fat. This is what causes weight (BW) than the normal person. Although still in early stages of the fair, being overweight can affect your body shape and appearance. If left unchecked, this can lead to obesity. Like the traffic lights, obesity is a yellow light, warning you to be careful.
2. Obesity
Obesity occurs when the amount of fat reserves already overloaded and have the potential to disrupt the health of the body and cause many dangerous diseases. The red light is lit when you fall into this category. Immediately stop the speed, this is one cause of death in the world. Each year, the number of obese people is increasing. Lack of movement and excessive eating is considered as the main cause.
3. How Big is Your Fat?
No need to worry about whether you are included in the category of normal, overweight, or obese. Many ways can be used, among others:
a. BMI
WHO has prepared a standard body weight measurement known as body mass index (BMI). Simply provide paper or calculator, you'll soon know the answer.
BMI = Weight (unit kg): height squared (meters)
Example: If weight 66 kg and height 155 cm (1.55 m). So the calculation is: BMI = 66: (1.55 x 1.55) = 66: 2.4 = 27.5 (overweight).
See the results of your calculations, and see the results below:
Clinically underweight (14.0 to 16.0)
Underweight (17.0 to 18.4)
Normal (18.5 to 25.0)
Overweight (25.1 to 30.0)
Obese (30.1 to 40.0)
Clinically Obese (> 40.0)
b. Measure waist circumference
The results also need to be balanced degan BMI measure of the amount of fat in the abdomen, arms, and thighs. Be careful if the belly bulge, lemuk heap in the abdominal area at high risk compared to other body parts. Abdominal fat triggers liver poisoning.
c. Large waist circumference
Men: the risk of obesity> 90 cm
Women: the risk of obesity> 80 cm  Source: Chic Magazine

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