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Monday, January 31, 2011

Is Healthy Beer?

Beer is the third most popular beverage in the world after water and tea. This drink is also known to be the oldest drinks and had made long before recorded history. Although beer can be intoxicating but have touted the health benefits.
The nations in Western countries is a true beer drinker. It was almost no activity that does not involve beer, ranging from watching the ball, play cards, get together, get together at the bar, barbecue party, and other special events.
In general, the beer is made from a mixture of water, rice or wheat grains, fruit and yeast. Brewing beer-making process is called. The process begins by soaking wheat seeds to germinate (malted) and then heated to produce the sugars and flavor. Some brewers sometimes use rice or corn and using the extra fruit, herbs and spices to produce a unique flavor.
The next process is to mix the seed sprouts, grains that are not heated in water. The resulting sugars and starch solution and then poured and fermented to produce beer. Clarity of the color of beer depends on the level of roasting. The color of dark beer that comes from wheat that baked until slightly darker.
Alcohol content in beer is not so much compared to other liquor, like vodka or whiskey. Alcohol in beer varies between less than 3 percent to 40 percent (by volume) depending on the type and manufacturing techniques.
Make healthy
Although classified as liquor, but various studies show beer, like wine, if consumed in moderate doses can be healthy for the body. Basic ingredients of beer making is a source of carbohydrates, B vitamins and potassium.
"The scientific evidence says alcohol, whatever kind can increase levels of good cholesterol and reduce heart attack risk by 30 percent," said Eric Rimm, ScD, a researcher from Harvard University.
He also said alcohol can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of diabetes. Because beer also contain high enough fluids, beer consumption also reduces the risk of kidney stones. In small doses of alcohol also can make blood circulation more smoothly.
Even so need to be considered a healthy dose of beer, ie no more than two doses. The recommended dose is 12 ounces (equivalent to 1.5 cups) of beer each day.
"Excessive consumption may eliminate health benefits of beer and increase the risk of liver disease, cancer, cirrhosis, kecandungan alcohol and obesity," says Rimm, committee members Dieteray Guidelines 2010.
He also suggested that beer is not consumed by high-calorie foods, including small meals (snacks) that are usually available when watching sporting events or chatting casually. Source:;

If Sprue No immediate Cured

You often suffer from Sprue? Beware! Through our mouths make a sound. Not only that, the mouth-especially the teeth and gums, it can carry other messages related to overall body health conditions. One example is the smell of bad breath. This is one signal that appears at the moment our blood sugar levels rose dramatically, so says Anthony Iacopino, dean of the University of Manitoba Faculty of Dentistry, and spokesperson for the American Dental Association.
What about sprue? During this time, we know, sores cancer  occur because of our lack of vitamin C or because they do not accidentally bite the tongue. Sprue of this type will heal itself within 1-2 weeks. If not, and even multiply, which means we must be vigilant. Moreover, if then sprue change color from deep red to white.
According to Susan Hyde, a professor of clinical dentistry at the University of California, sores cancer  that never healed, especially at the bottom of the tongue, can be indicated on the symptoms of mouth cancer.
When this happens, immediately consult a doctor. In the United States, only 35 percent of people with oral cancer are successfully cured. This is because their disease is detected late. "The sooner the cancer is detected, the recovery rate will be higher," Iacopino said. Source:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Symptoms of Heart Disease

The Hidden Epidemic: Heart Disease in AmericaHeart disease or liver numerous shapes starting fatty liver (fatty liver), hepatitis, tumors, liver cirrhosis and cancer. Recognize the symptoms of liver disorder that can be early clues.
Liver is considered the largest organ in the body and weighs about 2 kg who perform many functions. Heart regulate the composition of fats, sugars and proteins in the blood. The liver also remove toxins from the blood and then excreted in the feces.
Food substances that are absorbed through the gut almost everything is processed in the liver, there is generated in the form of vitamins but there is also a form of cholesterol, blood clotting proteins to the substance. The liver also serves as a detoxification that separates the blood of toxins released through the bile and feces.
The signs can be seen if someone has a liver disorder that is:
1. Experience skin discoloration. Skin and eyes become yellowish so often called jaundice. There are dark circles under the eyes.
2. Dark yellow urine. Irregular bowel movements, usually not every day.
3. Loss of appetite leading to weight loss. Patients may become anemic and often feel nauseated. Stomach bloating, full of gas and digestive disturbances occur after eating.
4. Stomach looks bloated. This is because of swelling under the lower right rib which is a common complaint of the patient's heart. It can provide heavy pressure on the diaphragm which sometimes become ill while breathing.
5. Note the shape and appearance of nails. Curved nail shape and whitish also indicate liver problems.
6. There was a problem on the skin, such as dry skin, itching, eczema, acne, psoriasis and others.
7. Frequent nose bleeding and easy bruising that showed lack of protein.
8. Often excessive thirst and frequent urination.
9. Frequent headaches, dizziness, cramps, fatigue, weakness, lethargy and depression.
10. Appears body odor and unpleasant mouth.
Causes of liver disease could be due to viral infections, parasites in the liver, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, complications of other diseases, consumption of alcohol and drugs.
Tips to prevent contracting the liver disease:
1. Note the cleanliness. Frequent hand washing with soap to avoid infection of viruses and parasites in the liver from outside like food that is not clean.
2. Avoid toxic substances and excess alcohol intake because it increases the risk of heart disease
Source :

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Recognize Early Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Anyone can be infected with skin cancer. Moreover, this cancer, secretly including ten major types of malignant cancer. To that end, must be identified early. According to the specialist Dermatology, dr. Sa'da Barira, SpKK skin cancer caused by solar radiation and chemicals. The worst that eight hours of sunlight from morning until three o'clock.
Traumatic factors also cause a person at high risk for skin cancer. But the cause of most large, permanent sunlight. Hence, one who long in the sun like a farmer or fisherman, more potential for skin cancer.
The early symptoms of skin cancer are easily recognized. And can be cured if found at an early stage. Generally there is a kind of rough leather-like sores that itch on the skin. It usually appears behind the palm of the hand, face, ears, neck, lips, or forearm. Characteristics or symptoms of skin cancer is usually indicated by the spots and bumps on the skin. The skin is also more easily bleed, which followed intense itching and pain. If the skin has shown symptoms like this, you should immediately consult a doctor. Because it could be skin cancer.
The first step can detect skin cancer begins with diligent attention to the skin. Set aside 15 minutes alone each month. See if there are changes in skin color. Mole or arise out of the ordinary.
People who are most susceptible to skin cancer aged 40 years and over. Because at this age, we increasingly frequent direct contact with sunlight.
For added sex, men are more susceptible to skin cancer than women. This may be because men are more often working under the hot sun than women. In addition, women are also more diligent in caring for the skin. While in a race, people with light or white skin color are more susceptible to skin cancer, than those who color their skin is darker. This is because pigment white people thinner.
Use Sunscreen Cream
Sunlight is very good for bone health. Unfortunately, not all light is good for the skin, especially sunlight at 8:00 to 15:00. That is why, the doctors recommend the use of skin cream sunscreen when I had to be under the blazing sun. To reduce the risk of skin cancer, preferably every come out of the room (direct sunlight), use a sunblock or sunscreen cream.
How to use sunscreen recommended by dermatologists, as follows:
1. Use sunscreen 20 minutes before leaving the room to do activities. Apply again 20 minutes after exposure to sunlight.
2. Apply again every two hours and immediately after swimming or sweating.
3. Waterproof sunscreen usually last up to 80 minutes. We recommend using the back with a range of regular time when you are in the water for a long time. Sunscreen with waterproof labels should be used again every 40 minutes. 4. Do not forget to put sunscreen on the ears, back of neck, and other areas exposed to sun rays. Use sunscreen in spray containers and rods help achieve the often forgotten.
5. Men and women both have the risk of skin cancer from sun exposure, especially on the nose. Therefore, the nose is part of the most exposed to sunlight. That's why, the nose became the main target of the use of sunscreen.
6. Foundation, powder, and types of makeup that contain sunscreen does not provide sun protection, like sunscreen containing SPF (sun protection factor) specific. Therefore, the makeup is not quite "thick" to act as a sunscreen. We recommend using a sunscreen protector of different products, such as moisturizers that contain high levels of protection.
7. Materials and sunscreen products can be lost benefits over time. If the product is already experiencing changes in color, dry, or thick, it's better just discarded.
8. If you ever experience skin irritation when using sunscreen, try a new product that is free of chemicals and contains zinc oxide or titanium oxide. This new formula will reflect the sun's damaging rays, but did not cause a reaction in the skin. Source:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Overweight or Obesity?

Many  people do not agree about the overweight and obesity. Most of us assume that obesity is yes being overweight (overweight). In fact, not all fat people that are obese, and many people who actually have experienced obsesitas not aware of the threat, which clearly they are different. For no one, peep the difference here.
1. Overweight
Overweight or obesity usually occurs when the amount of reserves in excess body fat. This is what causes weight (BW) than the normal person. Although still in early stages of the fair, being overweight can affect your body shape and appearance. If left unchecked, this can lead to obesity. Like the traffic lights, obesity is a yellow light, warning you to be careful.
2. Obesity
Obesity occurs when the amount of fat reserves already overloaded and have the potential to disrupt the health of the body and cause many dangerous diseases. The red light is lit when you fall into this category. Immediately stop the speed, this is one cause of death in the world. Each year, the number of obese people is increasing. Lack of movement and excessive eating is considered as the main cause.
3. How Big is Your Fat?
No need to worry about whether you are included in the category of normal, overweight, or obese. Many ways can be used, among others:
a. BMI
WHO has prepared a standard body weight measurement known as body mass index (BMI). Simply provide paper or calculator, you'll soon know the answer.
BMI = Weight (unit kg): height squared (meters)
Example: If weight 66 kg and height 155 cm (1.55 m). So the calculation is: BMI = 66: (1.55 x 1.55) = 66: 2.4 = 27.5 (overweight).
See the results of your calculations, and see the results below:
Clinically underweight (14.0 to 16.0)
Underweight (17.0 to 18.4)
Normal (18.5 to 25.0)
Overweight (25.1 to 30.0)
Obese (30.1 to 40.0)
Clinically Obese (> 40.0)
b. Measure waist circumference
The results also need to be balanced degan BMI measure of the amount of fat in the abdomen, arms, and thighs. Be careful if the belly bulge, lemuk heap in the abdominal area at high risk compared to other body parts. Abdominal fat triggers liver poisoning.
c. Large waist circumference
Men: the risk of obesity> 90 cm
Women: the risk of obesity> 80 cm  Source: Chic Magazine