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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to Control Asthma Disease

About a century ago, the disease of asthma for the first time found and still
rare. In the 1970s, more and more people with asthma was found, even
This disease can be lethal for reasons not yet clear. In the United States
for example, if heart disease and cancer are still occupying the top position in the list spreaders of disease death, then the lung disease is now occupying the third position. And in between categories of lung diseases that are fatal, chronic asthma, including one of them.
Approximately 10% of children and 5% of adults in the U.S. suffer from asthma.
People suffering from this disease are often created frustration. No one understands reasons why some people are born with sensitive lungs, there is also a born with a high immune system response. Or why some people suffer from diseases
asthma while others do not. Besides, no one understands why there
increase in asthma incidence and fatality.
An expert suggested that asthma is an asthma attack is no longer what it used to
because of the environmental situation is still clean, not polluted. First, children generally can
overcome asthma while now according to a Dutch researcher Dr. Ruurd
Van Roorda, when suffering from asthma, chronic usually because the increasing number of factors triggers all around us.
Asthma can occur if the main bronchi of the lungs become inflamed. This channel
called bronchial pathways. Bronchial wall muscles shrink, and increased mucus production.
The air flow out of the lungs become obstructed, causing a shrill voice / wheezing.

Symptoms commonly found is hard to breathe, feeling tightness in the chest, and
cough. In a critical condition, the patient would suffer great difficulty or shortness of breath,
increased pulse rate, sweating, and severe cough. Often accompanied by
blueish nails and lips.
The cause or trigger asthma varied, could be due to an allergic reaction
house dust, cockroaches, chemicals, pollen, mold or animal dander dead.
Patients may be exposed to such materials at home or at work. On
specific people, asthma attacks can occur after exercise, especially after
exercise in cold air.
Symptoms of asthma can be exacerbated by respiratory infections such as coughs, colds and flu. Trigger
Another is that sulfite as a preservative sprayed on vegetables, Fruit,
and beverages such as wine. In certain cases, aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs
other non-steroidal can cause asthma attacks.
Understanding of asthma disease suffered important alleviate interference key.
Asthma is a serious disease. But with good care and handling,
patients can control symptoms and can lead a normal life. Asthma is a disease
genetic.If you not understand about your asthma suffering, what a relieve suppress it and what its effects, the more easy for you to overcome the attacks. You need to have knowledge about asthma. The more you know about asthma, the more easily
control. Knowledge of overall body condition can help
You to make the right decision in choosing an appropriate treatment
and steps that can be done to prevent attacks. Trust
health care to the doctor is the best way, but will attack prevention
more effective if you actively take part in self care.
Understanding yourself as a person with asthma to help rather than assume asthma
as your enemy. Know the condition of your body and know the things that can affect
your health. If one day you wake up with a situation that is less fit,
not as usual, you should avoid the crowded and polluted streets so you do not
disturbed. If you feel unable to sleep, go back and check the possibility of allergies that may
caused by food or other activities on the day. One of the characteristics
The most frightening is the emergence of asthma attacks suddenly. Often the smell
or reaction to certain foods can cause a surprise attack. Record each
time attack and avoid the trigger factors that do not recur.
Perform the actions that needed for relieve and prevent asthma
• Clean the house and its surroundings. Identify the allergens (something that can cause
allergies) around the house and learn how to eradicate or just went.
• Keep your workplace clean and comfortable. If the workplace 'less healthy' and
not support the health, discuss with your boss and find a way out
• Avoid allergens that trigger symptoms. Avoiding exposure to allergens
around the home can reduce your sensitivity to things that can be
exacerbate the condition. If you are allergic to cats or dogs, do not pet animals
these. And pets away from other people as well. Do not buy clothes,
furniture, or rugs made of animal fur.
• If allergic to pollen or mold, use air conditioners in homes, offices and cars
(But if the temperature change triggers asthma symptoms, do not use AC). Closed
windows and doors to limit exposure to mold and pollen.
• Avoid activities that may cause symptoms. When renovating a house, the smell of paint, powder
wood, or similar irritant substances, for example, can trigger asthma attacks.

Principles of Effective Treatment & Disease Asthma Treatment
Effective treatment of asthma involves three main points:
• Recognize and understand the disease
• Understanding yourself
• Taking action

• Attach an electrostatic filter on your dust suction device (or use micro sac
two layers).
• Avoid dust-related work. If you are forced to do so,
use a lot of dust protection masks for sale.
• Pay attention and increase the type of food you eat. Vitamins and supplements
certain minerals can improve the resilience of the body to trigger an asthma attack.
Foods low in fat, carbohydrate laden, various vegetables healthy for your body.
• Learn how to breathe right. Quite surprisingly, many people with asthma not
aware of how to breathe properly. Although breathing the wrong way is not
trigger an attack, but by paying attention to how to breathe correctly can
helped prevent attacks and reduce their effects.
• Need to set back and exercise routine. Make exercise a
regularly. Exercising the lungs, heart and muscle pain can help break the asthma.
While the exercises that can trigger asthma attacks should be avoided. If allergy
against pollen, exercise indoors to avoid exposure to allergens
asthma triggers.
• Avoid all kinds of smoke, including smoke from a fireplace or incinerator.
Smoke irritates the eyes, nose, and bronchial tract. Patients with smoking banned acid
and do not be near people who are smoking.
• Reduce stress and do not get too tired.
• Read each drug and food labels carefully.
• If you are not resistant to aspirin, also avoid non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs
(Ibuprofen such as Motrin, Advil, Nuprin; naproksen such as Naprosyn, Anaprox, Aleve;
and piroxicam as Feldene).
Medical Relief Asthma Disease
• Perform an allergy test. Series of tests was conducted to find the trigger attacks
asthma. Can skin test or blood test.
• Take medication as recommended by your doctor. Janan medication overdose, this
dangerous, even if you're not experiencing any symptoms. Asthma medication can be medications
breathe, liquids, capsules, or tablets.
- Drug prevention (anti-inflammatory drugs), can reduce
inflammation of the respiratory tract and reduce production
mucus. So, in respiratory muscles are not too
tightened. Drug prevention of asthma include inhaled medications
steroids, sodium kromolin, and nedokromil sodium.
- Drug salve breathing (often called bronchodilators),
used when having an asthma attack. This drug
open the airway is narrowed so that you
can breathe easier. This breathing lozenges drug
among others, beta-agonist and theophylline. Notice regulations
use with care.
• Monitor yourself with a "peak flow meter". Train yourself to use peak
flow meter, sebuahtabung to measure breathing. This tool is useful to know iuntuk
lung function. When a low value means airway narrowing, a sign that
You will be exposed to an asthma attack.
Good work! (Zuhal Fahri)

- Hagen, MD, Philip T., "Mayo Clinic: Guide to Self Care", Keynote, 2002
- "Make friends with Asthma",, October 18, 2000

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