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Saturday, December 11, 2010

5 Healthy Tips Today

1. Don’t eat meat if you have the flu, because animal fats inhibit the body's ability to get rid of germs that cause flu, so long will the flu or worse.
2.Orange Aroma can make you feel more positive, reduce anxiety and more quiet, so that could help overcome the stress experienced daily.
3. Banana, almonds, cheese and sweet orange juice is a food that can be muffled anger because tryptophan rich who can raise levels of serotonin (happy hormone).
4. Fish oil can be a cure for acne. How, wash face with acne cleanser, wash and dry. Dip a finger in the fish oil and dab. Leave overnight.
5. Carrots, tuber,pumpkin, yellow melons (cantaloupe) and green leafy vegetables like spinach contain high beta-carotene which is very good for growing bones and teeth.
Taken from  various sources

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